Arduino IDE Version 2.3.0 quick tour for beginners.

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This is a quick look at the latest Arduino IDE 2.3.0 ( or greater) for beginners.
I have not gone into lots of detail as more will be covered in the lessons that follow.

For those using the Classic 1.8.19 version please see the video at:

For more information at and further tutorials please visit:
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I'm not a beginner but I recently found your channel and have been watching whenever a new video comes out. I did want to watch this one because I downloaded the new IDE about 6 months ago and found it to be garbage. I put a sketch on it, downloaded it to my microcontroller and it ran okay. Fine...then I made some changes to the sketch (like you do) and downloaded to the microcontroller again. It ran okay again with the changes. Then somewhere along the line the IDE froze up. Couldn't make changes to the sketch, couldn't compile it, couldn't download it, couldn't even minimize or close the window. Only way to get out of it was to go to the task bar at the bottom and click on something else.

Well, okay, these things happen sometimes to computers. So I didn't think too much about it. Until it happened again with another sketch. Luckily I still have the old reliable classic IDE on the computer. It's the only one I use - I don't go near The new IDE. Garbage as far as I'm concerned.

Thanks for your videos. You explain things very well and even though I have been fooling around with arduinos for 6 years now, I always learn something new from seasoned pros like you.


Excellent breakdown of this. Very much appreciated sir.


I'm forever (hopefully) stuck on 1.8 due to a 12 year old laptop running win8. Hopefully in terms of my laptop os that is. Thanks for these videos, they are truly appreciated.
