Isaiah 7 - Ahaz and Assyria

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This lesson is part 13 in a verse by verse study through Isaiah titled: Ahaz and Assyria.

Grace Ambassadors Bible Fellowship - May 19th, 2020.
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Wow, what a wonderful lesson. I’m amazed at how little I know and how much more I can learn from the word of God. Thank you Grace Ambassadors for wonderful lessons like this one.


Watching this 4 years after you recorded. Thank you !! This is amazing !!! Love it


In context Isaiah is speaking about a specific young woman who will become pregnant during the life time of Isaiah and King Ahaz. A miraculous virgin birth that supposedly took place over 560 years later would be irrelevant to Ahaz, who required a sign prior to an imminent military invasion.

Christians attempt to avoid this problem by claiming that this is a “double level prophesy” that happens both during the time of Ahaz and again in the time of Jesus. If Christians want to believe that the word Almah means a virgin and simultaneously claim a “double level prophesy” they would have to believe that a virgin birth took place in the time of Ahaz. However, this never occurred and would also contradict the claim that Jesus’ virgin birth is unique.

The sign mentioned in verse 14 to Ahaz is that the two kings who threatened King Ahaz would be destroyed quickly. This sign is described in the next verse: “before the child knows enough to refuse evil and choose good the land whose two kings you dread will be forsaken” Isaiah 7:15

It is fulfilled in the next chapter with the birth of a child to the prophet Isaiah: “he (Isaiah) approached the prophetess and she conceived (tahar) and bore (taled) a son and God said to me: Name the child “Maher-shalal-hash-baz” which means (the spoil speeds the prey hastens). For before the child shall know how to cry my father my mother the riches of Damascus and the spoil of Sammaria will be carried away before the king of Assyria.” Isaiah 8:4

Clearly, the woman mentioned in Isaiah 7:14 and 8:3-4 are one and the same and that she is Isaiah’s wife. The real sign to King Ahaz is that Isaiah’s child will be born quickly and before he matures (knowing the difference between good and evil and father and mother) the nations who threaten the Kingdom of Judea will be defeated. Interestingly, Isaiah’s children are specifically referred to as a “signs” from God.

“Behold I and the children whom the Lord has given me are for signs and wonders in Israel.” Isaiah 8:18

King Ahaz was told to trust in G-d for assistance and to ask for a sign as proof that his enemies would be defeated. He is told that the sign will be the birth of a child from the young woman who will call the child (Immanuel –עמנואל).[4] Although this name mean ‘God is with us” it does not mean that the child will be divine. It is very common for biblical personality to have names that include God and part of their name. For example, (Daniel –דניאל) means “God is my Judge.” The implication was that G-d would be with Ahaz and the Kingdom of Judah in their fight against their enemies.

Isaiah refers to this when he says, “Contrive a scheme, but it will be foiled; conspire a plot, but it will not stand, for God is with us (Emanu El).” Isaiah 8:10 Eventually the Northern Kingdom of Israel and Aram-Syria are vanquished by the armies of Sennacherib King of Assyria (Babylon) who exiled the northern kingdom, “The king of Assyria invaded the entire country… the king of Assyria captured Samaria and exiled Israel” 2 Kings 17:5-6

“Thus God saved Hezikiah (son of Ahaz) and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of Sennacherib King of Assyria.” 2 Chronicles 32:22 The concept of a virgin birth preceded Christianity and has its roots in Greco-Roman mythology. Numerous Greek and Roman gods were born of virgin births, as recorded in the “Golden Bough” by Frazer, for example Tammus and Attis who both were claimed to be of virgin births. The concept of the virgin birth was adopted by Christianity from the pagan world and has no foundation in Judaism.

Isaiah is clearly describing an event that has no Messianic connotations. In fact, the word Messiah is never used in this chapter.


Thank God we are also living in the Time of Grace 🌌🙋🏻‍♀️for all mankind people can always turn to God and repent Thank You Jesus


Very insightful I was struggling with understanding the book of Isaiah 😊


Thank you! Just what I was looking for to help me understand what’s happening here.


Thank you for recording this excellent study


Also important to Note what ISAIAH 8:6 says, along with the meanings of all the children.

