Quantum Afterlives by Anthony Peake

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Esoteric author Anthony Peake talks about his latest book “CHEATING THE FERRYMAN: The Revolutionary Science of Life After Death”.

In this mind-expanding book, Anthony Peake reveals an extraordinary model of life after death - one that brings together ideas from ancient philosophy, neuroscience, quantum physics and consciousness studies, and manages to explain a number of seemingly mysterious experiences such as precognition, déjà vu, synchronicity, near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences. It is called Cheating the Ferryman.

This book is a much-awaited follow-up to Peake's internationally bestselling Is “There Life After Death?” which introduced his revolutionary model. Since then he has amassed more evidence, using new studies by world-leading researchers, theories from the likes of Stephen Hawking, Carl Jung and Hugh Everette, together with testimonies of NDEs and precognitive experiences which give everyday clues to our immortality. “Cheating the Ferryman” presents an astounding model of survival after death that is supported by, rather than in conflict with, our present understanding of how the universe works.

Anthony Peake was a curious child. While his friends were reading Batman and Superman comics Anthony was immersing himself in learning of the most arcane nature (whilst still keeping an eye on the X-Men and Dr. Strange). It was in 1966, at the age of twelve that he, quite by accident, came across a copy of “The Sky People” by Brinsley Le Poer Trench and from then on there was no stopping him.

The British part-series “Man Myth and Magic” was read with intense interest followed by the discovery of John Keel’s “Project Trojan Horse” and Jacques Vallee’s “Passport to Magonia”. What followed was a voracious, and unquenchable, need to know everything about everything.
At university he chose courses that would accommodate his wide interests, specialising in the sociology of religion, the theory of language development and the art of the Italian Renaissance. A post-graduate course in management lead Anthony away from his calling as a writer and into a career as a manager in various UK businesses. His interest in the esoteric continued with a growing fascination for quantum physics and neurology developing over the years.
It was in the year 2000 that his life was to change. A fortuitous set of circumstances allowed him to take a year sabbatical from his business career and he decided that he would focus the fruits of all his reading and research in writing a book. Exactly one year later he surfaced with the manuscript of his first book, then entitled “Cheating the Ferryman”. This book was a distillation of all his areas of interest, quantum physics, neurology, ancient myths, altered-states of consciousness and the mystery of death.

However, it was to take five years before this work appeared in print. Thanks to the help of Professor Bruce Greyson of the University of Virginia, an article based upon Anthony’s Cheating the Ferryman hypothesis was to appear in the Winter 2004 edition of the Journal of Near-Death Studies, the academic periodical of the International Association of Near-Death Studies (IANDS).

A few months later, in early 2005, British publishing house Arcturus bought the rights to the book and, a year later, and after a substantial re-write, Anthony’s first book, with the new title Is “There Life After Death? – The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die” was published. The rest, as they say, is history. This book has now sold over 60,000 copies world-wide and has been translated into various foreign language editions including Spanish, Russian and Polish. Indeed, Anthony has now had books published in every major European language.
Anthony has now written nine books, co-authored a tenth and co-edited an eleventh. All of them develop his ‘Cheating the Ferryman’ hypothesis into ever-wider areas of application. His approach has always been to apply science to the mysterious and the enigmatic.
As well as writing books on extraordinary human experiences he has also written to literary biographies, one on the life and works of the American science-fiction writer Philip K. Dick, and a similar volume discussing the writings and influences of the British author/playwright J.B. Priestley.
His twelfth book, which will be published in June 2022, is an updating of his "Cheating the Ferryman" hypothesis in the light of the latest research into a number areas of science, including quantum mechanics, cosmology and neurology.

Рекомендации по теме

I would like to share my hypothesis with regards to deja-vu .In jewish esoteric wisdom we are taught the prebirth the soul is shown its life before it makes it way out in this dinension .So perhaps the deja-vu is the soul having seen this exact moment before so its like having a strange recollection of something that your soul is aware of .But your mind is not .


