BBC Asks FOREIGNERS What Being British Means

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Laura goes through an article from BBC where they asked "Brits" what it means to be British.

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3:03 - That actually inadvertently highlights the insanity of having British culture whilst also saying we have MULTIculturalism, literal cognitive dissonance.


Thanks for your content Laura. I know that of the people that share our views men out number women about 3 to 1 at this point. It's heartening to see women such as yourself putting out the content that you do, much appreciated.


Another great vid. Keep up the great work


Splendid Video Laura ... spot on ... thank you.


If there's nothing special about being British to these eejits, they have completely missed the point! Must be pretty special if gimmiegrants are willing to risk their lives to get here and set up house....brilliant vid and woefully underrated channel 💕


No such thing as a British Pakistani, British Indian, British Afghanistan, etc


I can only imagine the comments would be much worse today than in 2002. Great video!


For me being british is about manners, etiquette’s, about being kind to each other and being patriotic more than anything!


Thanks to Laura for this video, check out her other videos too!


I am annoyed now. So let me annoy you. I like to sometimes post comments in the forums of austrian newspapers, preferably of DerStandard, which is our equivalent of the Guardian. Below an "article" about how blacks feel more discriminated in Austria than almost anywhere else in the EU ( YES! ), some Troll ( probably) commented that every Austrian should marry an African, so as to integrate them more quickly and efficiently. I asked him if he would like there to be no Austrians within 1 generation, which would of course be the outcome of his dumb plan.
Someone else then responded to my response, "Why should their children not be austrian citizens?"
Of course, within an hour or so my comment was deleted by the editors, probably hateful content or something like that. There, I hope that annoyed you a little too.


This video didn't come up in my subscription list :/


As a non-Briton, but one who was partly educated in England, I think of "British" as a citizenship, not an ethnicity or nationality. After all, the English, Scots, Welsh, and Irish (and, perhaps, the Cornish -- so some of my English cousins would say) all are very different from each other, even if more similar than to (say) Ghanaians or Indians.
This is in contrast with such recently erected countries as the United States, where, before the current invasion of the country began in the 1970s or so, a new nationality -- that is, ethnicity -- had begun to appear, nearly co-extensive with citizenship itself. (Now, of course, "American" means as little as "British" does as an identification of ethnicity or nationality.)
I will add that the ingratitude and arrogance of the authors of the comments read is disturbing: Third-Worlders' children insulting the country which gave them educations and living standards far beyond those which they'd received if their unskilled parents had stayed home. We see time and again that ingratitude is a hallmark of Mohammedans (perhaps more out of ignorance or stupidity than of mere nastiness), but I'd have expected better of the descendants of Chinamen. It may be that these foreigners, enjoying the fruits planted and cultivated by a hundred generations not ancestral to them, need to create a myth to justify to themselves their undeserved prosperity.


To be you must have the blood the upbringing. No matter how much i wanted to be Nigerian or a german for that matter I could never be


Our country, language and religions are melded together from other countries. This video is an example of what Keith Widdop 2:59 is talking about. I sincerely hope you and your family have been living on this island since it split from Pangea before you make such derogatory slanders to others who have come and found a home much like the royal family (german descent) who are proud to be here and call Britain home.


Sorry but you got it wrong about Pakistanis who are working in this country .According to the latest figures 80%of Pakistanis do not pay tax.(They work for themselves Self Employed) and pass the business on to one of their (Brothers) when the tax is due.
