Computing and Operations at CERN - Ricardo Rocha (32m talk + 6m Q&A)[2020 02 DevOps Lisbon]

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Computing and Operations at CERN: From Physical HW to Virtualization and Containers

Speaker: Ricardo Rocha, Software Engineer at CERN

In this talk, we describe and cover the challenges of running the infrastructure required to store and analyse 100s of PetaBytes of data, and how we manage 1000s of servers totalling more than 300k cores and offering over 400PBs of storage. We will cover the compute and networking infrastructure running on OpenStack as well as the required configuration management services for automation. And we will finish with the current move towards a containerized infrastructure where Docker and Kubernetes play a key role.

Ricardo is a software engineer at CERN currently part of the CERN cloud team, focusing primarily on networking and container based deployments. Previously he helped develop and deploy several components of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid, a network of ~200 collaborating sites around the world helping to analyze the Large Hadron Collider data. He has a computing degree from FEUP (Faculdade Engenharia da Universidade do Porto), joining CERN as part of his final project focusing on Grid Computing. Ricardo has presented his and his teams work in different international conferences - Computing for High Energy Physics (CHEP), IEEE NSS/MIC, IEEE MSST, DockerCon, Kubecon and multiple OpenStack summits.

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