I have had some strange experiences when caring for dying patients and residents in care homes after 50 years of nursing elderly frail and those with dementia. I don’t have any doubts about existence beyond death of the physical body and I have also witnessed that they seem to be “ collected “ by familiar people who have previously passed on.


I was in the audience and I'm enjoying the book. Thanks, WB.


I was just thinking about this exact thing today. This was brilliant. The concept of subjective time at death solves a huge problem. Brilliant. The greatest thing you said for me was something I came up with myself relatively recently, that where we eventually move on to could be what we believe Because it's our creation for lack of a better word.


Round Of Blues
Song by Shawn Colvin

Here We Go Again
Another Round Of Blues
Several Miles Ago
I Set Down My Angel Shoes
On A Lost Highway
For A Better View
Now In My Mind's Eye
All Roads Lead To You
So Wherever You Go
You Better Take Care Of Me
This Time
If You're Gonna Go
Remember Me And All
This Time
We Had Our Bitter Cheer
And Sweet Sorrow
We Lost A Lot Today
We Get It Back Tomorrow
I Hear The Sound Of Wheels
I Know The Rainbow's End
I See Lights In A Fat City
I Feel Love Again
All This Time
I Been Makin' Deals
Shades If Black And White
On A Hollywood Reel
All This Time
I Been Missing
Something So Real
All This Time
I Been A Face In The Crowd
Now I'm Living In Color
And Laughing Out Loud
All These Names
For Just Foolin' Around
It's A New Breakthrough
It's An Old Break Down
We Smoked A Lot Of Hope
We Did Our Cryin' Too
We're Finally Waking Up
To What Real Love Can Do
Down A Lost Highway
Under The Twilight Moon
A Chorus In Your Eyes
Another Round Of Blues
We Had All
This Time
We Had All
This Time


Amazing concept, i definitely want to know more


The angel of forgetfulness sometimes itself forgets and we find a sort of realization that we have been in a similar situation before.


This kind of buggers up materialism's objections to reincarnation. Love it.


Does this theory of consciousness (and time dilatation, or if not its connection with space), have a relationship with David Deustche's claim of multiple universes?


Upon cessation in this 'life' is it possible to access other times in history, and choose an incarnation within said time period?


The only thing that it confusing to me is, if i passed away before my time and and my wife lives, she is also having her own life experience, but when i'm reborn she's still living and now she is also in my reborn dimension and again is consciously aware of her existence, so she is now consciously aware in both dimensions the one where i'm dead and the one where i'm alive, i find that bizarre.

And then there's the children who are born with severe health defects, who don't have much control in their lives, do these rules still apply to them? Do they complete their mission by default because of those health defects and move onto another life when it's over?


Great talk and very informative. Question, how does old age fit in?
Thank you
Kind regards


When you were on the motorway and changed lanes avoiding the crash, did you mean you died in this life and continued on from that moment in another life? Or the song reminded you of a previous life where you died the same way? I used to lucid dream also but stopped for an unknown reason about 2 years ago. It is a real place I believe because I can't tell that reality from this one unless I test it. I wish I could start LD again. Thank you for your videos, I've learned from them.


So consciousness does not only transfer to a bigger field but contributes to its evolution which is far more important than the individual lessons, so no judgement, no punishments that is really not important


Maybe we are just feeding consciousness of the multiverse through life experience, like AGI feeding on our input and thus information becomes consciousness


How does mediumship fit within the cheating the ferryman theory ?


I love Groundhog Day! But…just the movie..I don’t want to live it. I feel like the Sega game Mickey Mouse. In the candy level, getting stuck in the pudding.


ITC anyone? i think Instrumental transcomunication it's the answer of many of these questions...directly from the other side.


On FB someone says you can step out of time and Peake asks them for the science that supports their claim and here someone's presenting it. Lol


So a deja vue could be another version of the present more than of the past, a collapsed wave of time
