'Groaning in the Spirit' and one of the most underrated verses in the Bible: Romans 8:26-28

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Studying the idea of the Holy Spirit interceding with groans and whether this is tongues. We also finally get to Romans 8:28, a greatly underappreciated verse. Romans 8 is the gift that keeps on giving!
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Interesting how you brought up " Train as a child..." verse. It's easily explained when looking into the genre of Proverbs. Proverbs are general truths not promises. We as Christians should read the Bible not only as an inspired sacred text but also as literature to avoid taking verses out of context or taking them beyond what it is intended.


I found this video because a few years ago I read this scripture for the first time ever (baby Christian) and I made it my own! I was new on my walking with Jesus after we lost our daughter, I didn’t know what to pray or how to do it, so I started to pray: “ Please Holy Spirit pray and intercede on my behalf, I’m in pain and I don’t know what’s best for me right now, God I want to make your will, but I need so much help” one day After praying on my couch in my living room, after so much crying I felt tired and began to fall asleep, I think it was a vision because I wasn’t sleep or awake, and I saw a Gentleman in a suit and so so gracious, walking across my living room and sat next to me, never saw me directly but He let me know he was there for me and with me, I wasn’t alone, then I asked: Is that you Holy Spirit? I immediately felt I could rest because he was taking over, he lifted up his arms to the heavens as he was praying and started to intercede for me 😭😭 I felt so much peace that I couldn’t resist to rest, I felt deeply asleep but before that I only said “Thank you Holy Spirit” since that day I know I’m not alone, I know I have a guide, I know he is my companion, Jesus is my lawyer and my God is a fair judge, I know I have an accuser but I have the Holiest by my side.


I used to have an aunt of Osage and Cherokee decent who was deeply into Christian evangelism among various Native American tribes while she was still alive. She once told me of a time when she was evangelizing among the Navajos when strange noises came from her mouth that she did not understand. The Navajos listening to her, however, heard her speaking in perfect Navajo. Mind you, my aunt couldn't even speak very many words in the languages of the tribes she belonged to, but she was speaking in a tribal language of which neither Osages and Cherokees have ever had much contact; so, I believe in the speaking of tongues as described by Bible. I, however, do not believe in the speaking of tongues as taught to me in the Pentecostal and Charismatic churches I was initially raised in.


"We can pray as weak people, and still have strong prayers" -- COME WITH THE WORD PASTOR !!!! You're right it is such a blessing <3


I feel like the groaning that can’t be uttered is like this situation. You’re just crying and on your face and all you can manage is God help me and you just cry to God. You’re not talking, or praying, you’re just crying. I think that’s what this verse is about. Many times I’ve found myself here where I cry at the feet of God and His presence comes bringing peace. God is so good ❤️❤️❤️


“God used bad things for good, but that doesn’t make bad things good.” - Mike Winger
Such a balanced perspective all theological extremes could learn from!!


"Groans that words cannot express" is one of my favorite phrases in the Bible. And in the times since I started digging in to The Word, I have experienced a strange bodily spasm, in which I involuntarily groan. It happens when I am laying in bed, at the end of an emotionally trying day. I absolutely know it is the Holy Spirit praying on my behalf. It makes me smile... and whisper, "thank You, Holy Spirit..."


Amen! Especially at 38:20
"If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair." CS Lewis
And how wonderful a comfort we have! It is also logically consistent 🤓


Thank God for you, Mike Winger. Your hunger for God is truly inspiring!


"the Holy Spirit assisting us in prayer, the Father knowing the mind of the spirit" - that gave me chills. That is just so awesome.


Yes please pastor! Do that study on speaking in tongues! And maybe on Jesus genealogy as well? And maybe on every single biblical subject? Your sermons rock 💪🙏


Thank you for your teaching on this subject. There has been a great deal of controversy over the tongues. I personally was first used by the Holy Spirit during a prayer meeting years ago at church. We were praying for needs in the body of Christ and all of a sudden a gut wrenching groan came over me and tears flowed. I wept and groaned for about 20 minutes or so. What a blessing and honor to be used by the Holy Spirit to pray for Gods will. Praise the Lord for His grace, mercy, and love. God bless you Mike!!


