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Be very careful. You can get addicted to being inadvertently helpful. #story #fyp #psychology #goodvibes #love
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Terrific video! I love this guy! Well done and thank you!


As an amateur actor and a professional interpreter, I fully subscribe to virtually every single word of this video. You nailed it!


"He was an acquired taste." Love it. And yes, sometimes people do change. What a wonderful observation, Neal. But you! Don't ever change. 🙂


Neal this one in particular hit Home. I LOVE ALL your Messages! Only Experience builds our Knowledge. Anyone can become Smart but not everyone Becomes Wise. Thanks, Neal.


Another great story! And, again, it puts me in mind of a character from my early days. I used to work as a paramedic back when dinosaurs roamed, and one of my first partners was this super crusty older (35-40, but I was just a kid) paramedic that was waaaay past burnout. He used to keep a list of the 7 people he was going to 'off' if he ever got diagnosed with terminal illness. He was always saying, "You don't want to make my list!" Dark, I know... Luckily I only worked with the guy off & on for about a year then we went our separate ways.

I ran into this guy out of blue about 25 years later and he has a whole new view on life. Turns out some angelic creature agreed to marry him, they had children and now he's a grandpa and he has a whole new outlook on the world. People do change when the right leverage is applied!


And you knocked another one out of the park!


Always the best part of my day.... Stay the best. Thanks!


I worked in several offices when I was younger and before I became self-employed. Without exception, everybody in those offices hated everyone else.


Yep, once again...outstanding work here Mr. Foard!


Hi Neal! Absolutely love your description of "acquired taste"! Plus, a red light being only a suggestion! I lived in Naples, Italy for a time. And the Red Light Being a Suggestion was a REALITY! 😅


Fantastic vignette. You never disappoint


This also says to me that sometimes that guy getting premonitions isn’t sure because emotion gets in the way.


I had an experience with premonition that I can't explain and have wanted to talk to someone about...
Many years ago I had a dream. (I'll keep it short to the point but it was longer), , , , I was in a store that was familiar and walking with my cart and suddenly from the left another cart kinda bumped me, I turned to look and standing there was both my parents, , , the strange thing was that typically they would have been away from town but in this dream they were in town, I was surprised to see them and asked "why are you here, you should be set for the winter", , , their reply was "we just pretended to go away this year but in fact we have lost our money, we didn't want anyone else to know so we hid it", , , hmm strange I thought, , , , in the next scene I was driving to my parents home, I pull into their driveway and turn my head looking towards their large back window and I see MY father standing there and suddenly he puts a gun to his head, pulled the trigger and fell to the ground, , , I woke up yelling out NO!...I sat up shaking, spoke to my partner about the dream, eventually calmed down but it was so vivid I couldn't shake the lingering the next morning I decide "I'm gonna call them at their winter home and say hello, so I did, , , my mom answered right away, a strange tone to her voice and I ask her "how ya doing", , , she replied "we are packing now to come home", , , , I paused knowing they weren't due home for a couple months so I asked with humor "why, who died", , , she was silent for a moment and said "you don't know, I left you a voicemail last night, didn't you listen to it?"...I said no, why? She paused again and said "your sister in law, her father (who I knew well for many years) committed suicide last night, he shot himself in the head", , , I was stunned and could only utter "why, what was happening ", , , she said "he had become very depressed and had basically lost his long term family business, he was broke and apparently took his own life!" After we spoke for a few moments I then told her about the dream I had the night before and that DAD had done event took place 26 years ago and I have no clue, insight or knowledge as to why? How could I have dreamt what I did about my father on the same night that this happened to another family??? This is 100% genuine, I'm making up no details, it simply happened as it did, why and how? I've had a few "smaller" premonitions that did come true, I knew that my dog would somehow escape and get struck by a car, I KNEW it in my GUT I would lose her to a fast car on a dark road, , , , how do these things happen, is it universal consciousness, something "re-lived from a past life? To this day Iv'e tried to seek answers, some resolution as well like watching this video. Any feedback or insight is welcome. Thank you!


Thanks you for another wonderful story


Yes, they do. Great story and lesson, Neal. Loved it. ❤


This retired Irish man used to walk into 7 pubs to predict the winner for every horse in a 7 horse race. So he went to collect his drinks from the pub that the horse won at.


I was walking around my block for exercise. A neighbour down the street was getting out of a VW Tiguan, and ran inside. I came back around 12 minutes later, and the lights are all still on. "Hmm. Those should have shut off by now." Kept walking. Third lap by: lights still on. Sigh. Okay. Go up to the door, passing the Tiguan, and SEE THE KEYS IN THE IGNITION. Doorbell. Kids with noses against living room window. Dude comes to the door, just wide enough for his head. "Hey, neighbour!" (I walk almost daily.) "Hey, lights are still on in the (dealership loaner) Tiguan. Might wanna turn those off so you can return it in the morning!" "You the man! Thanks!" (I head back down the driveway, and he's behind me.) "Oh, and the keys are in it, too." "You the man! Thanks! You need a bottle of water?" "Nah, thanks. Just walking!"

Now, so far, all "According to Foard." But, there's this guy at work, who is demonstrating over the past two weeks he's a real piece of work. Half way down the block, basking in having done something nice for a neighbour, a less charitable thought occurred: "Ya know, if that was <PoW>'s house, and he'd left the lights on, I might not have stopped to tell him; I might have stopped, opened the driver's door, and turned the key and left the door open." AUGH. So close to being a force for good and not evil. Well, unactioned thoughts aren't behaviours, at least. Keep tryin'.


I’m going to have to ponder this thought! I do say things to people that cause them to think about what I’m saying, instead of giving them the answer and I do this on a very regular basis. One time in a conversation with a friend of mine, I told him that honesty is the worst pain that you will ever know! He said, no it isn’t and then I just let it go and didn’t pursue that topic of the conversation. Two days later that thought seed grew into a tree and he called me and we had a long conversation about that topic. So I use this phrase and I call this a thought seed. I plant them as often as possible even if it’s just a random stranger which I recently did and it was amazing. Pay It Forward is one of my methods of payments that you can pay me. Sometimes I do random acts of kindness, and this involves the person thanking me and then they try and pay me and their method of payment is for them to watch the movie. Nine times out of 10 people don’t know what I’m talking about and they look at me with a very perplexing expression.


Hi Neal, I’ve watched most of your videos now…binge-Netflix-style 😄. They’re that good!

Is there any chance that you’ll do a tutorial or advice video on how to plan a short YouTube clip? I’m always trying to up my own story-telling skills and you’ve provided a fantastic standard to aim for.

Alternatively can you recommend any good books that would help?

In the meantime looking forward to your next story!


I would appreciate the discontinuing of the distracting background music during the audios Mr. Foard’s short stories. Those of us with hearing discrimination issues, with competing sounds for our attention, would greatly appreciate that. Thank you.
