Don't Justify Your Prices. Do This Instead.

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When prospects challenge your pricing, how do you respond? Chris Do shares an empowering new approach to handling this tricky situation with finesse.

Learn a simple yet highly effective method to reframe the conversation in your favor, and discover how to establish trust and authority by guiding prospects through prioritizing their must-haves.

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Host: Chris Do
Producer: Mark Contreras
Cinematographers/Editors: Stewart Schuster @RodrigoTasca & @Tascastudios MOCS Media
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I love this quote I found recently: “I’m competing with people at double my rate, not half”.


I must say I followed your tips for the past years. This has lead me to double my fees and have no questions asked about my prices, and when I do, I do not talk about money. It is what it is. I do have less clients, but they pay better, they value what I do, and trust my judgment. And now I have more time for my family. So, thank you.


I had a distributor trying to force us to justify our prices. They harassed us for nearly 5 weeks with calls and e-mails. Finally, the CEO got involved and asked the distributor for their client list and they were insulted. He stated “now do you understand what type of private information you’re asking of us?” We have distributors in a queue for our product. We let this distributor go. They then came back begging 3 months later. Sometimes you need to align with the right people.


My favorite line is...
" this price Represents my experience and workmanship"


If anyone has watched Chris for long enough, you will understand he is not arrogant, he's realistic and honest! <3 Best Mentor You Can Have! No Fakness, no scam, just always providing us with real knowledge and life experiences. Thanks CHRIS!



I am a plumber, and I have closed several deals thanks to your sales videos. Appreciate you!


My dad was a contractor, the client brought multiple contractors out. At the same time. So 3 of them together start bidding, my dad gave one price. The others started going lower and lower. Eventually they stopped, and client shook his hand and said “You stood up and gave a firm price, I appreciate that.” Did several decks, gazebos and what not for them over the years. Client for life.


Well put. As a woodworker, I don't have the pricing discussion with people at all. My prices are set by what it costs me in time and materials to get to the end product. If the customer cannot meet that price, my product simply is not for them.


Been in business for over 18 years. I'm crying right now. This is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you Chris. I've been lowering my prices my entire career because all I want to do is help people. As a result, my business has stayed small. I'm going to listen to this on repeat until it becomes part of who I am. I can't thank you enough for this information and providing us creatives with the business acumen some of us never had. I'm very grateful.


Competing on price is a short-term strategy with catastrophic long-term consequences. Competing on value and differentiation is how to increase profitability.


I'm living proof that my success is because of this guy. And I'm in South Africa. These teachings are universal.


I took on a large project where the client was very adamant on a certain deadline of two days that he wanted to be done urgently.
It was my first deal so I was nervous and I caved in. I didn't know how I should price myself and apparently my lack of confidence gave him the justification to try to boss me around. I took on the project without anything upfront and I spent the next two days not sleeping to finish the project.
I finished it and the guy didn't bother to pay me until after two weeks.
I've learned three lessons:
1- when you're doing the work, then you will be the one setting the deadlines not them.

2- always take at least half up front. They might scam you.

3- be ready to walk away from a deal.


As a client myself, i always ask "what can you do within this budget" so that the artist is not undervalued !


I’m not the cheapest, but that’s exactly why you decided we should connect. You’re tired of settling for cheap, and I don’t argue with competitor prices…They know exactly what they are worth.


I believe I heard this from you..."We are proud of our pricing; it is what it takes to meet and exceed our clients' expectations"


"A bad deal always gets worse."

I don't remember if I learned this from your channel or somewhere else, but this advice has been SUPER helpful for me over the past few years as my business has begun to mature. I've worked really hard to develop Drama Radar (patent pending) so I can pick up during the discovery meeting whether this client is going to be a headache moving forward.

Another correlated thing that's been helpful for me is this question:

"Are you trying to be Wal-Mart, or Whole Foods?"

Both have their place in the market, but both service vastly different types of people. No shade against Wal-Mart, but price-focused shoppers tend to be the most nit-picky and argumentative. The same is true in just about any industry.


I sometimes get the question “why is your artwork so expensive?” My answer is “if I can’t make a living at this, then none of this artwork that you see here and enjoy so much, would ever exist”


This video has good insights, I did exactly what you're recommending about two weeks ago. The client ghosted me after I sent them the updated price that's within their budget range, because I changed the scope to match the price. They wanted to pay less while the scope remained the same. I never change or justify my price, I am more than happy to walk away from opportunities. Great video, you're one of the few people on YouTube that speak about the path that you've actually walked.


"For every customer, there is a vendor"

Very Valid🎉
Thank you Mr Chris.
