Ash Ketchum STRONGEST Pokémon Tier List

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Ranking how strong Ash's Pokémon are... in a TIER LIST!

#AshKetchum #AniPoke #PokemonAnime
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Can we appreciate that his s tier are filled with his insane starters and just starters? Made me quite happy.


The fact that Charizard is his only Pokemon in S tier without any external form/power up, z move and ability usage. You can tell he's truly a beast. Just think how broken he would be if he goes Mega or Gigantamax.


You can be a whatever Lv99 Legendary but you can’t beat Lv255 Ash Pikachu.


This list aged pretty well, except Sir Fetched goes waaaayyy up. Pikachu is still GOAT


I find the way Lucario tried to sneak his way into S Tier hilarious. A lot of these choices caught me off guard but nonetheless l agree with them. So glad Sceptile is considered legendary tier despite a few embarrassing losses. Great video, Zac, and happy birthday!


People always forget to mention that Tobias' Darkai was recovering most of the damage being dealt to it with the move Dream Eater so Sceptile's Leaf Blade was essentially a one-shot against one of the strongest pokemon in the entire series. Not to mention it withstood the most hits from it, including a super effective ice beam.


in regards to Sceptile against Darkrai, keep in mind that Darkrai got off some dream eaters that healed off the damage that it got before. Therefore, because Sceptile took it out with one leaf blade, it really says a lot about how powerful Sceptile actually is.


Darkrai was fully healed after its battle with Heracross because Dream Eater involves a healing process and Darkrai defeated Heracross with this single attack!


Let's imagine Ash's team consisting of Pikachu, Greninja, Charizard, Infernape, Scepitile and Dragonite. This team would be fucking amazing:
- Two fire type pokémon that is weak against water type? No problem, he has his incredible Pikachu and Sceptile to do the job, beside having Greninja who resistis Water Type moves. And despite having two Fire Type Pokémon, Charizard isn't weak to Ground and Infernape isn't weak to Rock.
- Greninja and Sceptile are weak against Bug Type? Use Charizard, Infernape or Dragonite who resists them.
- Now talking about 4x weakness. Charizard has trouble with Rock moves and Dragonite has problems with Ice moves.. Fortunatley, Ash can use Infernape Fighting moves or even Pikachu's iconic Iron Tail
- Ash's strongest Pokémon, Pikachu, is weak against Ground moves, but he has a Flying Charizard and Greninja and Sceptile to counter them back with Water and Grass moves, Sceptile even resisting them. Pikachu is also very important against Flying Type Pokémon who can give trouble for Infernape and Sceptile.


Glad you put respect on the emotional fire turtle's name! No joke, Torkoal vs. Registeel is one of my FAVORITE battles in the anime. I don't really count Sceptile vs. Regirock at Ash's FIRST battle with Brandon because that was a "match" to help Ash get the spirit of that evil king of Pokelantis or whatever the heck it was.

I know Brandon was saying a few times in the battle that Ash's confidence was too great, but nah I think Ash kept his cool and put on one of the finest battles showing the connection between himself and his Pokemon on full display! That Heat Wave/Sandstorm cyclone was epic!

*Always wondered how Torkoal was capable of leaping off the ground at great heights like he did to enter the TOP OF THE CYCLONE to land a Body Slam on Registeel, but couldn't stand on its hind legs to kick a soccer ball...


Here after Pikachu’s masterclass MVP performance against Leon


It’s crazy how on par your selection is and the fact he beat Leon’s charizard shows his strength


*Torkoal and Gengar in B tier*
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


I agree with this predominantly, Gengar’s going to be the Hawlucha of Pokemon Journeys - deals all the damage so others can finish them off, which means it’s going to have a shit win rate, but true stans know it’s role


I think Pikachu now deserves his own tier now. Tier "P".


17:12 - I love Dracovich's personality. Since it's a newborn (or newly resurrected), I love how it goes about figuring out how everything works, even its own body. First showing affection by nibbling and gnawing on Ash, learning how to swim at full speed by just running along the ocean floor, figuring out how to do Vicious Rend for the first time when Ash asks it if it can do it, and on top of that everyone's reactions whenever they see it pop up, since they have no idea what the heck it even is, lol. Iris's Dragonite's reaction to seeing it made me crack up, since it was like 'what the hell is that thing and why is it chewing on that human?'

Also, that K.O combo Dracovich did on Dragonite was the quickest and most brutal K.O I've ever seen one of Ash's Pokemon do against such a powerful opponent. Just... damn...


Your video quality is so strong and I’m so happy to see the recent ones are blowing up!!


I think Greninja also deserved its spot because it went head-to-head with Diantha’s Mega Gardevoir, and once its Battle Bond was activated and in perfect sync with Ash, I believe it had a chance at defeating Mega Gardevoir if Ash hadn’t passed out.


I wonder how Charmander & Chimchar were left stranded by their trainers but ended up being one of the strongest of Ash's Pokemon
That's great writing!


Happy birthday, Zac! Let's Ash's 'mon tier list hype!
