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Skits from the ER [Ep. 79].

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For us healthcare professionals, patient pamphlets are quite literally lifesavers... or life preventers in this case 😂😂😂


Sixth grade a friend of mine was crying hysterically in the middle of recess. Finally she said she just got pregnant. The short of it was her Mom had told her she would get pregnant if a boy touched her knee. We had been playing sports and...


And yet many places think "don't have sex" is sufficient sex ed. 🤦‍♀
If you have the misfortune of living in such a place, and you don't know how/don't feel comfortable enough to explain the birds and bees to Little Johnny/Suzie... PLEASE take your child to a healthcare professional to have them teach your child. Seriously. I'd prefer to sit down with a 14 year old (and their parents!) to educate them, rather than be dispatched for "pregnancy complications" for a 15 year old mother-to-be.


I had to give a boyfriend the tampon pamphlet because he didn't know how woman's anatomy worked.


why the hell people don't realize that lack of sex education CAN END UP WITH THE CHILD BEING SEXUALLY ASSAULTED WITHOUT THEM KNOWING THAT IT'S please just teach them that!!


I think the worst thing is that I've actually heard this before. So, I didn't feel as blindsided/horrified by this, than I would have usually been. But yeah, it's terrifying. Also, am I the only one who has ever read the instructions that come along with a packet of condoms? I'm genuinely curious.


This is why I am angered at parents and school system who fight sex ed in schools


The face of sheer disbelief and disappointment gets me every time 😂


I had to explain to a guy I used to hang out with that women's periods last longer than one day. I've also had to explain to multiple people that oral sex is sex and u can still get an std. I feel for the ER. Keep up the good fight.


But remember, teaching abstinence only, and 'trusting the parents' is working SO WELL 🙄


I still consider it a point of pride that I organized a school sponsored burlesque event in college (we made record profits for a student association event) I got it approved as a sex education program. The burlesque team of men and women were game for answering even the most out there questions in between the acts and what they couldn't I had a nurse who worked at the sexual health resource centre in town ready to answer and or hand out pamphlets - she even brought an employee from a sex-toy shop in town that brought examples with them of what is and is not a sextoy and why. The event was so successful I had to run it twice more. Also helped that we had a concession stand set up where we served pop, water, cotton candy, popcorn, and chocolate covered marshmallow kebabs assembled in a phallic manner. The second show when the nurse came with the sex toy shop employee she had a significantly bigger stack of pamphlets and even more condoms, she also brought a few common pregnancy tests with her.


In my medical residency I helped a 15 year old deliver TWINS. She got pregnant at 14. Not even old enough to drive to get formula or diapers.🙄. This was when the parents said, “Keep it, don’t worry, we’ll help you!”….and they do….for like a year, then they are over it, and a girl loses her opportunity at an education and with that, her way out of that horrible revolving door. As the “Dad” just keeps on doing whatever he did. The consequences of the lack of good sex Ed are VERY sexist. It is ridiculous. PLEASE…if you just can’t talk about sex, let us docs do it! I will scare the s#|T out of them just by telling them true stories they will never forget!! 😉


Me, a Swede: Ah, it's one of these things us Northerners can't really relate to - and we're grateful for that.


I'm just here to say I'm one of the few who actually had a good sex ed teacher. I knew almost everything prior, but we actually learned this stuff lol, my teacher really drilled it into our heads.


I grew up in the Netherlands and I am so glad I did. I have a Japanese mom who had trouble talking to me about any of this stuff. She gave me copies from a book explaining the menstrual cycle when I got my first period.
But we learned about anatomy and sexual reproduction in biology class. I think I was twelve or thirteen. It was mostly anatomy of sexual organs, menstrual cycle, how babies are made and how they develop, and a bit of statistics about efficiency of different kinds of birth control. Boys and girls got the exact same information in our regular classes biology together. But I also remember that the first video I saw about how a baby develops in the womb was in primary school.
To this day still glad it was just treated like just another chapter or subject of biology.


I was having food and literally spat out laughing 😃
I love you
Thanks for the entertainment


This is great. Just explain why you don't wash them and what you really do. Teenagers must watch your videos. Your comedy really fits


I worked at Planned Parenthood for 22 years. So many people from all kinds of backgrounds and all levels of education know zip about sexual facts.


I've had sex education classes since the 5th grade. Though the first couple of years was really just about puberty. I got lucky in the mom department because anytime I had a question she always answered it honestly. She didn't sugar coat it.

I've heard some stories about people that didn't even know how babies were made until after they got married. I still can't figure out why their parents/guardians didn't explain everything to them before they walked down the isle.


When I used to work in the mall we used to get requests for a "condom washing kit". I mean, I wish I was kidding. Even people in their 40's were asking for one because they got tired of buying them. The only condoms we sold were novelty ones that actually said DO NOT USE on the package.
