Cricut Explore 3 & Maker 3: Everything You Want to Know About Cricut's New Cutting Machines!

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Cricut's new cutting machines will be available to buy online on 6/10 and on store shelves on 6/27.

In this video, I reveal the NEW Cricut Explore 3 AND Cricut Maker 3 cutting machines! Together we'll unbox them, look at all the new materials and tools and how they're used, and quickly complete some simple projects using the bonus materials and these machine's new features, including fast, matless cutting!

0:00 Introducing the Cricut Maker 3 and Cricut Explore 3
0:24 What are the new Cricut cutting machines?
0:43 What can the new Cricut 3 machines cut?
1:09 What's different and new about Cricut Explore 3 and Maker 3?
2:13 New features of the new Cricut machines
3:11 Cricut Explore 3 Unboxing
3:42 Cricut Maker 3 Unboxing
4:08 What comes in the Cricut Explore 3 & Maker 3 box?
4:26 Bonus Material Contents
5:31 What's not in the boxes?
5:56 What's different on the new Cricut 3 machines?
7:59 Setup the Cricut Explore 3 & Maker 3
8:25 Prepare the Workspace
8:35 How to Power On in Your Cricut Explore 3 or Maker 3
8:57 How to Connect to Your Computer
9:38 First Test Cut
10:13 How to Load the Smart Vinyl
12:49 Smart Materials & How They Work
14:38 Cricut Roll Holder
14:55 How to Attach the Cricut Roll Holder
16:52 Projects for Bonus Materials
17:17 Make a T-Shirt with Smart Iron On on the Explore 3
19:46 Make a Custom Sign with Smart Vinyl on the Maker 3
22:41 Make Labels with Smart Paper on the Explore 3
25:08 How to Get More Help with Cricut Explore 3 & Maker 3

The Cricut Explore 3 and Cricut Maker 3 are computer-guided cutting machines, and they are the next generation in a long line of machines. This is their latest, and -- maybe -- your greatest! If you're not yet familiar with what a smart cutting machine like this does, and how it can help you, basically they can cut a wide range of materials such as vinyl, paper, and iron on in intricate designs, quickly and precisely. Which makes all of those projects so much faster and so much more fun. Cricut cutting machines can also use extra tools to write, draw, and foil!

So what's the difference, and -- more importantly -- what's new about these next generation machines?

The big difference between the Explore 3 and the Maker 3 are the tools and cutting force -- the Explore works by dragging the blade across the material, while the Maker works by actively positioning and turning the blade as needed. This allows the Maker to cut more materials with ten times the force -- up to 300 materials, in fact, everything the Explore can cut PLUS things like leather, basswood, and crepe paper. And it allows the Maker to use more tools -- including the rotary tool, the knife tool, the engraving tool, the deboss tool, and scoring wheel. So the Explore works with six tools, while the Maker works with thirteen tools ... and counting. The Maker has an expandable suite of tools, letting you grow with it.

So all of that is true of the current Explore and Maker machines ... what's NEW about these next generation machines? The Explore 3 and Maker 3 can now cut FASTER -- up to two times as fast as the previous machines -- and they can now cut certain materials without a mat. Yes, without a mat! I'm SO excited!

AND -- get this -- you can some materials cut up to 12 feet long!

Now, they can't cut everything that long, nor cut everything without a mat, and they don't cut everything faster, but I'll explain what it does and doesn't do when we talk about all of the materials later.

In addition to being able to make longer and faster cuts without a mat, the Cricut Explore 3 and Maker 3 can do print then cut on color paper as well as white paper, and they are both compatible with the optional roll holder to make it easier to cut from a roll, which I'll show you later.

So first, let's unbox both the Explore 3 and Maker 3 so I can show you how fast they are!

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For more details on the Cricut Explore 3 and Maker 3, such as release date, price, the designs I used in my projects (free!), and TONS of answers to questions, please go to


I have an Explorer 2 and a Maker. It would be nice if Cricut had a trade-in program when they came out with brand new machines.


