What If Ahsoka Tano JOINED Anakin Skywalker?

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What If Ahsoka Tano JOINED Anakin Skywalker?


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“It’s always been You and me against the galaxy, Snips”
This is a hard line and I love it


What If Mace Windu went to Mandalore with Ahsoka to fight Maul and Yoda went with Obi-Wan and Anakin to rescue Chancellor Palpatine above Coruscant


No matter what I don't think Anakin would ever kill Padme on purpose


Ahsoka and Anakin are truly the best together. Great fan fic, really enjoyed this.


One thing I noted about this duel is that both Anakin and Obi-Wan are both right and wrong in this situation.

On one hand, Anakin was right about how the Jedi turned their back on Ahsoka. He should know: he had a front-row seat to it all as they judged her. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that was something that went through his head as he marched on the Jedi Temple. On the other hand, he misinterpreted the situation with Palpatine and Windu. To his credit, the two were not that different. Windu and Sidious both said a similar line that blurred the lines for Anakin:

Sidious: "He was too dangerous to be kept alive."

Windu: "He's too dangerous to be left alive!"

Yet what made Anakin wrong was the fact that he couldn't recognize that Palpatine was playing him. Even when the man outed himself to Anakin as the Sith Lord behind all the chaos, it was all part of his plan to get Anakin to his side. He knew Anakin would tell someone on the Council about it, he knew Anakin would be conflicted.

As for Obi-Wan, he's kind of wrong as Anakin's former master and as a Jedi. He was pretty quick to abandon Anakin to the Dark Side and kill him, all without thinking about what may have contributed to Anakin's fall. Not only that but what he said BEFORE the beginning of their duel on Mustafar puts a damper on all that brother stuff he spouted at the end:

Obi-Wan: "Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic! To democracy!"

His allegiance was ALWAYS to the Republic? Never the Force? Never the Jedi? Never Anakin? Nice job, Obi-Wan. You pretty much gave Anakin even more of a reason to seriously mess up the Jedi Order. Obi-Wan was the same as most other Jedi during the Clone Wars: obedient to the Republic and not questioning anything about it. Now to be fair, the Jedi were never meant to serve the Republic. By which, I mean they are not meant to serve its politicians, but rather its PEOPLE. Not the politics or politicians, but the people of the Republic. Even Dooku made that very clear in Tales of the Jedi.

Not to mention that the Republic was not all that proactive when it came to the Outer Rim Territories. There was no Republic law on Tatooine that would have protected Anakin and his mother from slavery. Plus the Republic itself had become corrupt because of Palpatine, not the Separatists. And Obi-Wan STILL stands beside it?!


Love the surprise anisoka ship at the end ❤🎉


What if Republic using Droid Army while Separatist using Clone Army?


What if Maul never betrayed Ahsoka and Kanan on Malachor and joined the Rebellion?


What if Thrawn was a Jedi?
What if Thrawn was a Sith?
What if Riyo Chuchi was a Sith Lord?
What if Darth Tenobrus lived?
What if the Night Sisters raised Ahsoka?
What if Anakin was born in the Old Republic? (Light Side Version)
What if Thrawn escaped the Kimara at the end of Rebels?
What if Alderaan wasn’t destroyed?


This is a good video. Very well thought out and explained. I think the part I enjoyed the most was Anakin and Ashoka falling in love. Just like this video explains, it made perfect sense. Frankly I'm surprised they didn't fall in love in canon. Ashoka and Anakin have way more in common and even better chemistry than Anakin and Padm'e ever did. I understand it wouldn't line up with the story we all know and love, but ever since Ashoka was brought into canon, I've always wanted her and Anakin to end up as a couple.


What if Anakin Skywalker was born a girl and Padme Amidala a boy?

How would *Revenge Of The Sith* change in this scenario?


What if anakin skywalker had venom symbiote in revenge of the sith after his defeat by obi wan


I loved where this story went in the end. You made a fine video.


What if Maul was never cut in half but instead obi wan force pushed him down.


I doubt she would join him when he fell to the dark side. What most likely would have happened is that if she stayed she would have been knighted and promoted to the rank of jedi knight and made general to lead her own army. Now she would most likely be the one to train with Anakin to fight Dooku. The fight against count Dooku would probably go the same way it did as if Obi Wan was there. Now onwards. Ahsoka would have been sent to Utapau to deal with general Grevious. While Kenobi would go to Mandalore to deal with Maul where he would defeat Maul. Now would he go to survive the order 66 then he would rendezvous with Yoda and Ahsoka in the end. While Ahsoka would simply take Obi Wans place and go to confront Anakin on Mustafar. And the story would remain largely the same. Only this time Ahsoka is fighting Anakin. And he would be maimed by her. The rest of the story would mostly be the same. With Obi Wan taking Luke to Tatoine and watching over him, while Ahsoka would work as Fulcrum for Bail Organa and Yoda would go into exile on Dagobah.


This is amazing, Mr. Fanatasy Folkore, and I have to say, what a twist I never expected. I never knew Anakin would Padme in cold blood, but when Padme is trying to take his children, that would bring him to the edge of no return, and Anakin and Ashoka falling love is a great twist, and I love it. This is a great story, my friend, and I would love to see part two of this for this terrific masterpiece; I really mean it. May the force be with you!

If this video gets a part two, what do you think of this idea for part two for"What if Ashoka Tano Joined Anakin Skywalker?" What if the Galactic ( Celestial Dynasty)Empire had created Mechs piloted by Force Senesitves to protect the galaxy from an unknown threat? What do you think of that idea, Mr. Fanatsy Folkore? Any thoughts, commenters, and opinions about this idea? Long live Emperor Anakin, and Long live Empress Ashoka!


Another master piece! I love these stories about full power anakin crafting an empire!


This story was great it’s good to see a story where a Ahsoka gives an improper it turns into a Sith instead of secretly staying in the light and trying to sneak away, turn Darth Vader back to Anakin Skywalker thank you so much for this story as I said there have been so many stories where a Ahsoka just stays as a good guy it’s gets really boring after a while. 100% awesome story 🎉🎊🎉👍👍👍👍


Also, man when do you think we can see what if qui gon jinn was grandmaster, what if Count Dooku was supreme Chancellor? what if Anakin Skywalker became Jedi battle master?


It’s always interesting because Anakin isn’t the one lying. He was the one lied to and now he believes it.