The original sign of ISAIAH 7:14-16, they all refused - ISAIAH 8:6 tells us they refused the waters of Shiloh (Messiah), therefore, if they accepted the sign, the waters of Shiloh, those kings Ahaz feared would have been destroyed before the child reached the age of 12 or 13, however, they refused the sign and instead, hired the King of Assyriah, so God instead brought in a child named *MAHER-SHALAL-HASH-BAZ* which means Quickly to the spoil/plunder and brought upon them the Rivers of destruction instead the waters of Shiloh that go softly. So now the prophesy of ISAIAH 7:14 was a future prophesy.

The prophesy now moves into the future promise of the Davidic King of ISAIAH 9:6-7 called Mighty God. If Ahaz trusted in God, the child born to the prophetess would have been called Immanuel, but he chose to trust in the King of Assyriah over God, so the child's name was now called *MAHER-SHALAL-HASH-BAZ* meaning soon destruction, because they refused the waters of Shiloh (ISAIAH 8:6). The apostles knew the prophesy very well. The child Immanuel is the Messiah - The waters of Shiloh - Ahaz and the people rejected him so they brought on their destruction - sound familiar?


Thank you for the historical account of this passage of scripture.
Can you explain your comment...that there are no prophets today


Seems very specific here....Isaiah 7:3 Then said the LORD unto Isaiah, Go forth now to meet at the end of the conduit of the upper pool in the highway of the fuller's field; if this has particular significance


What an excellent commentary. Very informative.


😔🥺 ...precious brother and Pastor ...i am overlooking this Prophey and i am Recieving another interpretation about Emmanuel ...that sign was actualy given so that The House of David will not be destroyed ..., i must compliment you for the other revelations that you speak about are correct, so i agree with a lot of what you are explaining but some of i still have my questions, And i do hear in how you minister that you do want to shed light on this Scripture and there is a passion in you to study Scripture and dig deep into the Prophecies, keep that going Pastor 🙋🏻‍♀️💪📖but be open for the Holy Spirit if or when He wants to show you More or correct you in sumthing because in that way He will let that gift grow and dont forget Jesus Loves you and He Saves God Bless you, dont forget there is a remnant of Jacob and The Bride The Multitude unnumbered at least that is what i believe ...but i am also open for correction in Spirit and in Truth


In response to the question about how the birth of Jesus could be a sign to king Ahaz, the speaker in this video says that Ahaz refused the sign and therefore the sign wasn't given to him. Rather, he says, it was given to the house of David. (1:03:24) The implication here is that Ahaz isn't included in "the house of David", at least as far as that phrase is being used in this particular context. However, in the very next verse after Ahaz says he won't ask for a sign, Isaiah says something which clearly indicates that Ahaz is included in "the house of David".

"But Ahaz said, “I will not ask; I will not put the Lord to the test.” (Isaiah 7:12)

"Then Isaiah said, “Hear now, you house of David! *Is* *it* *not* *enough* *to* *try* *the* *patience* *of* *humans?* *Will* *you* *try* *the* *patience* *of* *my* *God* *also?* (Isaiah 7:13)

Why would Isaiah or God to be chastising the house of David for what Ahaz said here, if Ahaz isn't included in "the house of David" that Isaiah was speaking to?


Azariah is Uzziah 2Kin14: 21/2Chr26:1
Menaham ruled in Israel before his son pekahiah took over, PEKAH was a captain (presumably militarily) for Pekahiah and conspired against Pekahiah and slew him- 2Kings15: 25- then Pekah reigned for 20years 2kings15: 27


I have one question. If there are no prophets today, why does Paul talk of prophets in Ephesians 4?


FYI, you'r mic keeps blanking out and sounds staticky. Question - you mentioned Assyria and Damascus. Is this a hint at the last days regarding Damascus and the Assyrian?


You are an awesome teacher of the Word. Just subscribed.


This was amazingly helpful!! Thank you for faithfully upholding and expositing the scriptures!


The breakdown & historical context teaching of the Northern Tribes (Israel-Ephraim) & the Southern Tribes (Judah) was very helpful.


It would be great if u can give the change of verse on the screen
