US should come down on China ‘like a ton of bricks’ over Olympic promotions

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Former Speaker of the House Bronwyn Bishop says the US should come down on China “like a ton of bricks” following news it is paying influencers in the United States to promote the Beijing Winter Olympics.

A number of countries including the United States and Australia have announced a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

China has since announced it will pay a US PR firm to hire prominent Instagram, TikTok, and Twitch users to tout the Games and promote China-US cooperation on issues like climate change.

“If it happened here in Australia I think there would be an absolute outrage,” Ms Bishop told Sky News host James Morrow.

“To see that Americans would be paid by the Communist Party of China to undermine their own nation, I just find incredible – and to be so overt.”
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China at least doesn’t put transgenders in women’s competitions. I’m sure they’re not as oppressive to women like the IOC is. They probably have a dim view of our country’s great ‘pride’ we allow in athletics. Good for them.


Browyn Bishop would have to be the worst Speaker of the House. Unashamedly biased. Nakedly clueless because she was blinded by party politics to perform her job as a House Speaker. Her choice of transport to attend private functions was a helicopter ride fully paid for by the taxpayers. What made it worse was that she could have easily gotten there in a taxpayer funded commonwealth car. But true to her style, she chose the helicopter because it was a befitting her modus operandi, style over substance. Arriving in a helicopter like a loyalty. It was strange that a tonne of bricks didn't come down on her over her wastefulness and incompetence.


The United States Democratic and Republican party are too busy spending other American people's money to worry about an Olympics in China. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


What about the human rights violations of US and allies on Iraqis, Afganistanis, Yemenis, Palestinians, Somalians, just to mention a few today. If we are to go back a little than many many more whole people will be included. No ton of bricks their? Half a ton maybe? What about just two bricks. Half a brick, anyone can come down on them with half a brick? anyone?


Politicians to scared to go there but have the courage to send our athletes into danger


I’m waiting for the naming of the Australian athletes that are going to the genocide games. When they do, I’m going to write all of their names on every YouTube channel naming them as supporters of genocide.


The most uninteresting news coverage in Australia


So many reasons for US athletes to boycott these Olympic games...


Only one thing matters to America. You can view all their foreign policy through this lens. "Maintaining the supremacy of the US dollar." Its about financial dominance. There are similar or worse atrocities happening in Africa, but no ones cares, because they aren't a financial threat.


Why wouldn't the Chinese government promote the Olympic Games being held in China?
Isn't it expected that governments would promote the Olympics being held in its country?
Japan promoted the 2020 Summer Olympics and France has already started to promote the 2024 Summer Olympics.
Will Australia not promote the 2032 Summer Olympics?


Hey SkyNews, why aren't you covering the Julian Assange case anymore? Oh makes Australia look bad 😂😂😂


What is Australia going to do and the UK France even crappy Mexico LOL going to do why always what is the US going to do


😂 😂 😂………..please, don’t call us . We let you know when we want to talk.


"A number of countries ..." have announced their diplomatic boycott. The world has about 200 countries. Which are these "number of countries"? How many? Rules based democracy? If so, why? Since Australia feels so strongly about it, why doesn't Australia come down on China "like a ton of bricks" itself? What's holding it up?


With all the atrocities, pandemic and disasters in the world, people losing their lives and livelihoods, tornados ripping through towns, floods and volcanoes destroying peoples lives etc etc and here we are wanting to play games!


USA and Australia should boycott the Olympic Games if they want to disengage China.
Then China can boycott the Olympic Games when held in USA or its allies….
This will give everyone a chance to win a medal.
Maybe China should also boycott the Australian Open tennis …..and Australia would boycott some5hing else held in China.
I think it is all RUBBISH…..let all the athletes compete in all the competitions.
Let all politicians boycott each other.


Number 1 trade partners so I’d say there is cooperation there .


Maybe they can drop off their $4 trillion dollar debt to the Chinese that'll crush a few pallet chooks.


Grandma half foot is in the grave and still talk tough


Australia good, China bad, Sky News has simplified all common sense to this pathetic stance.
