Evidence of Satan's Little Season: #1 (part 1)

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In this video we take a look at my journey on how I've come to the realization that the millennial reign has already occurred and that we're now in Satan's little season prophesied of in Revelation 20. The foundation of this theory is from scriptural evidence, and many Bible verses are cited during the video. With the reading of Scripture, it becomes evident that the timing of major historical events in our past may have been altered and our history changed. Were the "dark ages" really the "age of light"? Did history hide the millennial reign of Christ within the Byzantine Empire? Check out the video as we bring to light further evidence of being in the little season in the first of two videos covering the top reasons I've come to this conclusion.
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Well done. This is giving me a whole new perspective to consider when reading the Bible. Keep the scripture coming. It’s not boring - it’s the best part!


I was feeling sad that this was the last video until you said it's part 1 of no 1. Now I'm happy qgain😁


I truly believe that when we hear the truth, it resonates with us, we know it when we Hear it. This was a really good presentation of the True history paired with the Bible!


Ok I’ll be staying up for another hour to watch this.


An interesting fact is that the Romans had no word or understanding for 'Volcanos. The actual word 'volcano' wasn't invented until the 1610s, with the word derived from "Vulcan, " the Roman God of Fire.

Those that lived in Pompeii also had no word for 'Volcano' either. They had no knowledge or understanding for volcanos. The city merely thought it was settled near a large beautiful mountain. Today it is common knowledge and a weekly occurrence, as somewhere in the world a volcano is erupting.

Pliny the Younger recorded that people were so terrified during the events that lead to the destruction of great cities like Pompeii, that they preyed for death.

"There were some so afraid of death that they prayed for death. Many raised their hands to the gods, and even more believed that there were no gods any
longer and that this was the one last unending night for the world ... I believed that I was perishing with the world, and the world with me, which was a great consolation for death"

This historical event also matches up nicely with Johns vision;

Rev 9:6
"And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."

Yet another place the word "volcano" does not occur in, is the Bible. Nor is there any description that clearly refers to a volcano as we understand it today. Since there wasn't an understanding or description for such a concept in their time, it lends credibility to the idea that the great landmass known as Pangea was still intact in their time. It's possible however, that the apostle John recorded the events of a volcano to the best of his ability, from one of the prophetic visions he was given.

Rev 9
16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.

17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.

18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.

19 For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt.

It's interesting that John HEARD the rumbling and earth shaking sounds the horsemen made. He related the sound and feeling to 200, 000, 000 horsemen. John specifically mentions the smoke, fire and brimstone as well as the color of jacinth, which also has the color of bright fire. The mouth of an active volcano would kill, as well as the many headed pools of lava, that could look like tails or serpents.

The old world buildings that appear to have been melted and some buried, may have happened during the events of Revelation that caused some of the stars to fall to earth as they emptied out their vials/bowls on the earth. These events caused the world wide empire of Rome to fall.

Ground liquefaction swallowed some of them. The toxic hot burning gas filled air caused some to melt, while others were pelted and merged with molten rock. The earth split open and seperated the continents. Mountains were made low as they exploded for the first time spewing out lava on a worldwide scale. Water became acidic and blood red from underwater volcanoes erupting at the same time, which killed off much of the marine life in the area at the time. Exactly 1/3 of the earth was turned into a dessert. The sun was darkened for 18 months from all the ash and smoke as plauges spread and people prayed for death to release them from their horror as the world they once new was destroyed and transfigured. There were some people that were marked and heard a voice tell them they were numbered amongst the dead, and would horrificly spin around in fear flailing as they fell down dead. To this day there is a single celestial observation that can be seen from every location on earth, and it just so happens to look like a scar or line where the heavens appear to have been rolled back like a scroll. Today this mark is called the milky way galaxy. Both Josephus and Tacitus recorded armies marching in the sky.

The earth was divided and split up into multiple continents and islands. Safe drinking water had now been made bitter with salt, causing those that drank it to die. Pliny the Elder is on record shortly before he died asking the question why the seas were salt? The breaking apart of the earth took with it the once powerful world wide empire known as Rome. Some of her buildings still stood however, and those are the buildings we see today and properly call them old word buildings.

Some buildings possibly continued to be built after the the Revelation events of Armageddon by those that followed the commandments of God. Their earthly representation of the heavenly kingdom reigned for a thousand years. Historical narrative calls this 1, 000 year period the Dark Ages when the Byzantine empire ruled with an iron rod.

The Byzantine Empire was a theocracy, said to be ruled by God working through the emperor. Jennifer Fretland VanVoorst argues,

"The Byzantine Empire became a theocracy in the sense that Christian values and ideals were the foundation of the empire's political ideals and heavily entwined with its political goals."

