GenX Dark humor…

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Do you ise dark humor? #humor #darkhumor #trauma #MentalHealth #traumatic #genx #genxtiktokers @Home for The DBV Nation @Slim Sherri @Kelly Manno😎 @Gen X Talks @Jared Seay
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It was literally a survival mechanism, crying wasn't an option it just made it worse.


As a GenX, I use dark humor. I use it to see who can take it, and who's a little whiny

There's an old adage, "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.". GenX has modified that adage a bit, "What doesn't kill me, had better run like hell.".


When I was 8 a lady backed into me and my bike, it bent the frame, when I got home and told my mother she smacked me for not paying attention...


Or if you absent-mindedly answer some poor unsuspecting person's innocent question with just some blunt statement of (traumatic) fact then catch the horrified 'wtf!?!' expression on their faces. That's good for a laugh too. I don't think we've (GenX) ever claimed our coping skills are healthy... have we?


This is an excellent summary. The other point is that discussing it is a triumph of "look where I am now, in spite of all that."


Example of my dark humor: My parents died in 2015, and a few months later when I was talking to my maternal grandmother, she was starting to cry over the loss of my Mom (her first born). I said to her, "Well there is one good thing about all of this." She asked what it was, and I replied, "It's two less people to Christmas shop for." My grandma started laughing, and said she thought about making a similar joke, but she thought I would be upset. I had to remind her, that in our family, we all love dark humor.


The glint in your eye with the “that would be interesting” at the end was probably the most GenX thing about this.


I get this completely. I was an orphan foster kid and was on the streets by age 15 so my humor actually saved my life because if you can make a gangster laugh they keep you around. Also I wss vulnerable as a little girl so protecting myself physically was a problem. My words and story telling entertained the criminals. Also think I had angels 😇


I died one time when I was 7. Mom told me to walk it off. So I did.


There’s no crying in Gen X. Laugh it off, walk it off and carry on.


Take away dark humor from GenX and the world burns.


When people look at me like, “Why are you laughing at what happened to you? That was awful!”, when I recount certain things humorously, I always say, “Look, I can laugh about it or I can cry about it. I’d rather laugh.”. Because, seriously, a lot of dark things happened to me in my childhood, but I won’t let any of it defeat me. Younger generations would be in therapy the rest of their lives if they lived through a fraction of what Gen-Xers went through on a daily basis.


So much truth, right there.
Raise your hands if you have suppressed and repressed a h**l of a lot of darkness and rage to make life a little easier on those around us.
The same goes for those of us who have worked in Emergency services.
Robert A. Heinlein wrote in 'Stranger in a Strange Land': Michael - "I've found out why people laugh. They laugh because it hurts so much . . . because it's the only thing that'll make it stop hurting."


Had a psychiatrist ask me about childhood traumas, and so I started listing them chronologically.

He eventually puts up his hands in surrender saying "stop. I've heard enough. Just stop it".
Me: but I'm only up to three. I've got another 27 years to go.

He writes a letter back to my regular doctor saying that I have "fantastical tales of childhood"

From there I have decided that statement will be the title of my autobiography

"Fantastical tales of childhood and other equally unbelievable events that actually happened"

What do you all think?


Us Gen Xr's faced death on an almost daily basis. Of course we used dark humor to laugh it off.


That is why Gen X is so sarcastic and loves dark humor. Trauma has to be dealt with somehow and we choose to make fun of our pain and laugh through it


The ones who couldn’t get over it, and joke about it, are the ones that become serial killers.


I'm 50, was born behind the iron curtain and we immigrated to Canada in the early 80s when immigration wasn't ubiquitous and "Commies" were hated.

Humour is cathartic and a great coping mechanism. If you'd rather we act out then you're divorced from reality.


Several GenX did let that rage out. They ended up in military serves, prison, or cemetery.


And this is why I was just un-phased by the pandemic. I just expect bad things to happen, and then roll with it best I can, joking myself through it. Also, I just like to be left alone. 😂😂
