Substrate FREE Aquariums Are the FUTURE!

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Discover why substrate-free aquariums are the future of fishkeeping! Learn about the common misconceptions of bare bottom tanks with plants, and a better way to understand how aquarium plants eat. Join the trend and create a beautiful, low-maintenance environment for your aquatic friends! #aquarium
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Great video. i have to rethink how i keep tanks.


I also have tanks with substrate, but as I show in the video, plants do just fine without substrate too! It started as a way to weigh down stem plants in a quarentine tank because I just needed a place to store them. I wanted them weighed down so they grew straight up and didnt curl as stem plants do when floated. I noticed they formed roots at the base that grew to the base of the substrate and into the mulm and the plants thrived. Are you trying the skeptical method?!


Popping in before the video airs to say I just came across your channel and planted bare bottom tanks is an excellent thing to focus on. I have several nano tanks 5g and under that have no substrate, some with a handful of rocks for the shrimp to pick through. Various swords and plants including some reni swords that float at the surface with roots hanging down. Looking forward to more info on this topic.


I learned alot more about plants by hydroponic and house plants videos than planted aquariums videos, with You're videos im realizing other things like less substrate slso helps keep a lower kh for plants, softer water is absorbed by organic matter much faster than hard water, i know this because when i put wild rice in a jar of RO water the rice softens faster than whem i use hard tap water. Now i know why plants need lower kh .


Thank you !! Something new to learn
What plants are there in your tank??


I have a question, so if theres 2 water columns in our aquariums, can it be that both have there own water parameters, like the kh could be higher in the stagnant water column ?


What fertilizer to use in this kind of setup? Please tell.


had to go barebottom tank for my cory fry. putting in substrate and sand advertized as ph neutral in the tank lead to fungus infection of over 40 eggs. the sand had changed ph from 6.5 to 7.5 in a day and killed /crippled nearly all fish. even after cleaning it out anr refilling with more aquarium water, the bits left in the corners were enough to spike the ph a second time. it's ugly, but barebottom is easier to clean and can be safer.


I’m doing bare bottoms right now, it must be a trend. Does this only work with stem plants or epiphytes? I think the perception is they feed mostly from the roots but can also feed from the water column. If the roots are in the water column than let’s go. I’m curious about root feeders like sag or Val, the roots may need something to grab


I have a new Neon Tetra tank that has a sandy soil layer, But all my plants are attached to the Bogwood via glue, I have xmas moss and almond leaves as fillers


Right now my tanks have about 2 inches of light weight lava gravel, plants are growing fine but if any plants stop receiving nutrients i will be removing some of the substrate just enough to keep the roots closer to the water column, im also looking to order some brown collar ceramic rings for anchoring aquarium plants,


Soil for plants is a holding material than nutrients in water out of water wr know that deep down but we dont accept because we've seen opposite reality 😅


Bro you need to at least have something for bio load lol but if your rocking one fish you might be good!


@FISHTORY what is your 5 cents on this topic?
