should we ban social media?

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SOCIALS 👩‍💻 (pls don't ban them)
Storygraph: @alicecappelle
Instagram: @alicecappelle_
Twitter: @cappelle_alice

Video edited by Elfo Editing
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Ban predatory and invasive algorithms, ads and automated feeds from social media.


i wouldn’t care if all social media suddenly disappeared tbh. the only one i would miss is youtube


The medium isn't the problem, it's always the business model!


Social media is a double-edged sword. It has its flaws for sure, but it also has Alice Cappelle!


One month social media free. Never felt better, highly recommended.


Don't use Instagram, Facebook, TikTok or Twitter and I'm more than happy. Lot's of time to focus on other things.


The Internet and the World Wide Web came with a simple promise: decentralization and empowerment. At some point we all let concentration happen. We thought it was fine to centralize as we were empowering people.

We centralized around companies instead of pushing for open standards (like email). I watched many journalists and “opinion makers” to push for this narrative as it favours them (talking about standards is boring, no heroes and no vilans).

The problem is not social media, it’s the concentration of power. It's important to diversify and participate in decentralized media.


Social media can be extreeeemely
helpful to humankind, in general. However, there’s a lot of unfortunate financial incentive to turn people “chronically online.”

The type of people addicted to their phones are not gonna be the healthiest people. This could be people with body image problems, isolated people, gullible people desperate for solutions to problems, angry people who develop extremist beliefs. Sometimes, it’s a combination of all of them, as is often the case with the “manosphere.”

What’s worse is that, the worse these problems are exacerbated, the more engagement platforms get. And it seems like just about everybody knows it’s a problem now, but we’re not sure what to do, or how to make that happen.


The fact that the first thing authoritarian governments do when there is unrest, is ban social media, tells you how important it is as the main forum of conversation in society, even with all of its corporate influences and manipulation, and even with how unhappy it can make people.


You did a very good job of summarizing Berlusconi's way of using TV. I would also like to add that after he became prime minister his television channel basically started to spread propaganda for his benefit (a famous journalist called Enrico Mentana left the company Mediaset for this reason). During the several trials, he went through (some of them for sexual harassment of minors, not convicted or process not finished before his death) his television always depicted him as a victim. I think it is interesting to use also this precedent to talk about how a guy like Musk bought Twitter and used it to boost the engagement of his posts and the posts that followed his political views, while at the same time banning journalists. Berlusconi was able to hold a grip on Italian electors for years and years, even after disastrous governments (like in 2013) using his platform. Imagine how much damage can be done with an even more powerful communication tool like a social network if it is at the service of a person's ego...


Haha I love the equality you’ve maintained with citing your parents as references. Neither should feel left out.


wishing the social platforms were actually more interested in bringing like minded people together in real life


What I have noticed personally is that most of the social media and apps are wonderful and run perfectly. Then a pig comes over and sits there and the app goes ruined, and sucks your energy instead, like a virus.


People, not technology, is the problem, especially if abused by ego, excess, envy and exploitation.


without watching the video, my stance depends. social media can be so so so SO toxic, but also is at the same time, an important vector of democracy.
without social media, i don't think we'd have realized how crucial the 🍉 cause was. it's the only way 🍉 people can survive, with the engagement and money of other people from all around the world. traditional media (tv, radio, paper), at least in france, is extremely biased and owned by billionaires.

(using emoji cuz i don't know if youtube might shadowban/delete this comment if i named the country)


In my personal opinion, social media should not be banned, but it should be reformed and heavily regulated to mitigate and reduce the effects of addiction and misinformation. Social media should also not be for making a profit, as this is how current social media runs nowadays (drama+sensationalism+clicks = more profit), and should be used to help improve and supplement communication within the real world instead. Banning social media outright would be just like dismantling all the world’s rail, air, and road lines at this point. Also, I think that an overlooked reason why social media is so pervasive, especially in the United States where I live, is because of car-centric suburbia and a lack of third spaces and adequate access to them. When the local environment can’t provide enough to keep the people satisfied and happy, people will naturally gravitate towards the use of social media as a digital third space, as opposed to physical third spaces in the real world.


I think social media is a necessity for a cooperative world. We only know about the real story of gaza, Bangladesh, sudan, congo, etc. because of social media. What would be good is to cooperatively pay for upkeep instead of using ads because currently you can amplify your voice with money, and that isn’t fair.


Social media should be more regulated forsure, I don't think it should be neccesarily banned, because it keeps people informed, connect with others etc. Too much of anything is bad tbh. Too much social media can be bad. Spending time away from it is good. Hope you are doing good!


Everything comes back to advertising & money and that’s exhausting. Even our truck has ads displayed on the console if the radio is on. Ads are everywhere and increasingly in our personal spaces (like our vehicles) too. I appreciate you placing yours discreetly at the end so we have the choice whether to engage or not. Especially when our choice whether to engage with ads or not seems no choice at all in our capitalist culture. An increasingly problematic thing for someone with shopping addiction.
Love your insights and videos by the way 😊. Keep them coming!


I quit social media 4 years ago - except for YouTube- and it has been wonderful.
