Have You Never Read? (The Clarity of Scripture); Live Q&A

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In this livestream I aim to look at the New Exodus theme in the Book of the Twelve, and then also at one way by which the Lord Jesus indicated Scriptures' clarity. Along with that I will also answer your questions, Lord willing.


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With Anthony it's just solid bible. No gimmicks, no politics just The Word. Brillant


Excellent discussion. I learned much from it. Thank you brother.


This is such valuable teaching. Solid and inspiring.


Love the way he explains the verses and meanings glad to listen to such wisdom from a servant of God


1:04:25 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Happy Birthday to the two of you


Thanks so much again -- some great observations


As for the 1 Sam 21 and Jesus’s usage of the passage it’s quite interesting subject. When I was reading and studying 1 Sam I was thinking that David, after leaving Jonathan in 1 Sam 20 is completely alone, desperate and hungry, therefore he is not only laying to Achimelek about “urgent king’s business” but also about his company hiding somewhere. Then I went to this Jesus’s comment where He explicitly says about those who were with David. What are your thoughts? In Jesus’s words Achimelek is also not mentioned but it’s actually quite frequently commented.


Wow never correlated the part about Abraham seeing the Lords day and rejoicing! Jesus is indeed God 🎉


For that Maron guy... "is, " "are, " "were, " and "will" are definite terms that may express past, future, or present. The word "can" does not, but rather, leaves a clause or statement open ended.

"Can" a Unitarian be saved? Sure, they "can"... if they repent. But that is not the same as, they "will" be saved, or that they "are" saved. Just because you "can" do something, doesn't mean you "will."

Jared's question, which you kept misrepresenting was asking whether or not the Trinity is a necessity for salvation. In response, LaSala said that a Trinitarian "can" be saved. Not that they "will" be, or "are." LaSala intentionally used the word, "can" to infer that a Trinitarian "is" not, "are" not, and "will" not be saved as long as they hold to that view. Not that they "cannot" be saved.

And that was the reason I raised ten kinds of hell towards the end of the broadcast. For LaSala to say that a Trinitarian "can" be saved assumes that Trinitarianism is not a necessity of the faith, because it assumes that something must first occur before that Trinitarian can in fact, be saved. While a self-professing Trinitarian might not be a "true" Christian in the sense that they may be living a life full of immorality, that goes without saying that true born again Christian's are in fact, Trinitarian. It is definitional. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck then it's probably a duck. But if it only quacks like a duck, beware.


Great job as always. Belated birthday brother Anthony I pray God blesses you and gives you many more b'days!


What is the difference between Christianity and Islam? Christianity is living up to the examples that Christ set for His followers. Islam is living up to the examples that Mohammed set for his followers. Even though Christ and Mohammed lived over 600 years apart, Christ was not a Muslim who was trying to live up to the examples that Mohammed would set; and Mohammed was not — (and by no means) a Christian living up to the examples of Christ. The two are diametrically opposed to each other in their teachings, their relationship with God, and their lifestyles.
Interestingly, Muslims gain fame (celebrity, notoriety) by linking Christ with Mohammed. Christians, on the other hand, find it appalling — horrifying, distasteful, wicked, disgraceful, profane, scandalous, and inhuman. Christ is the one who God intended for all people to be like. To Christ be the power and the glory forever and ever! Amen!


20:30 I thought they were Egyptian midwives, but I could be wrong. Thank you for another great study!!!


Hey bro have you got 12 sons of Israel yet??? You and your wife will love it, don't forget to get it.
