Delphi Programming Tutorial #67 - Form Ownership
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Here we take a look at Form ownership in both the VCL and FireMonkey, this is a pretty basic Delphi tutorial.
Alister Christie is a Delphi MVP (Most Valued Professional), Consultant, Developer, Trainer, Presenter, and Author. He has presented at ADUG (Australasian Delphi Users Group) Symposia and Code Rage Conferences for many years. Alister holds a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from Victoria University, Wellington. He lives near Wellington, New Zealand.
On this YouTube Channel, Alister has created many hours of video tutorials to help you learn Delphi Programming in efficient and effective ways. Using his lessons, you will programme faster and better, skills applicable for beginners through to experts wanting to expand their programming and coding proficiency.
Video topics by Alister Christie include VCL (Visual Component Library), FireMonkey, FireDAC, Cross-platform, Android, iOS (iPad or iPhone Operating System), Mac OS/X, Windows, IoT (Internet of Things), Algorithms, and more.
Alister Christie is a Delphi MVP (Most Valued Professional), Consultant, Developer, Trainer, Presenter, and Author. He has presented at ADUG (Australasian Delphi Users Group) Symposia and Code Rage Conferences for many years. Alister holds a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from Victoria University, Wellington. He lives near Wellington, New Zealand.
On this YouTube Channel, Alister has created many hours of video tutorials to help you learn Delphi Programming in efficient and effective ways. Using his lessons, you will programme faster and better, skills applicable for beginners through to experts wanting to expand their programming and coding proficiency.
Video topics by Alister Christie include VCL (Visual Component Library), FireMonkey, FireDAC, Cross-platform, Android, iOS (iPad or iPhone Operating System), Mac OS/X, Windows, IoT (Internet of Things), Algorithms, and more.
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