How to Safely Store Popular Emergency Fuels

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One of the questions we are asked most often is “Where is the safest place to store gasoline (or diesel or kerosene or Coleman fuel or butane or propane or alcohol) for an emergency? The answer is ... it depends. The answer varies by individual fuel and living circumstances.

If you live on a 10 acre farm you have significantly more options than if you live in a one bedroom apartment. The problem is that fuel is critical for survival for everyone. You need it to boil water, cook your food, power communications, and to keep from freezing to death.

In this video we are going to review basic principles to help you safely store the most popular emergency fuels. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet when it comes to safely storing fuel. Be sure to conduct your own research to ensure that your information is accurate.

Improper fuel storage could result in poor performing fuels at best and loss of life and property at worst. Don’t risk it!

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About 10 years ago we had a major storm take out the power for about 2 weeks. There was gas available, but it was an hour drive away. The problem was the availability of gas cans to carry it, not so much the fuel itself. If you don't have a safe place to store 10-20 cans of fuel, just buy a bunch of cans and store them empty. In an emergency, fuel will likely be available somewhere, and as long as you have the cans, you can go get it.


I am revisiting this video after first viewing it about 9 months ago. I am happy to say that I have moved all but minimal amounts of fuel out of my house into far safer places out side. I still have a couple of issues to solve but have come a long way. Thanks to all that contributed ideas !


Thanks for the video! I was storing small propane tanks in a foam container in the garage. Now I know it needs ventilation.


The deck box idea is great! I just picked up a bunch of the Coleman 1lb propane canisters and came here to find out where to safely store them, thanks!


Thanks for the tips. I have a variety of fuels stored in my detatched shed but am realizing that with the door closed (which it seldom seems to be) there isn't enough ventalation. One of my springtime chores will be to add some vents, both high and low. These should also help to keep the summertime temps in the shed at a safer level. I have also heard that propane and butane bottles are more likely to leak if they are left installed in their respective devises. So I disconnect and recap the fuel canisters when not in use.
I do love the ventilated deckbox idea. Safe storage outside of a building but also out of the sight of prysing eyes!


Man…just in time. I have those small propane tanks, stored in my back bedroom….yikes!!! They are now in my detached garage safety on the shelf. I thought keeping them in the house was better choice b/c of our cold winters and hot summers here in Michigan. But…let them blow in the garage, not my home! Oh jezz….thank God I lived to learn!! Thank you for this video!!!


Often overlooked is the fuel tank in your vehicle. Keep your automobiles tank topped off and you have instant emergency storage. My preference, especially here in the Philippines, is diesel fuel but gasoline will also work. Most modern vehicles have restrictions in the fuel filler neck that prevent the easy siphoning of fuel. Often you can defeat that simply by using a smaller diameter tubing for your siphon hose. Practice pre-need to be sure you can remove fuel from your vehicle. In the course of our business, we recently took possession of an almost new Toyota WIGO gasoline powered car. My wife will be driving that as it is easy to maneuver and park. If she keeps that vehicle topped off, there will be up to 33 liters of fresh fuel to get us past a short term power outage. Even if we can only access say 6 of the 8 + gallons of fuel in the tank, that will run an efficient little Honda gen-set for a decent amount of time and or fuel a multi-fuel cook-stove. There will be no need to even think about lighting off a larger diesel gen-set until we are sure the power will be out for an extended period of time. Make no mistake that diesel (and kerosene) are far and away safer than gasoline.


Should a gas can be stored with the lid tight and the vent closed?


Can you store the 5 gallon gas can in the garage? Thank you.


Yikes! It's been 104F in Southern Arizona, I have 3 cans of butane in a storage tub in the back of my van. Bad idea? Thanks for sharing! Liked, subscribed and shared! <3


Can I store my gas cans in a deck box with fans blowing cool air in an out


Take your fuel ahead use Adobe on the outside of building and a vent that openes automatically


It was a good video, but ithink your wrong about white gas or camper fuel as shown in your video... I have used 8year old camper fuel in my Coleman pump lanterns without any problems...My next project will be building my fuel storage the way, I finally put up my 10, 000 gallon rain harvesting video with the 12v pumping system that works on wind and solar.


Diesel doesn't gel if you put the right additives in it. Also less flammable and cheaper to get if you get farm fuel.


I refuel my car or truck when it gets to 50%. That way I always have at least half a tank of gas.


I have the butane canasters stored in our basement. If I take to our outdoor shed it will be cold in winter and hot in summer.


I'm an apartment dweller. My apt gets hot during the summer. I have no choice but to store butane and kerosene inside. The kerosene isn't sold year round here in lower NY. Our gas stations don't sell it either. So I have to catch it when Lowes has it during the High Holidays. Which is basically now. Edit: Ok over 122 degrees. I'm giving away the propane...I buy the 4pk wrapped butane in plastic wrap from the Korean Supermarket. Should I take them out of the plastic?


The larger propane tanks do need to be hydrostatic tested every 10 years. Or do swap rather than refill every few years.


I would be interested in a review of the safety, usability, and empty storage of the Flame King refillable 1 pound fuel canister. Please???


Hi, what is the best way to store gasoline if you live in an apartment and the weather is hot and humid?
