Comparison of Turkish T129 Vs European Tiger Helicopter. What's better ?

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The Eurocopter Tiger is a twin-engine assault helicopter with four blades that initially saw service in 2003. It is produced by Airbus Helicopters, which is the successor firm to Aérospatiale and DASA's respective helicopter departments, and is known as the EC665.
The TAI/AgustaWestland T129 ATAK is a multi-role, all-weather attack helicopter with two engines and tandem seats based on the Agusta A129 Mangusta chassis. Turkish Aerospace Industries collaborated with AgustaWestland to create the T129.
#TAI #turkish #T129 #TigerHelicopter #Helicopters
The Eurocopter Tiger is a twin-engine assault helicopter with four blades that initially saw service in 2003. It is produced by Airbus Helicopters, which is the successor firm to Aérospatiale and DASA's respective helicopter departments, and is known as the EC665.
The TAI/AgustaWestland T129 ATAK is a multi-role, all-weather attack helicopter with two engines and tandem seats based on the Agusta A129 Mangusta chassis. Turkish Aerospace Industries collaborated with AgustaWestland to create the T129.
#TAI #turkish #T129 #TigerHelicopter #Helicopters
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