Cricut honestly has the best customer service I have ever seen. Hands down. The best. I was on the fence between cricut and silhouette and ultimately decided cricut. They had a nice sale going on on the maker everything bundle and I wanted it so bad. I created an account, put it in my cart, and while being almost 7 months pregnant put in over a 60 hour work week (in a warehouse) to have the extra money to be able to afford it. I don’t have the money to splurge on myself like this but with it being holiday season I decided I work hard, my toddler has more than she could even imagine, my bills are paid… ima get one to put under the tree for me this year. Well by the time my pay check hit the bank a week later the sale was over and I was devastated. I was already feeling the insane mom guilt for even getting it in the first place and I didn’t have $370 bucks to spend on it. I was about to just say to heck with it. It was an idea but now it is what it is I’ll just put the extra money up for my daughters Christmas. Hormones were full blast at that point. I was at work and exhausted and I couldn’t stop thinking about it and I thought what the heck. I’ll contact cricut and see if they could still honor the sale considering I was less than 24 hours late. I was checking it every day and the day I got paid was the day the sale ended. I waited about 40 minutes to be connected with someone via chat but I held out and finally got connected with someone. I was at the point of worst they can say is no. Doesn’t hurt to try. Again pregnancy hormones full blast. I explained to the extremely nice and kind worker about everything. Being miserably pregnant, working my butt off, how exhausted and upset I was and asked her if they could still honor the sale. Keep in mind this woman did not have to help me at all. I had never bought anything from them before. Their machines would sell with or without me. This woman was so unbelievably kind, she told me that she fully understood all of my feelings at that point in time and she thanked me for choosing their company to invest into. She ended up making me a promo code and I got the bundle for about $240 after taxes n such. Which was less than the sell price at $260 before taxes. From here on out I will always be an avid cricut supporter. Any company who legitimately cares about their consumers, both new and existing, and will go out of their way to help you and let you know they care speaks volumes to me. My cricut is under the tree and I’m not so patiently waiting counting down the days until Christmas and I can open it. I feel like everyone considering a cutting machine, knowing how big of an investment it can be to some, need to know about how amazing the customer support workers are cricut are. Hopefully this comment doesn’t get buried.


I feel that at present my Maker will do everything I need and won't need to upgrade. The speed is nice but not necessary for most home crafters. I love my Maker though and really appreciate the work you have put in to build this great community and content. Thank you for the clear and balanced presentation and comparison between the two.


Brilliant intuitive review. No nonsense, straight to the point and no loud overbearing background music. For anyone who has never seen this machine before this video was very helpful. Thank you. Will return to watch more of your videos especially if I buy either of these machines.


Thank you! Just got my first Cricut. There are a ton of videos on this. You made it super easy to follow the steps to get started.


Love the new machines! Not going to upgrade for a while because my Maker is not even a year old. But would love to be able to cut without a mat!! Woohoo! Jennifer Maker has taught me so much about using my current machine, if any of you have questions or need to learn more, I promise you that you are in the right place here with Jennifer!


Iv been watching reviews a long time for many different things... I have never owned a cricut before and wouldn't know anything about them
This is possibly THE BEST review I have ever watched very informative and stright to the point
Amazing work 👏


Wow! I have to chime in and say I'm on the fence about Cricut. Every time I save to buy a machine, Cricut comes out with something new. I had just purchased the Explore Air 2 and they came out with the Maker. Good thing I didn't buy the Maker because now there are two new machines. This is great for people who don't already own a machine, but I still have my Expression with 50 cartridges.


I just purchased my Cricut Maker a month ago... I should have waited lol. Now I will have to explain to my husband why I need the upgrade haha. I can always gift my sister the previous maker because she is wanting one.


I too 2 would like to have a Maker 3 however my explore 2 is just fine. I will wait maybe another year and then I’ll look at it again. We can never keep up with technology!


Hey Jennifer! I just wanted to let you know that I trust your videos and opinions so much that I skipped all of the Cricut videos they had posted and came straight here for your video. I really appreciate how honest you are and that you give all of the facts. Thank you for all that you do 😊


Thank you for always giving such thorough, creative, and informative videos. You truly have a gift for teaching and demonstrating!!!


The good news for me since I JUST GOT the maker, is that I don't need to go any faster than I am since I'm new to all this 🤣 My heart skipped a beat as I thought I was going to have to sit here and cry 🥴 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I absolutely LOVE your channel and have recently sent a friend (looking to get a maker) your way for all the great instruction you are giving me! Love love love and thank you 🥰


You are always so thorough and precise with your demonstrations and videos, thank you.


I am so excited I hope the older models come down in price for those of us that they were out of our budgets 🙌 still using explore one and expression


Thanks so much fort this great video. I just got my Maker 3 and was feeling super overwhelmed, and now I'm excited to start playing with it because you made it so easy and fun! Can't wait to take your free class.


My family gifted me the Explorer 3 for Christmas....been staring at the box...this review makes it easy to start. SUBSCRIBED.... you make it, make sense. Thanks.


I love how you explain everything so clearly and thoroughly. I also recently saw in one of your emails that you live in Michigan. So do I. Probably no where near you, but I still think it's pretty cool. Thank you so much for all you do to help out us fellow crafters.


Recieved a maker 3 for my birthday. Today I finally had the time unbox and set it up. It was much easier to set up this machine compared to the Explorer Air 2. Thanks for the set up video.