Steven Runciman says in his book "The Byzantine Theocracy":

"The constitution of the Byzantine Empire was based on the conviction that it was the earthly copy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Just as God ruled in Heaven, so the Emperor, made in his image, should rule on earth and carry out his commandments ... It saw itself as a universal empire. Ideally, it should embrace all the peoples of the Earth who, ideally, should all be members of the one true Christian Church, its own Orthodox Church. Just as man was made in God's image, so man's kingdom on Earth was made in the image of the Kingdom of Heaven.

After the 1, 000 were finished, Satan was let loose from his prison and he went to war with those that kept the commandments. He brought with him a flood of wickedness and deception. The empire in Europe and Asia known as being the descendants of Japheth, Noah's son were destroyed and removed from the history books. Those alive knowing the truth were possibly institutionalized, their young children were taken and put in orphanages and factories as they were indoctrinated into the "new" world order system.

We didn't build the old world buildings, they were found, and given a date of their founding. Many were destroyed because they simply should not and could not exist on the world wide scale that they did. Especially for such new fledgling countries like America that was coming out of multiple wars and poverty.


@JasonJack Since Jesus said "those who pierced him will see Him coming on the clouds in His kingdom. Have you ever thought that these magnificent buildings literally "came down from heaven" ?


Brilliant video. Wish the Christian world would believe the word of God


Hey everyone, has anyone looked into the emperors that came after Nero? I did a deep dive on them and there are a lot of little pieces that may add to the puzzle. According to what the history books tell us (I get that it could be wrong), that Nero died in 68AD. There was a civil war in 69AD between 4 men for emperor. The man who won, Vespasian, kind of “co-ruled” with his two sons, Titus and Domitian. These three became known as the Flavian Dynasty. Vespasian was a great general under Nero. He started overthrowing Israel from north to south. Just as he was about to get to Jerusalem, Nero died and he had to go handle these others trying to take the throne. Once he won, he sent his son, Titus to finish Jerusalem. At first he seemed peaceful, he allowed the Jews into the city for their holiday. But then didn’t allow anyone out or in so they starved. Then, he easily finished them off and ransacked the Temple. One source even said he had “relations” with a prostitute in the Holy of Holies on a scroll. He then took other things from the temple, brought them to Rome, and sacrificed them in their temple to Jupiter. The three men all deified one another and restored the statue colossus (that was partially destroyed during the 69AD civil war) to Apollo. Also, resources say Josephus pledged his allegiance to the Flavians and was one of their writers to advance their propaganda. The Julius line ended with Nero, so they needed help gaining support, which they did eventually get. They also had plenty of support from the legions in Egypt as well. Do you guys think there is anything to this? I hear so much about Nero in the Christian community, and rightfully so. But never anything about these guys that were in power at the time of 70AD.


Vatican is not happy with your video, thanks for your efforts and video.


I have this feeling that the North Pole is the center of the Earth.


I can’t get enough of this information bro. It all just seems to be fitting into place.


Appreciate your willingness to study satans little season, it has changed my beliefs completely, and have open a lot of doors for me personally to wanting to study these things. Waiting for these videos to roll around always, spikes my interest! God bless!


Churches used for free energy, HEALING, and worship. And I say healing because people also went to get physically healed.


Brilliant display of so many verses pointing to an already fulfilled judgement/return of Christ, although Scripture is FULL of verses supporting this hypothesis. Love your channel brother, you’re truly a light shining brightly in a dark, flat world! Much love!

Ps: The churches Jesus speaks to in Revelation that are already gone speaks volumes about who He was talking to- He came quickly, just like He said He was going to - and found them wanting. I pray we are not found in like manner, what a frightening idea, to fall into the hands of an angry GOD!


Yay for Biblical Cosmology ! ☺️👏🏻🙏🏻✝️ woot-woot ! 😁 heheh


Thank you for another well done presentation! God bless you!


According to the history we've been given, wherever Rome and Catholicism went and then fell, Islam generally followed.

The Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire supposedly fell to the Islamic Ottoman Empire in much the same way that Jerusalem fell to the Islamic Caliphate when Rome was overthrown.

It seems quite likely that these religions were actually "founded" by the same people. Like Judaism they all use the bible and Jerusalem is largely shared by these 3 religions; Catholicism, Islam and Judaism, much like the so-called Abrahamic House in Abu Dhabi.

The more you think about it, the more curious this all becomes.


It's just makes so much sense. I think this is the missing puzzle to understand the time we are in. Thank you for your faithfulness for delivering this message.


Excellent video! 100% agree with you on everything! The Northern Lights are a sign to us of what is to come and the beauty and colors of the city, the camp and the throne! I am sad when I see those who think they can travel to the North Pole and enter the Camp of the Saints. They fail to realize that it's veiled from us...and guarded, at that, too! We must be in our glorified bodies to enter! But, what a glorious day it will be when we finally do!


Excellent video.. thank you for sharing 🩵🕊️ please include as much scripture as you can
