4x Things I Did To Balance My Hormones

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4x Things I Did To Balance My Hormones | Let's get personal

Hi friend,

Today, I want to get a bit personal with you all. One of the best decisions I've ever made was opening up about my hormonal health journey. Before sharing it openly on social media, I never realized how many of you were going through the same thing. Hormonal issues can manifest in various ways—acne, skin problems, weight fluctuations, mood swings, irregular periods, you name it.

Over the years, I've experimented with many habits and learned a ton from experts in the field. I'm excited to share some tips and tricks that have truly transformed my life and journey.

One big aspect I've found crucial is nutrition. It plays a huge role in our hormone health. Inspired by this, I worked together with my friend and registered dietitian, Dominika, to create a full library of hormone-friendly recipes on Soul Sync Body. These are recipes I've been making on repeat and can't wait to share with you all. ***

I hope this video can be helpful to you. And remember, wherever you are in your journey, be patient!

Sending much love,


*** I'm not a doctor or expert in hormonal health. This video is based on my personal experiences and research. Please consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

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“Sometimes you have to slow down to speed up”
That’s so true and so well said! Great video Sanne!


This is exactly what happened to me. As soon as a switch from HIIT to yoga and Pilates my periods came back. I wish someone told me about this before. Thanks Sanne for such an important video!


She genuinely seems like the sweetest person


as a girl struggling with a missing period for the last two years I can confirm that what truly messed me up was: lots of caffeine on an empty stomach, restrictive eating (too little protein and too little healthy carbs), not resting enough. I have a highly stressful job and I’m on call 24/7 for my patients and my rest literally consisted in scrolling on my phone and cleaning the house while listening to a podcast… I was slowly killing myself. I also got acne and gained weight. I finally got my period back a few days ago & reading Alisa Vitti’s books has helped tremendously! I’m working so hard now to get my health and body back. I can make it and so can you 💗


“It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you.”


Thankyou so much for sharing this, I've actually been interested in learning more about hormonal imbalances since I've noticed my stress and mood changing every other day. Taking care of our bodies is definitely a huge priority x


This video came in at such a perfect time. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2021 and was advised to take the pill. I was a stressed out medical student back then who had no time to look after herself and was really really broke to buy healthy whole foods, I agreed and started to take the pill without any knowledge of its long term effects. Now that I’m in a better position, I’ve been wanting to stop the medication and treat my condition more naturally. This video was heaven sent . Thanks ❣️✨


WOW!!! Knew all of this and you confirmed it.
GOD I hear you!! Everything is within.
Thank you for allowing HIM to use you!! 🙏🏽🎉


love this advice! I find it really frustrating when you finally get to a place where you feel like you've "healed" your body by doing all the right things and then all of a sudden something comes up, like a change in your digestion for example, even though you've changed nothing and then you have to start over and trying figure what's the problem...


She is literally the productive queen ✨💗💗💗💗


I appreciate and totally admire you Sanne for bringing this up, this needs to speak more about🙌💞💟


Thank you so much for this beautiful video. I was on birth control/ spiral for 14 years and didn’t have my period for 14! Years!! Lost it at 14 and got it back at 28! I’m in the middle of re balancing and it is so hard. Good that your gut told you to stay away from “solving” the problems with birth control. Honestly, that’s just another weird way to quick fix/ suppress the feminine and it literally drives you crazy.
Grateful for a video like yours. I am working on all the things you’ve mentioned and really hope that one day, with patience and consistency, I’ll be able to feel better. Keep the great work’ 😊


I had a feeling that I was listening to my own story 😅I lost my period for 7 months and nothing worked until I realize the importance of nutrition, self-care and just allowing myself to rest. I constantly pushed myself to work out, didn't miss a single day and spiked my cortisol levels not only by morning coffee but a looots of things. One thing that played a big role in my case was adding protein in the morning before coffee. I feel sorry for myself when I realize that all I was eating was carbs (healthy carbs, rich with fiber, but still).

Thank you Sanne for sharing your story with us, it means a lot to see I'm not the only one who struggled with that. BTW I've never thought about feminine and masculine energy, that's a very interesting point to reflect about! Because similar to you, all my energy is indeed mascular and even now, I struggle allowing my body to actually rest


So glad you’re talking about this! Hormone imbalances seem very common. I’m about two years into managing my hormone imbalance and I just did my second Dutch test. I’ve found regulating my nervous system soo important (via yoga nidra). I was totally addicted to exercise, over exerting and under nourishing my body so learning the art of rest and recovery… doing less to do more has been fundamental to my healing. Thank you for sharing 💕🦋


Thank you so so much for this video I can't stress enough how important the things you talk about are. I relate to sooo many things. I also used to be a model and what I realized later was that me being super disciplined was actually harmful to my body in the long term. I wanted to push myself as much as possible, worked out too much because I thought the more the better. Of course I ate too little but at that time I thought I nourished my body well. I was constantly stressed and overstimulated. I focused on my diet and exercising but thought resting was a waste of time. (the masculine energy you talk about was all me) I think that was my biggest mistake. I didn't realize you need to rest to be able to keep going in a sustainable way. I'm on my way to my better and healthier self 😊 I needed time to change my perspective so I hope your video will help others to do it faster and maybe identify some problems which they thought they didn't have. Thanks again for a great video ❤️ hugs!! 😚


Amenorrhea is most likely caused by being chronically underweight and/or over working out.


So many amazing tips, and many of which I have also incorporated and seen such a big difference! You’re the best, Sanne! 💖


My dear Sanne, thank you so much! I think this video described the balancing tools in a very best way❤


this is so beyond helpful! I love that you approached this from a gross lense of who to see in the medical realm. I've been struggling with where to start to get things tested so thank you, Im looking into getting appointments rn! <3


This was such a good, thoughtful video! I appreciate your effort sharing so honestly and clearly.
