Napoleon's Marshals Part 2 - Epic History Reaction

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Guys like Lefebvre and Oudinot are really useful. You give them a simple task, simple orders and stop worrying about them. Napoleon rarely asked them to do more.


It should be pointed out that the various duchies and princedoms that Napoleon created for his marshals were victory titles only and did not come with the associated lands. Just like how Lord Wellington received the title of Prince of Waterloo as an honorary title. Only Berthier and Bernadotte were made actual princes that had real land tied too it.


Im a simple person. I see "Vlogging Through History" and "Napoleon" in the same video title, I click


Lefebvre actually taught his wife to read and write. And when Napoleon (who was very fond of her) made her a duchess people said he’d lowered the position to her level. He said “no, I’ve raised the position to her level.” Say what you will about the man but Napoleon could be classy as fuck when ye wanted.


As a boy scout I remember that Carl XVI Gustav is an honorary member of the boy scouts in Sweden. He was there during the world scout jamboree back in 2011. If you want to know more his father was the son of Gustav VI, the presumtive heir to the current king Gustav V who died in 1950, but his father died in a plane crash in Copenhagen back in 1947 and left the 6 months old Gustav as the heir. He also abolished the cognatic succession order and the veto powers of the king back in the 1970's after he became king. One of the oldest, current reigning monarchs in modern day Europe after the giants of Wilhelmina and Elizabeth II.


The King survived the assassination attempt because his carriage was re-enforced to be bullet resistant. The rest weren’t so lucky.


That assassination attempt that killed 18 people but not the target is an interesting story on its own.
The would be regicide built a weapon later named the "infernal machine", a contraption that held 25 barrels filled with shot or slugs and could be fired simultaniously by a single fuze. He mounted that thing on a third floor window overlooking the street and fired it once the king passed.
When the gun was inspected during the subsequent investigation, the officers concluded that the attempt failed in part because of the weapon's design: poor quality meant some barrels failed to fire and the parallel and converging setting of the barrels meant a narrow killzone, that would demand better timing and accuracy. Had the barrels been set with divergent or crossing angles, the king would've likely died with even more collateral casualities.


It is said that Marmont was frequently derided by children in Venice as a “man who betrayed Napoleon”


Fun fact, Bernadotte's sword is still part of the Norwegian royal regalia. And his equestrian statue sits in front of the palace.


I Can tell you that almost all of the marshals are buried at the peer Lachesis cemetery. I have visited the graves myself and when you have found one of them, you have found them all as they are basically buried inside the same 200 square feet!


'Vanity was his undoing...'
Somebody lacks self-awareness.


Unlike Murat or Joseph, Bernadotte didn’t get his kingdom from Napoleon. Sure it wouldn’t have been possible without the circumstances Napoleon created but he didn’t make him king. Bernadotte didn’t owe him loyalty to the point of acting against the interests of his new country


How can you not like Lefebvre, great guy


32:35: The Assassin rigged 18 muskets together in a contraption known as the "infernal machine" so that they fired at the same time. . He only had 1 friend who helped.


Re Mortier, there was a joke in the French Army at the time "The Big Mortar has a short range" - in other words, he was a Marshal, but had limited command ability.


Scrolling YouTube for part 2. Felt like forever lol. Can’t wait until Chris releases the full reaction compilation.


Just got back home from Stockholm today and you can see the love the city had for Bernadotte, he gets a huge statue outside the palace (the only others to get statues are Gustavus Adolphus, Charles XII and Gustav III), and has a huge sarcophagus in the Riddarholmen Church which is larger than and of the Gustavian Kings and all the Carolingian Kings excCept for Charles XII. The Gates to the royal palace also have the royal cypher of Carl XIV Johann.


Honestly wasn’t expecting a part 2 for at least a week.. we are so back baby


Epic History REALLY does the Napoleonic Wars well!!! Your comments on this and Part One were great.


34:30 Lets take a moment to acknowledge one of the worst meals in history, Chicken Marengo.
