Dr. David Unwin - 'Why black swans matter: The difference N=1 and noticing success can make'

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From this revelation, Dr. Unwin now ignores official advice and treats his patients with a low-carbohydrate diet. Since adopting the approach, his practice now spends £50,000 less each year on drugs for diabetes than is average for his area.

Dr. Unwin is the RCGP National Champion for Collaborative Care and Support Planning in Obesity & Diabetes, as well as a Clinical Expert in diabetes. In 2015 he won the North West NHS ‘Innovator of the Year Award’ and in 2016 he won the National NHS 'Innovator of the Year Award' for his work in treating diabetes with a low carbohydrate approach.
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I’m a GP and I often recommend patients to watch Dr Unwins talks for the positive messages they convey and the antidote to the inaction I was used to and guilty of myself in patients with diabetes or at risk of T2DM, or with fatty liver etc, he has opened my eyes and I now like these patients as I have something valuable to tell them! Dr Unwin is an inspiration, thank you !


Imagine if all doctors were Dr.Unwin, compassionate, brilliant with genuine....love you doc!!!


I was always the black sheep of the family now I realise I'm the black swan. I am 67 type 2 diabetic off all meds and an HbA1c of 37 on low carb/ carnivore.
My doctor wanted me to go on statins with blood pressure tablets and the diabetic nurse told me to increase my insulin, I'm glad I didn't listen to them.
Great talk, great info, thanks doc.


Honestly--this should go global--this man is just a DARLING--and we need to clone him and spread him over the whole world! LOVE his presentation!


Just wish Dr Unwin were my doctor. My Dr not interested in my dreadful bloods, and tells me not to consider LCHF. So I'm doing it myself. All power to Dr Unwin to continue his magnificent work. X


Dr. Unwin is a real gem, charming, eloquent, compassionate and humble.Yes, our Doctors DO matter but have been misdirected asmuch of the rest of us.Its time to take back the real science .


Dr. Unwin is the nicest person ever! So humble and so smart! I wish all doctors were like him! Love this!


Another great talk from Doctor Unwin, a Black Swan among medical professionals, hope for the future of medicine, an antidote to big pharma and pharmageddon 🧐


What a great and humble man. I only live 30 miles from his practice so maybe you would think his success with t2 would have been taken up by our local GPs. Unfortunately not, I've tried myself to talk to my doctor about it but he's not interested. Over the last 12 months I've lost 90lbs cured my arthritic knee, come off 2 BP meds and normalised BP and stopped my ppi and I've suffered from chronic indigestion since 13 yrs old (40yrs total) I told him recently I'd made these improvements by going low carb high saturated fat and he told me I had to change my diet because it was bad for my health. Its like banging your head against a wall.


Imagine what one hour-long discussion with Dr Unwin could do for millions of people in the UK, instead of repeated ten minute visits with their normal GP.


5 years ago I was very fit (cycled 600km every week) slim, on a high carb diet and had high blood pressure but I changed jobs, stopped cycling put on 20kg and became a couch potato. Last Boxing Day 26/12/2019 I watch a video on low carb and decided to have a go. Within a couple of days I started getting dizzy so I checked my bp and it was low so I stopped taking my bp meds. Last week I went to my Gp for a separate matter and he said my bp was great and I was due for a repeat of my meds but I didn’t have the courage to tell him I was on LCHF diet so told him I was taking my meds every second day so still had plenty. After watching many of these videos on LCHF diets I now have the confidence to tell my doc next time that I stopped taking my meds New Year’s Eve. So far I’ve lost 11kg, my bp is below 120/80 every day (113/72 right now) and most of my aches and pains have disappeared. You cannot ignore the facts so I have more confidence in what all these brave doctors, professors and alike are voicing about LCHF diets and will ignore the “standard dietary guidelines” that are slowly killing us


I love this speech. Im a nurse and i have relistened to this speech maybe 4 or 5 times since i first came across it. I like to mention Dr. U work to my patients and my colleagues


What a legend this man is. When a soldier saves a few lives they get given a medal, David Unwinn should be knighted!


I would love to have a Hausarzt (or GP as they called in the UK) like this. He is a rare character. I wish him go on and share his knowledge and experience with us.
Thank you Dr. Unwin! Greetings from Germany.


this speech is soooo brilliant, simply amazing...thank you


I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2017. Did not want to take drugs so studied instead. Changed my diet to low carb and, of course, blood glucose normal. The message I got was to become your own experiment, be responsible for your own health.


Loved your presentation David.... a self managed N=1 person myself after my GP did not believe my results on Keto and criticised my "self medication" regime.


I'm so thankful to have stumbled upon Dr. Unwin in my keto journey. I admire what this man has accomplished. He seems like such a great and humble man. Thanks for everything you do.


Every doctor and med student should have to watch this. They are so dismissive so much of the time. Everyone I know who has improved or cured themselves of something, has had a doctor say "I don't know what you're doing but keep on doing it.", with zero intellectual curiosity as to what it was that Worked! I just had the very first (woman) doctor ask me how I cured my (3 month old, first time ever diagnosed) high blood pressure, when I went for a follow-up visit. I told her Intermittent fasting/ Dr Fung on Youtube. She actually wrote his name down and said she would research him!! (She's young.)


Excellent talk. In medical school it was always a mystery to me why the 1st line drug for hypertensives was a diuretic. No one could explain this to me. I now realize it is because of hyperinsulinemia and its effect on the kidney: elevation of plasma insulin concentration within the physiological range has a marked antinatriuretic action.  Incredible that all this valuable information has been suppressed to further an erroneous, harmful, and fatal agenda. If all MDs were like Dr. Unwin, the world would be healthy and not sick due to insulin resistance caused by high carbs. Big Pharma would take a major hit as would hospitals. Their services would no longer be needed.
