What If Ahsoka Became Darth Vader

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Ahsoka Tano was the student of Anakin Skywalker what would happen if she turned to the dark side? Would Ahsoka replace Vader or would she be the predecessor to the dark lord? What would cause Sidious to take up interest in Ahsoka?

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Amazing story of Ahsoka's decent into darkness and her becoming Empress was awesome


This was AWESOME! i can definitely see her as emperor! Imagine how powerful she was to keep her legacy for generations.


What if Maul killed Palpatine in The Phantom Menace? His training made him hate Palpatine so much that he just kills him.


What if Count Dooku had killed Obi Wan, Anakin Skywalker and Yoda during their duels in Attack of the Clones?


Darth Ahsoka:Join me Anakin and together we will rule the galaxy....

Anakin:I'll never join the darkside!

Darth Ahsoka:Obi Wan never told you what happened to your apprentice....

Anakin:He told me enough he told me you killed her!!

Darth Ahsoka:No...I ...am Ahsoka!!

Anakin:.No....That's not true!?...That's impossible ?!?!*Eyes turn yellow*

Darth Ahsoka:Search your feelings for the truth...you know it to be true...

and emotional damage *


New Earth ideas:

What if Luke was hidden on 20/21 century Earth instead of Tatooine?

What if Anakin was born on Earth (still modern era) and the Nubian ship from Episode I was forced to land on that planet?

What if the Blackwing virus was unleashed on Earth by Kaminoians working for Palpatine (or the crazy CIS scientist, Mindi I think) and a rage fueled survivor is discovered by the enemy faction of the ones who destroyed his homeworld? Would he find a new life as a GAR or CIS commander? Would his quest for revenge consume him to the point of being considered as a potential apprentice to Sidious? Would he just end his life on his ruined homeworld after ending the lives of the responsibles for the tragedy?


What if Ahsoka’s clones where the only company that didn’t receive order 66?


Ohh, very interesting.
On the topic of a Dark Side Ahsoka, I wonder what would happen if Dooku found and raised Ahsoka from a young age?


You are my favourite Star Wars What If content creator! I really love your stories & the flow of them! It's really amazing how people can come up with much better scenarios, than the official movies do, thus further proving that the community should be hired to write the scripts for a Star Wars What If series!


I proud of you dude! Your growing and staying true to the stories.


I've some ideas for What If:

- What if Palpatine wasn't elected the chancellor of the Republic in Phantom Menace?
- What if Anakin became friends with Iskat Akaris?
- What if Anakin's bombing run managed to kill Grievous on Malevolence
- What if it was Saw and not Steela who died on Onderon?
- What if Anakin killed Dooku in their duel during the Rako Hardeen arc?
- What if Tarkin died in the Citadel meaning there would be no Tarkin Doctrine for the Empire?
- What if Qi'ra joined the Galactic Empire with Han perhaps becoming an ISB agent?
- What if Han killed Darth Vader during the battle of Yavin?
- What if the Ashmead's Lock's prisoners succeeded in assassinating Mon Mothma meaning that Leia would become chancellor and the New Republic wouldn't demilitarize?


This is without a doubt one of the most darkest timelines for star wars ever.


What if Obi showed Padme the Record of Anakin's actions?


What if Ahsoka really did bomb the Temple.


You did an awesome job of making Ashoka looks scary and disturbing. And I agree with how you took her character. However I don't think she would be called Darth Vader. I think her Darth name would be something else completely. She would be Darth Blight. That sounds believable. But on a side note. I loved the nickname you gave her "The Butcher of the Light."


What if Ahsoka warned Anakin about Palpatine? When she met Ezra in the world between worlds and they escaped Palps, she accidentally ended up around the time she left the Jedi order.


What if the Republic used regular soldiers instead of clones to fight the Separatist droid army. I'm not sure if you've covered it before, but I would be interested to hear your take on it.


I thought it would had start at mortis when the son possessed him, but he got killed and the final act of revenge from the son was to transfer his remaining life to Ashoka.
But this story was perfect as Grevious would say : "a fine addiction for my collection" in my playlist.


Am I miss remembering, isn't Ahsoka the most powerful of her age group, isn't that why Yoda placed her with Anakin, thinking Anakin needed to learn to let go. But not just anyone could keep up with Anakin


You know, funny thing about the name Vader; it comes from the German word “vater”, which means father. It is funny having Ahsoka essentially named “Dark Father”, but it would be more fitting to call her something else (couldn’t find a good idea that didn’t sound ridiculous, lol)
