Why I Hate Topical Minoxidil (Rogaine)

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Doctor Gary Linkov explains why he doesn't recommend topical minoxidil, also known as Rogaine, to his patients.

Dr. Gary Linkov on Social Media:

0:00 - Intro
0:12 - Background
1:27 - Not anti-androgenic
4:59 - Limited efficacy
6:17 - Negative effects on the scalp
7:03 - Twice daily application
7:31 - Animal toxicity
8:40 - Takeaways

City Facial Plastics: Dr. Gary Linkov
150 E 56th St, 1AB
New York, NY 10022
(212) 439-5177

#lipfiller #lipinjections #plasticsurgery

The content of this channel is for entertainment and educational purposes only. This content is not meant to provide any medical advice or treat any medical conditions. Patients must be evaluated by an appropriate healthcare provider on an individual basis and treatment must be tailored to meet that patient’s needs. Results and particular outcomes are not guaranteed.
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If this guy knew what he was talking about, he would have more than 10 hairs on his face


I’ve been using Rogaine since I was 31. I’m 50 now and my hair is thicker than it was in my 20s. So there’s that.


Lady here. I’ve used the combo of low dose Spironolactone qd and topical 5% minoxidil qd for approximately over a year and have seen good results. Absolutely saved my hair.


After breast cancer treatment and taking all the medications that come with it, I was bolding and hated it. I have been using topical 5% minoxidil twice a day and I have no complaints.


A major benefit of Minox is that it doesn't mess around with your hormones (Ex. androgens). Hair loss occurs in a pattern. If you strengthen hairs on the front line of hair loss, it'll prevent (or at least slow) all hair loss. I started topical Minox when my hair loss started (early 30s) and it slowed the process down. I'm 44 with only some recession. Both my younger brothers are almost totally bald.


I am 50+ and I have 3 years of Rogaine. The results are amazing and I am definitely determined to continue using it. Minoxidil has stopped the hair to fall, to stop thinning and to regain the thickness I had on my 20's. And the hair miniaturization due DHT actions on hair's androgen sensitive receptors, well that hair is now back in business. I understand, Finasteride inhibits the 5-alpha reductase enzyme stopping the testosterone - dihydrotestosterone conversion and it sounds like the golden standard for androgenic alopecia treatment. It makes sense, you are totally right. But, Gary, Minoxidil is ok too. It works. On top of this, few month ago I start some micro-needling sessions. The front side hair follicles, the most affected ones by the DHT action...wow!


Lady here😊💃...
taking since a few years 1.25mg. oral minox. But WITHOUT great results!
Now I am on 5% topical Minoxidil, but only every other day.
Together with 1.25 mg every other day.
Sometimes I needle with O.5.
I have almost my beautiful hair back.👍🏻🍀


This really surprises me. I must be a rare case. I have been on topical minoxidil for 5 years. I am a 75 year old woman and my hair has never been thicker. I use it just once a day. I have had problems with scalp irritation but take a few days off, use a dandruff shampoo, and it clears up and I can go back to using it again.


Woman here and i am using topical Rogaine for ten years and i love it. My hair is like it was when i was younger. I skip a day about once a week but i do use it regularly.


I had a transplant which worked really well for a year. After the 1 year mark my transplanted hair became very thin and looked terrible, so I started using Rogaine in the foam form and it worked well. My hair is much thicker and looks good.


I take 1mg of finasteride and topical minoxidil. Adding the minoxidil really helped me with regrowth. I was on oral finasteride for a year, but didn't see much regrowth. When i added the minoxidil, like within 2 month i was getting compliments from my hair dresser. I couldn't afford both oral finasteride and oral minoxidil.


I've got a question, there's plenty of men in the world whose hairline barely receeds at all even in old age. Why can we not screen the genes of those individuals and compare them to genes of balding men with the goal of gene therapy at a later stage?


Women in my family start using they start losing their eyebrows and eyelashes when they hit their late 30s. After watching a Rogaine commercial it hit me, hair follicles are hair follicles so why wouldn't it work on my eyebrows and eyelashes. I asked three different pharmacists if there was anything harmful about "painting" minioxidil on my eyebrows making sure it got through to my skin and then using a fine, clean eyeliner brush to paint it onto the base of my eyelashes. All three said there wasn't anything harmful unless I got it in my eye. I started using it a couple of times a day. Within a month I could see new hair growth starting. First, I stopped losing eyebrows and eyelashes. Then the holes in my eyebrows started filling in and new eyelashes started to just poke through. Within a bout two months, my best friend noticed. In three months, my eyebrows and eyelashes all filled back in and I looked normal. I do use a clean spoolie to brush my eyebrows and the base of my eyelashes to clear any dead skin and to stimulate the area. I did notice that before a spurt growth of eyelashes, the base of my eyelashes ached a bit. Brushing them a bit vigorously relieved the ache and within a day or two the area would show new eyelashes poking through. 35 + years later, I'm still using it twice a day. I did add latisse to get my eyelashes to grow longer. Great result!!


Doctors don't like Rogain because they can't make profit on it. It's over the counter.


very informative video i was about to start tropical minoxidil but now i must consult a specialist, thanks for uploading such a great videos. whenever i have some doubts over any medical topic i just search for your video and found it very informative and saves a lot of money and time and get free consult from ur channel . thank you once again and love ur all video, please ignore all negative comments as they have a lack of knowledge you are doing a great work for the community. 👍


I've been using minoxidil (local generic) for 4 months now and my hair stopped falling out entirely. I used to lose 200-300 hairs daily and even up to 1000 with every washing for years. Now I lose about 17 hairs daily and about 100 during washing. I see new hair growing over my forehead. My harine is still a little bit receded, but if this current situation continies, I'll be happy with that because the treatment is pretty affordable. This is definitely something to consider though. Female late thirties btw.


Anecdotal, yes but Regaine ( the name its marketed under here in ireland) has done wonders for me. It has quite literally stopped my excessive hair loss.


I use a topical combination of minoxidil and finasteride which works well for me.


I recently switched from topical Minoxidil to oral. After a month I haven't noticed any changes on my scalp but I've been growing excess hair everywhere else which is awful. I'll be switching back to topical!


I have tried a lot of approaches. For many years, I took oral finasteride and topical minoxidil and had a great outcome with thick hair. It was very natural looking. A couple of years ago, I decided that I had been on oral finasteride for too many years, so I stopped taking finasteride and stayed with topical minoxidil, and gradually started losing hair but not at a heavy pace. Then I stopped both and took oral minoxidil. I started having subtle chest pains so I stopped it and the chest pains went away. I went back to topical minoxidil (but a 6% dosage) with topical finasteride and it has been okay but not as effective as the oral finasteride. So now I am going full circle back to oral finasteride and topical minoxidil. I am in the early stage so I am getting heavier hair loss (I heard this is typical). I hope I get back to my earlier great outcome. But I will see if my body chemistry has gone out of whack.
