YIKES! 45% of Americans want to live in a 'Christian Nation'

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A recent survey from the Pew Research Center found that 45% of Americans believe we ought to live in a “Christian Nation”... but those people have very different ideas about what that would mean in practice.

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Thank you to Yanely Del Rosario for providing captioning help!
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You *CANNOT* have "freedom of religion" without first having *FREEDOM FROM RELIGION!*


That's because 40% of those Americans don't actually understand what a Christian America would mean.


If Right Wing Christian Nationals want a theocracy; They should asked the Iranians how they feel about theocracy.


When people say they'd welcome a theocracy in the US, I ask them "Which denomination?"
I never seem to get an answer. Unless they want the crickets to run the country.


I don't understand why people base every aspect of their lives on imaginary friends for adults...


I recently had a conversation with a staunch religionist of the Christian variety. She ardently promoted one position, but one which the majority of non-believers most likely don't support. I asked her about the rights of non-believers. She stared at me, mouth open. "Why, they don't have rights... do they? They're going to hell anyway... what do they matter?" I reminded her that they're American citizens. She ignored that.

I'm glad the role of Christian Nationalism in the Jan 6th event is being brought out on the floor of congress.

Your data are interesting. I read a good book recently, The Devil You Know, by Elecka Peterson Sparks. There is a direct link between Conservative Christianity and crime. Professor Sparks has written about this subject after much research, in a contemporary context.

BTW you're right that faith is not a virtue. The Four Virtues traditionally are justice, temperance, fortitude and patience. Anyone can live a sound life and be morally good. No religion necessary.


Yep and if they( Christian Fundamentalist) have their way they'll take us back to the Bronze Age and or 17th century Puritan Massachusetts.


Christian Nationalism will do the same for America that the Taliban did for Afghanistan


The faux christians don't seem to notice that Jesus was more of a socialist than a capitalist. When he healed and fed people he didn't demand payment!


Wouldn't be hilarious (but very, very sad) to see all the different flavors of Christianity arguing over which of god's rules need to be codified into law?
Oh, wait, we see that in Muslim countries.
So, it'd be scary, not hilarious.


Perhaps those "45%" ought to read "The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood. Then they can see the nightmare it could become.

As for Supreme Court Judges. The Religious Right has managed to get 7 Catholic and 1 Anglican Judge on the Supreme Court. That's 5 of the 6 Conservative Judges are Catholic, 1 is Anglican and 1 of the "Liberal" Justices are Catholic. Anglican is pretty much Catholic that replaces the Pope and the Vatican with the English King (So the King could get a divorce). 6 "Justices" that already answer more to the Pope than the Constitution, as shown by their recent rulings. It's actually rather surprising that hard Right Evangelicals and Fundamentalists let that many Catholics slip by them and become Justices, knowing the views of some of the Religious Right toward Catholics and Mormons


Christian nationalists were the ones who called Raphael Warnock "not a true Christian, " despite him being a pastor, and called Hershel Walker the true Christian, despite being his... familial shortcomings. Thank Vishnu Warnock won!


I looked up Christian Nationalism. For the first time in my entire life, have I seen used in a sentence. 🤯


45% of people with nothing better to do than take a poll... Old retired people want this.


America HAS TO HAVE a 2-year vetting system that makes it mandatory for ANY person who wishes to enter public office at ANY level. This would consist of a curriculum of study including American History, world history, civics and constitutional law. How to represent ALL Americans and not just your party. Secular law with an emphasis on separation of church and state. Scientific method and WHY it works. What a FACT is. Advanced economics (if you're voting on money matters you should understand what you're voting for!) If they can pass this course, then they will receive FREE media coverage and campaign support. ALL donations eliminated as well as Lobbyists GONE! This way you know they want to help Americans and not just the people who want to buy them.
Give Americans their political FREEDOM from self interest groups! STOP the "Pay to Play Politics" Money should never be the deciding factor in a political race - America deserves intelligent leadership.


I'm going to guess that those same people would want that christian nation to be white as well.


Is it really 45% of the nation or 45% of people polled?


Ah, but what denomination? They won't be able to agree.


Given how "Christian nation" is generally used, it seems most who side with the idea think it means a nation "ruled by Christians". Sure, some think that means a literal biblical theocracy, but even those who oppose going that far still believe that they personally should be in charge of society, dictate social norms, and control public discourse--like they used to in the "good old days". That includes an open license for bigotry and hatred for anything or anyone they choose. Historically, they openly used "faith" as a cudgel for all manor of cruelty and they pine a return to those days. Seriously, just listen to how the "Christian nationalists" complain about society, their ideas about the "good old days", and how they think things should be. Even those who can't quite define "Christian nation" espouse very similar sentiments. Unfortunately, after a certain orange buffoon got kicked out, that rhetoric has started to include an abolishment of democracy.


This should not come as a surprise. Andrew Seidel has been saying that for years.