I just up loaded this and 4 other of your sermons on my mp3 for work this week. I have listened to one of your sermons before and I'm back to listen to more. Your one of my favorite preachers. Thank you very much


Dear lord I’ll say it again I miss judged you now I’m so thankful for your teaching. As soon as I gave my life to the lord I went into word of faith movement I see so much solid balanced teaching it’s what I need it’s good. I can see the good I received through my word of faith years it worked for my good yet even better that my doctrine be purged . I’m in a place where I’m afraid to go to church because of wacky stuff. Too much woohoo then other churches I go to no word or others feed ego self me me me not him him. I’m struggling here so thank the lord for now I found your teachings until the lord leads me to a good fellowship.


I attend a church that openly speaks in tongues during service. When I first started to hear this I thought it was silly. My hypothesis was that she were faking it in the attempt to look spiritual. But I overlooked it because I was having real experiences with the lord. So, we participated in a week long fast and prayer for the church. During this time, I was in deep prayer when my mouth started to shake and move. It scared me and told it to stop, which it did. On another occasion, I was praying for a brother in the church and I heard, “pray in tongues”. I said I don’t know how to speak of tongues. Then again “speak in tongues”. I felt something like water flowing from my belly up through my mouth. There was a holy power around us and I know it was the Holy Spirit. It never happen to me again but I think god let me experience that so that I wouldn’t doubt the phenomenon.


Yeah, yeah. Preach!!!
I have shared this series of videos with a couple of people. These teachings have been such a blessing to me so far and I haven't finished them yet.
You mentioned doing something like this for the books of Hebrews and Galatians. I hope that Our Father helps you to do so. That would be another awesome blessing. Thank you so much brother Mike for doing the work of The Lord. God bless you and your family always.


Romans is probably my favorite epistle, and Romans 8 is definitely the standout!! Thank you for your teaching, Pastor Mike! So awesome 🙌💕


once again....spectacular !!! this guy uncovers so much great information. and, you walk "all around" the subject in a kind/respectful/honest yet gutzy way. as you should!!! keep it going Mike !!!


Yeah I had to go through a group that fell short on their theology. They taught that I needed to recieve the holy ghost via evidence of tongues. They didnt make the important distinction that tongues is just a gift and did not speak clearly that its not a salvific gift. Also they didnt obey to not invoke the gift in public rather keep tongues as a private prayer thing.

Had to deal with paranoid schizophrenia thinking I was not saved as a result. So yeah its super important to correct this falling short in theology. I still dont speak in tongues but I am saved and have eternal life with my savior!!! Love you Jesus!!!


Let me share my spiritual experience concerning the scripture in Romans 8:26. After I got born again in my spirit when I received the Salvation in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, within few days the "groanings" manifested in me. I did groan heavily when I am so touched in my prayer especially when I prayed deeply. It became part of my normal prayer life whenever I was so moved while praying. It always manifest when I am praying in the spirit, and sometimes when I worship in the spirit.

At its first manifestation I wondered why it happened, for I never heard of it before nor read of it in the Bible (at that time I had read only small portion of the Bible). But later on, I was amazed with exceeding gladness when I found it in the book of Romans. How I was so thankful to The LORD that He gives me such gift of praying in the spirit with groanings. For I know that the Spirit makes intercession for me with groanings when I know not what I should pray for as I ought. And that, I am sure that the Spirit is making intercession for me according to the will of God. This gives me a blessed assurance that The LORD hears my prayers. Thank You so much Father. Thank You.

Each time I prayed with groanings, the burden that was in me before is released, and I became refreshed after the prayer. And I know that our merciful and gracious God is doing something good to whomsoever it is due, though I know not what I had prayed for.

This kind of prayer had a done a major part when the Lord Jesus raised up Lazarus from the dead. ( John 11:33-44 )

I hope this testimony will give a light of truth, wisdom and understanding to these scriptures.

To God be the glory! God bless and graces to all.
