Karliene - When You're Alone

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Because I love this man and don't know how else to show it, so here's my favourite song from one of my most treasured Robin Williams movies.

I hope you know how much we all love you, Robin.

Follow Me:

When You're Alone
From the 1991 movie, "Hook"
Songwriters: Williams, John T./Bricusse, Leslie

-- | LYRICS |--

When you're all alone
Far away from home
There's a gift the angel sent
When you're alone

Everyday must end
But the night's our friend
Angels always send a star
When you're alone

At night when I'm alone
I lie awake and wonder
Which of them belongs to me
Which one I wonder?

And any star I choose
Watches over me
So I know I'm not alone
When I'm here on my own

Isn't that a wonder?
When you're alone
You're not alone
Not really alone

The stars are all my friends
Till the night time ends
So I know I'm not alone
When I'm here on my own

Isn't that a wonder?
When you're alone
You're not alone
Not really alone
Рекомендации по теме

“To die will be an awfully big adventure.” “All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.” “Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.” “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.”
R.I.P Robin Williams


I can’t imagine who would check the thumbs-down on this exquisite and beautiful voice. I was totally still and enchanted by its other-worldly heavenliness. Thank you for singing this. I will hear it every day.


Robin Williams always gave so much of his time to the USO tours.  Those of us in the military will miss his spirit.  Thank you for singing this...


Lovely! RIP Robin... O Captain! My Captain!


Karliene, I don't normally cry with celebrity deaths. But this one struck home.
Hook, and Jumanji, and Aladdin will always be my favorite movies by him. 
What an amazing tribute to such an amazing man. You have got me bawling.

And for everyone saying it was a shame or a "sin" that he passed of suicide, it isn't at all.
These people don't ask to be depressed. They don't ask for mental illnesses. 
They can't control what they do no more than someone that had a heart attack could. 
Often times people with mental illness are afraid to go get help. Afraid with being judged,  
and afraid to be exposed to the world. It's hard to go through, so don't judge until you know 
the situation and how they felt in that time period.

Rest  in peace Robin. You were an amazing actor, man, and you will always hold
a huge place in my heart. My thoughts and prayers are with the Williams family.


Robin, I wish you had known how many lives you were a part of, how many treasured memories included you. You brought the world smiles and laughter, touched so many hearts. I just wish you could have seen into our hearts where the last bits of childhood innocence is safely guarded. If you could have seen us, met us, you wouldn't have felt so alone. Damn Hollywood for it's apathy and fake faces, you deserve to know real people who were grateful for your work and admired the fact that you dedicated your life to making us smile; to brightening a cold and selfish world. We loved you as innocents love, freely and without deception.


What a lovely tribute.  Robin will continue to have a special place in all of our hearts for many years to come I'm sure.


Thank You, Karliene.Robin Williams was a wonderful and gifted human being and I will miss his light while I celebrate his life in my heart and memory.Humor is one of the great gifts to be appreciated in this sad and beautiful world .


There are literally tears running down my cheeks as I write this, and as a man I'm not afraid to admit it. Of all the celebrity deaths of the past decade or so, this one hit me(and many people I'm sure) the hardest. Nobody could make me laugh like robin, no one could touch my heartstrings like robin, no other comedian/actor possessed his effervescence....and we will never see the likes of it again. This is such a beautiful song, and I could hear and feel the love in your voice.


I grew up with Robin Williams on the television and to know he will not be making anything new, is to say that there will be a huge void in creativity and that is a sad truth. Rest in Peace good sir and you are in a far far better place.  To Karliene, this tribute was perfect girl


For as long as I've been subbed to you I have NEVER come across this cover until now and boy did it hits its notes with me.

I will never forget that day when Robin passed. I was shocked like most people and sad but I was DEVASTATED to had learned he took his life. And every now and then when I do think of Robin I will sometimes bawl because he truly was a staple of my childhood and its upsetting as it is scary to have that realization that he had those demons but while putting a smile on our faces.

Thank you Robin for what you gave us. You may not be here with us physical but I feel you are still with us in some form and you will life on for a very long time.


I loved him as well. He always made me feel happy, safe and worth watching his movies over and over again!


All I can say is thank you. Thank you so much for honoring the man who created the voices and laughter of my childhood...Thank you so much...


Damn it!!! I was trying not to cry.
Rip robin Williams. You will be missed.


Beautiful tribute and very very sad song.
Robin Williams was a special actor for... generations, really.

From Italy </3
P.s.: You're amazing, Karliene.


First time watching/hearing this in two years and it saddens me more now then it did then


God bless his beautiful soul and yours for making such a lovely tribute to Robin. I still can't believe that a man who made so many people happy had such a tragic end. I re-watched Hook tonight (I love that movie since I was a child) and it wasn't the same: at the end I was crying my heart out. I know that's not the way I have to feel, I have to be grateful to him for giving me such a magical childhood, I have to remember him the way he would have wanted... But my heart is so broken.


I love Robin Williams ♥ he was my favorite actor.


Such a sad death of a man who spent his entire life bringing smiles to the faces of thousands of people.

Made even more tragic by the realization of his years of depression and addiction, hiding behind his many faces and characters was a broken and depressed man. Just like the rest of us.

I hope he can find the peace that money and fame didn't bring him. 


Thank you for singing this song and posting it in this way.  Bless you, thank you so much.   For all those we have lost.
