Don't Use the Bible to Defend Killing Innocent Animals

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Don't Use the Bible to Defend Killing Innocent Animals
I’m vegetarian. It’s not something I spend much time defending or arguing about, but there you go.
I get why people eat meat. They tell me "It's good for you" or “It’s delicious.” They’re not convincing enough for me, but I understand them.
Hunting animals for sport, though? I don’t get that at all.
You’re not catching a meal. You don’t need to do it for survival. You're not controlling the animal population.
You’re just killing for the sake of killing. How twisted does your mind have to be to find that fun? I don't get it. I don't think I'll ever get it.
Now, while much of the recent media attention has been on Dr. Walter Palmer (the dentist who paid money to kill Cecil the Lion), it’s rapidly shifting to Sabrina Corgatelli, an Idaho hunter who gleefully took to social media to show off her latest kills, including a giraffe:
Why another creature has to die so she can take a selfie is beyond me.
After posting a picture of another one of her “prizes,” Corgatelli defended (or explained) her actions using a page right from the Ken Ham Playbook. She went straight to the Book of Genesis:
Genesis 9:3 says, “Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.”
Genesis 27:3 says, “Now then, take your weapons, your quiver and your bow, and go out to the field and hunt game for me.”
Quoting the Bible, of course, is hardly a defense of anything. I can do it, too:
Romans 14:21 says “It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall.” Checkmate, Christians!
More importantly, though, even those two verses make no sense. It’s not like she ate the giraffe (Genesis 9:3) or went after it with a bow and arrow (Genesis 27:3).
Just because she can cherry pick a couple of verses doesn’t justify her actions. If anything, we can turn this around and say Corgatelli destroyed some of God’s creations.
What's even more appalling is that she said in an interview that she's not a cold-blooded killer, adding that "just because we hunt them doesn’t mean we don’t have a respect for them."
That's quite a thing to say after you've shot something dead -- I had a lot of respect for it. I killed you because I love you.
The Crocodile Hunter respected animals. Jack Hanna respects animals. You're just an asshole with a gun.
She also said "giraffes are very dangerous animals. They could hurt you seriously, very quickly.”
The only way that makes sense is if an Evil Giraffe was about to attack her out of nowhere. Which it wasn’t. That giraffe didn't come to Idaho to destroy her. You know how I know that? Because no one goes to Idaho for anything!
She went to Africa, found the giraffe, shot it dead, and then had the audacity to say "it might have hurt me."
If only there existed a Bible verse telling us to treat others like we want them to treat us…
By the way, I love you Idaho. I was just kidding.
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I’m vegetarian. It’s not something I spend much time defending or arguing about, but there you go.
I get why people eat meat. They tell me "It's good for you" or “It’s delicious.” They’re not convincing enough for me, but I understand them.
Hunting animals for sport, though? I don’t get that at all.
You’re not catching a meal. You don’t need to do it for survival. You're not controlling the animal population.
You’re just killing for the sake of killing. How twisted does your mind have to be to find that fun? I don't get it. I don't think I'll ever get it.
Now, while much of the recent media attention has been on Dr. Walter Palmer (the dentist who paid money to kill Cecil the Lion), it’s rapidly shifting to Sabrina Corgatelli, an Idaho hunter who gleefully took to social media to show off her latest kills, including a giraffe:
Why another creature has to die so she can take a selfie is beyond me.
After posting a picture of another one of her “prizes,” Corgatelli defended (or explained) her actions using a page right from the Ken Ham Playbook. She went straight to the Book of Genesis:
Genesis 9:3 says, “Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.”
Genesis 27:3 says, “Now then, take your weapons, your quiver and your bow, and go out to the field and hunt game for me.”
Quoting the Bible, of course, is hardly a defense of anything. I can do it, too:
Romans 14:21 says “It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall.” Checkmate, Christians!
More importantly, though, even those two verses make no sense. It’s not like she ate the giraffe (Genesis 9:3) or went after it with a bow and arrow (Genesis 27:3).
Just because she can cherry pick a couple of verses doesn’t justify her actions. If anything, we can turn this around and say Corgatelli destroyed some of God’s creations.
What's even more appalling is that she said in an interview that she's not a cold-blooded killer, adding that "just because we hunt them doesn’t mean we don’t have a respect for them."
That's quite a thing to say after you've shot something dead -- I had a lot of respect for it. I killed you because I love you.
The Crocodile Hunter respected animals. Jack Hanna respects animals. You're just an asshole with a gun.
She also said "giraffes are very dangerous animals. They could hurt you seriously, very quickly.”
The only way that makes sense is if an Evil Giraffe was about to attack her out of nowhere. Which it wasn’t. That giraffe didn't come to Idaho to destroy her. You know how I know that? Because no one goes to Idaho for anything!
She went to Africa, found the giraffe, shot it dead, and then had the audacity to say "it might have hurt me."
If only there existed a Bible verse telling us to treat others like we want them to treat us…
By the way, I love you Idaho. I was just kidding.
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