Discover How You Can Get Health Coaching Clients WITHOUT Social Media

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If you’re anything like me, you have a complicated relationship with social media.

So when it comes to using social media in our health coaching business, this can feel especially intimidating.

Many health coaches are under the impression that posting on social media will magically grow your audience and get you clients.

And I can tell you from experience that this is NOT the case.

In fact, social media can become a huge waste of precious time and energy for many health coaches.

It can also lead to feelings of comparison, inferiority and overwhelm.

That being said, I do NOT believe that social media is evil.

It is simply a tool. How you use it will determine how you feel about it.

That being said, I want you to know that using social media is 100% optional when it comes to growing a successful health coaching business.

There are plenty of marketing options that are super effective that don’t require you to spend any time on social media.

In this week’s video, I’m going to share the top ways you can get clients in your health coaching business WITHOUT social media.

If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up, subscribe, share it with your friends.

Additional related videos you may find helpful:

Unlock the Secret to Unshakable Confidence as a Health Coach

How to Create a Health Coaching Program that Gets Results


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I'd love to hear your biggest take-away from today's video. Thanks for watching! :)


Thank you! As a dietitian, social media is a dumpster fire and I don’t want to have to fight against all the misinformation and engage with people who want to argue. Also, I don’t like how disingenuous it feels to try and make posts just to fit the algorithm. I want to be authentic, I don’t want to follow a generic formula to attract people. I think attracting followers and attracting clients are two different things


Man... You hit the nail on the head with the confidence piece. It definitely made me stop and think about it. I have helped people through some of the most difficult situations and illnesses and yet still didn't have the confidence to keep going. I kept pulling myself out of the coaching world and using so many different excuses. The reality is, I just had to sort through some more things within myself first.


I love your channel so much. I‘m in a slightly different field (psychologist and career counselor), but most of this still applies. I love how you cut through the blabla and your content is so reliably solid.


Thanks for presenting a different perspective and other options. Social media feels overwhelming to me. I am at the ground floor of just beginning. I have no followers, I don’t even know where to begin or how to organize and break down content. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you! Profession and personable. You are very easy to relate to with your wisdom and perspective. You are lovely and you have what it takes!


Another great video! I just think you are the best!


Such a relief thank you for this video ❤


My take away…time away from social media. It has consumed me while going no where for my business. I think I will take a 30 day break and see if I regain some momentum!


Another very helpful video, much appreciated thank you 😊 all the ideas are very useful and thought provoking


Great options to build audience once we have our message, offerings set. Thanks!


34 years ago l had 3 surgeries on my left knee and 2 surgeries on my right knee after I broke both knees simultaneously while playing basketball at the YMCA after a freakish injury after a sudden jump stop move proved too forceful for my knees as they both snapped instantly. My doctors had never heard of such an injury involving both knees while playing basketball.. This included a near fatal case of toxic shock syndrome when my left knee became infected while my wounds were healing. For the next 20 years I had knee pain and stiffness off and on. Then I decided to focus on changing my mindset as well as exercise and a healthy diet (losing 40 pounds in the process) and that was a game changer. Today at 55 years old I have virtually no knee pain and I'm in the best shape of my adult life. Now I'm an aspiring wellness coach with the goal of helping others overcome their own similar challenges. Have you heard of a similar injury to the one l experienced? I'm very curious. Thank you


Good stuff. True in my experience. Thanks.


I just started the video so idk if you mention it, but what do you think about forums, quora, and Reddit. Maybe even discord


Thanks for this useful content! Unfortunately, the strategy about hoping ppl will share and talk about my services to someone they know is not really working for me because painful sex is taboo and women usually don't talk about it to their friends, even their MD. I have a very picky niche. I struggle to create a newsletter. I am not good with technology. 😒


Do you offer a program for PA's on how to get started with health coaching? Im interested in doing this but have several questions on how to get started.


But as an African who is trying to get American clients... I teally need social media


Just want to point out that YouTube is considered social media.
