Operation Iraqi Freedom - The Air War, Day 1 - Animated

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A-Day, the first day of the Air Offensive, begins. Stealth aircraft head to Baghdad to lay ruin to military targets and Saddam's palaces. Conventional aircraft then maraud into Iraq to hit SAM sites, radars, communications and military infrastructure, in an awesome display of Shock and Awe. By the end of the first day, 1700 sorties will have been conducted against the Iraqi Military and Saddam Hussein.

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Re-upload with a small correction - Would be massively helpful if you enjoy this video to perform a Comment and Like sacrifice to the algorithm gods!


what a scary feat of power,
the fact that these pilots consider the Air Defense systems of Baghdad (the same systems that are actively trying to shoot them out of the sky) as being pretty to look at without a single jet being hit is incredible.


I wish I was able to add several more zeroes to this but this is what I can do. That's how valuable these videos are to me in spite of interference from others. Keep up the vital work.


You're continuing to knock it out of the park. You even took the time to animate rotating AWACS radomes! Love the attention to detail.


You, Montemayor and Kings and Generals are perhaps my top favorite channels for military engagements and history. Keep up the high quality work. The fact that youtube demonetizes you for simply showing what happens is repulsive.


“I hope we’ve done a relatively good job”…..humbleness is a fantastic trait however, you and your team should be extremely proud. You and the team do an absolutely brilliant job sir. Your videos are in very small company as far as quality of production, detail and information, yet amazingly they still get better. Cheers for a job well done, Operations Room team.


Absolute quality and arguably the best channel for this sort of educational content. Love you guys, it's not much but a small gesture of thanks for the endless hours of content I've enjoyed from your hard work ❤


When I told my friends about you, they've been so amazed by the beauty of the overview of battles and baffled by accuracy and made you your go- to channel to watch, greeting from Matt and Roger who are supporting you


YouTube: Don't do that!
Creators: Don't do what?
YouTube: Exactly


Youtube is unfortunately just getting weirder by the day - just like the world out there... Keep up the great work!


I grew up on the History channel, and was consequently very disappointed to see the direction it's gone. This channel provides even better quality than the history channel I'm nostalgic for! Bravo and keep 'em coming!


Love watching your content, although it’s a shame youtube/google doesn’t see it. The value of informing people of important battle with quality unbiased views of past events due to the sensitivity some people have over such topics I hope this donation though small is one of many to help show the support and love we all have for you, your channel and videos.


Keep it up! Amazing work. It’s impossible to imagine being a civilian in Baghdad that day. Must’ve been utterly terrifying.


A dude taking his camcorder on a bombing run, as if he's on holiday. Has to be the most American thing I have ever heard.


Simply the best channel of it's type. Proud to say I found it early and have enjoyed the content for years now. Cheers mates!


The quality of the content you guys are producing is simply amazing. Keep good work!


Thanks guys. I love watching the Birds Eye view style videos. It helps to understand the battles more.


To all 15 people who run this account, I have taken for granted the amazing editing and scripts these videos have. After a while you just kinda become use to how great these videos are. Although with the beginning of this video, it made me think about it and made me feel like how I felt when I first found this account 2 or 3 ish years ago. Y’all keep up the hard work on editing and script making and all other things that go into YouTube videos. You guys are really killing it. Thank yall


Its always impressive that everytime i show my friends this channel they have already seen it (and love it) or they are deeply impressed by the effort and content in your videos!

Amazing work as always


It’s amazing the lessons learned from Vietnam to the Gulf Wars (as far as air campaigns go nothing else lol). The total commitment to just bringing in overwhelming and continuing firepower and SEAD missions. Also keeping that tempo up for extended periods of time. Just the logistics and planning of this alone is wild.
