Elon Musk offers a seductive new ability, that could split humanity.

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The first AI robot that can tidy and clean your home, has an even better feature. With Elon Musk, Tesla Bot, Emo and Jetson One.

We're new to youtube, so comments and subs are really helpful.

Autonomous robotic laparoscopic surgery:

Stanford study on detecting diseases:

Jeff Dean on Google’s progress towards general AI:

The teen with bionic arms:
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So what do you think? Would you welcome Chewie at home (the robot at the end)? Chewie's vacuum will detach, so it can clean efficiently and fit under furniture, and he can then empty the vacuum. He'll have sophisticated human-like hands, so AI updates can add functionality. Any thoughts or ideas appreciated. Thanks!


I remember being a kid in the mid 2000s and hearing about upcoming technology and believing that it was all empty promises, "there's no way any of this could exist". Boy was little kid me wrong


I barely remember a world without technology being the forefront of everything. It's kinda crazy just how drastically different things can get over the course of a decade or so. Kinda miss the simplicity...


That's interesting after 2:20.
"Our brain has evolved to discard information that it thinks has irrelevance" - Elon Musk

Our education system would be more effective if students were taught through real-world applications of concepts instead of memorization.

It is easier to memorize material when you apply it in real-world tasks. This is because you understand why you needed to memorize the material (to satisfy relevance), making the learning process more intuitive.


I loved the part about the seductive new ability that could split humanity


I work as an air traffic controller. I'm certain that automation could do my routine work more efficiently than I but my real skill is how I handle things when everything is going wrong. You'd be surprised at the creative ways in which things can go wrong. The question is how can robots handle creative forms of catastrophic failure?


My concern is that technology is advancing faster than society's ability to cope with it. When millions of workers are displaced by robots, what will those people do to provide for themselves and their families? It won't stop at physical labor jobs either; I see a future where even programmers are replaced by AI.

This is no reason to stop innovating of course. The future with technology is bright, we just need to evolve social policy to adapt to the changes.


The problem I see with controlling things via thought alone is sometimes we have intrusive thoughts that can be violent or harmful. The Call of the Void is something a lot of people experience. You're driving on the road alongside a lake. Part of your mind blurts out "Drive into the water" but you of course dont do that because thats crazy. It was just an intrusive thought. You're standing behind someone with a knife in your hand. Part of your brain blurts out "I could stab him right now." but of course you dont because thats crazy.

With an AI that reads thoughts it may not be able to distinguish intrusive thoughts from thoughts you actually want to act on. Imagine a paralyzed person driving their car with their mind and suddenly they veer off into oncoming traffic due to an intrusive thought that they normally would not have acted on.

Robots and bionics are extremely cool and interesting to see progress. Wonder when robots will get so aware that they begin to desire human rights. Wonder if robot lovers and companions will be normalized any time in my lifetime. Certainly interesting indeed.


Never have I thought that a prosthetic arm would be able to be so precise and responsive, as well as be able to feel things just like a real arm would


This stuff is cool and scary, all at the same time. For as long as we live in a world run by psychopaths, the abuses of this tech are as plentiful as positive uses.


Disclaimer: in my older years I have gotten very emotional especially in moments of empathy... This video in this technology is amazing and so when I got to 11 minutes 40 seconds I got really emotional even though I don't really know any amputees nor am I an amputee myself, but I can only imagine how amazing this technology will be for them in the coming future!!!


Human: “Robot?”
Robot: “Yes? What can I do for you?”
Human: “Design self-aware AI.”
Robot: **voice change** “I already have…”


In school I could NEVER remember something unless I knew the significance of it. It always helped me to remember. Some teachers would give me reasons, and I would excel. Other teachers would say it's because I need to learn it, and I would do terribly.


Imagine that in the future everyone can connect their brain to the internet. Sounds fun since we could just imagine and adventure into virtual worlds, but also scary cause you know, it's the internet.

Edit: Just use Express VPN for hackers lol

Edit 2: Damn this really blew up


I agree with Elon that sitting in a classroom memorizing things is not practical for most. While there are things to be learned by being in the classroom but you learn more by doing. A lot of things taught in the classroom could be dumped and the human race would be none the less worse for wear.
One thing that needs to be in the classroom has already been pushed out for the most part. What I speak of is history, yes this curriculum has very little place in academics today as it has in the past.
You can't know where you are going if you don't know where you have been. Also if we don't learn from the past we are doomed to repeat it. So many people today have very little to no historical context to relate to with the challenges we are facing today.
I like to say my head is full of useless trivia, but it's not. I know a lot about the what mistakes we have made and what to do to avoid them. If the youth don't have this foundation I fear that the mistakes we have made will be forgotten and made all over again.
If anyone has read my entire comment Thank You 🙂


The most terrifying part of it is, how few people consider the hazard. And most of the resisters are worried about the wrong things.

Musk's pointer - that we'll be left behind if we don't become hosts to the AI - is arguably the best case scenario.

I must wonder what happened to us. 20 years ago fiction was working hard to explore the hazards - often shallow, but many excellent books, movies and even video games. Today, it seems we're reverted to the robot as our handy obedient pal... '70s levels of innocence.


Oh my god the ability to make an old old photograph “move”? Being able to see a piece of history come to life so to say? That’s my favorite. Sure this stuff has amazing medical and entertainment potential but it’ll be years before any of that would be affordable. If it ever would be mainstream in our lifetime. I’m a fan of programs when it comes to AI personally because online and Bluetooth applications have such amazing potential.


as someone who is a c1-c5 quadriplegic, who cannot move or feel anything below the very top of his shoulders and is on a respirator (i use a mouth operated controller by the name of quadstick and sometimes a voice to text software called dragon speaking naturally), the part when Thomas Oxley said "..and the next Stephen Hawking will have no limitations on his or her ability to not only understand, but communicate the secrets of the universe" hit me right in the feels

..not because of myself, but all the future kids and adults who may unfortunately need it


I remember a world where the latest high-tech device was a calculator made by Texas Instruments. On May 19, I will undergo robotic laparoscopic surgery to remove a cancer from my kidney! Amazing.


As a person who has worked all his life in construction most of my knowledge is muscle memory but also certain applications are automatic but to be able to have the ability that is now available with prosthetics is amazing to actually move with just a thought bravo to these Guinness I kinda wish I could get a brain implant myself.
