Can Phase 4 REDEEM Season Of Discovery? | Season Of Discovery | Classic WoW

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It's no secret that Season of Discovery is in a period of downtime at the moment. With phase 4's release date being delayed, dissatisfaction with phase 3 and other WoW related game modes, times have been tough.
Phase 4 is shortly to be on the horizon though, with PTR testing, our classes' full toolkits, traditional Vanilla endgame and more - so will it be enough to win people back over to Season of Discovery?

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i hoped for more things to discover than new class skills (runes) and altered raids, since those are things i care the least for. I wanted actual mysteries, maybe new quest lines or dungeons. Something that makes the way to max level interesting again. Like the sleeping bag quest line.


P1 was the most fun I've had in WoW since 2019. Then it felt like the retail team took over. Even incursions are exactly like that mid expansion patch world quest addition they've done for 10 years.

P4 has to get back to that immersive Vanilla experience. If it's more grindable dailies, SoD is dead.


The further blizz goes from retail the more hype people get, but then they can't help themselves and slowly turn back into retail and wonder why everyone leaves.


perhaps the real reason everyone loved phase 1 is because the vanilla starting zones are 10/10 and with the cap being 25 all we experienced was the best zones in the game


I wouldn't come back as they killed my server, the community and the people is what made sod fun for me

Also SOD isn't what I expected, I wanted some unused content rebuilt, some new zones, dungeons and characters, runes were fun at the beginning as they were really class changers allowing some classes to shine, latest runes were just revamps of spells from other expansions


Changing the raid format in season 3 was a catastrophe, keeping consistancy through the whole thing would have been important. Every raid is on pause, every character I had is level 50 due to incursions, there is absolutely nothing to do right now, and will people come back from their break, not so sure..there has to be spectacular discoveries and new stuff at 60 for that.. I'm zero interested in doing the old classic raids as they were once again just for different loot. I hope Blizzard will note how succesful phase 1 was in their next seasonal effort and keep the leveling process as long as 1 to 25 was.


I'm just GLAD that WOW is Alive and Well!!!

I remember saying to myself YEARS ago... When the chasm between Retail players and Classic players was growing... Particularly during the Nostalrius debacle... That WOW *NEEDED* to diversify itself!!! Because put simply... No two WOW players were the same anymore!!!

Some liked a Slow... Challenging... Methodical grind... On par with the old table top RPGs... Whereas others wanted a more "arcade" style of fast, quick and easy gameplay... And in between all that, some preferred collecting stuff and achievements... While others liked to explore new areas in the game... I mean the list just goes on and on and on!!!

So yes... I'm just glad following that infamous "You think you do but you don't" remark by Blizzard, that they came around, and have now given us multiple ways to enjoy this much beloved franchise!

Right now, I'm fighting the urge to jump back into WOW (I'm a Hardcore addict!!!!)... Because I have more important Real Life commitments to do first! But considering that I've been playing since 2004/5... WOW is VERY much alive and relevant! Despite some aspects of it being a VERY old game!

Long Live World of Warcraft!!! In ALL it forms! 😁


Phase 1 was awesome. The Battle for AShenvale was pretty lame, but the raid was cool and the runes were fun to play with. But holy shit Season 2 & 3 have been so bad.


Blizzard: "changing the number of people in a static raiding guild is super easy. Go from 10-30-40 man. cmon guys! dont you have phones?" this is blizzard. perpetually clueless.


For me SoD started off great, but as it went on into later phases, the idea of coming back for another level cap and raid just didn't sound that fun. The discovery end of the game mode went out the window and it just turned into a predictable mode where you come back and level until the game stops you again, then grind a raid or pvp. Not for me, I'll stick with Classic or Retail. This just didn't hit how I hoped it would.


The thought of doing the 7 riders or wild offerings again on an alt just kept me off the game.


Nice Video Mate, you said everything i was thinking about. Very good video :)


Blizzard never guessed that SoD would get that amount of Hype


Not planning on coming back, sod p4 is competing with shadow of the Erd Tree now. It's too late. My biggest issue was shaman killing PVP from p2 to now. It was like if horde had death knights and ally had nothing in wotlk.


Comments are salty about this one.

People just can't accept when there is a screw up like Incursions. Honestly if they took the L and got rid of them asap, I still would have faith in Ph4. Gl though :S.


No, because these devs have Retail mindset, they focus too much on endgame and that doesn't work for Classic.

Leveling is just a chore and we should get through it asap, with xp buffs, incursions and whatever. Because the endgame is where the game starts.. Just like Retail.

Meanwhile the fun part of P1 was leveling and discovering stuff, it felt like Classic+... and then, P1 died when everyone started to raidlog and playing the "endgame".


Isnt it slow now because of cata classic and panda remix?


Releveling an alt right now is pretty fun. With the 150% xp boost it feels like less of a grind.


Phase 4 will bring some people back because there is something new to explore. I don't think it will bring back those who really wanted SOD to be classic plus.

And the no PTR/public Beta was good to keep things hidden but bad when it came to things being buggy or things being out of control.


i hope we get to go further into the incursions and hunt down the world bosses like a monster hunter type mode
