12 of the Most Secret Interactions You Probably MISSED in Baldur's Gate 3

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00:00 Immunity to Bibberbang, Timmask, and Torchstalk Mushrooms
01:08 Free Permanent BOOOAL'S Benediction - No Sacrifice Needed!
02:06 Bloodmarrow Skeleton Pet
02:43 Myrkul's Gift
03:27 Hidden Interaction with Feign Death
04:11 Spirit of the Land
05:01 Lae'zel's Child
05:34 Hidden Interaction with Terazul
06:20 Detect Hidden Presence
06:59 Wolf Spider Web
07:47 Clinging Shadows
08:40 Swift as Wind

Immunity to Bibberbang, Timmask, and Torchstalk Mushrooms
First up is how to walk safely among the bibberbang and other hostile mushrooms of the Underdark without activating them. This can be helpful when saving Baelen from the field of Bibberbang Mushrooms without worrying about them activating at all, and for picking up the Noblestalk in the same area. To get the mushrooms to not activate when you walk near them, you need an item called The Sovereign’s Key. This key is described as polished, well cared for, and very important. And the only way to get this key is by slaying Sovereign Spaw and looting it from its corpse. Now there are two ways to go about doing this - you can progress the quest chain against the Duergar with Glut and eventually side with Glut, which involves slaying Spaw, and combat will end with Spaw’s death. Or, you can slay Spaw immediately upon entering the Myconic Colony, but you might cause the whole camp to attack you - if you’re good at getting away using an invisibility potion, this works too if you want the key sooner. Either method you choose, this key can be very helpful and even save your life when jumping on ledges covered with torchstalk or bibberbang.

Free Permanent BOOOAL’s Benediction - No Sacrifice Required!
Next up is how to get BOOAL’s Benediction for your whole party without sacrificing a companion. This condition grants Advantage on all attacks against bleeding creatures, which can be extremely powerful when playing with a Tiger Heart Barbarian in your group. Also, as of Patch 6, BOOAL’s Benediction persists through death, and is actually a truly permanent condition now. To get this for free, you’ll need to initiate conversation with one party member while your sleight of hand character is further away, so they don’t get pulled into the conversation. Then, once dialogue begins, you drink a potion of invisibility on your sleight of hand character and pickpocket Pooldripp the Zealous - you want the Sickle of BOOOAL. Once you’ve stolen it, proceed through dialogue with your original character choosing the Arcana dialogue and then tell BOOOAL that you have another offer - you have just one life, but can kill many in his name. It’s a DC20 Persuasion check, so come prepared, but if you succeed, your whole party will get this newly permanent buff, without sacrificing anyone to get it.

Bloodmarrow Skeleton Pet
Next up is the Bloodmarrow Skeleton Pet. This red skeleton glisens with blood and causes targets to bleed when it attacks them. It’s also super rare because the only way to get it is as an Oathbreaker Paladin, and you need to approach a certain fight the correct way. These Bloodmarrow Skeletons are summoned by Orin in Act 3 after you defeat the Bhaal worshippers who are causing her to regain unstoppable each turn. Once all of them are dead, Orin will cast a spell called Sanguine Animation, which summons these Bloodmarrow Skeletons from their corpses. Then, as an Oathbreaker Paladin, you can use Control Undead on it, making the Bloodmarrow Skeleton, your minion.

Myrkul’s Gift
Next up is Myrkul’s Gift! This buff grants 10 temporary hit points and creatures that strike them with a melee attack while the temporary hit points are active take 10 cold damage - essentially Armor of Agathys. This buff can be granted to your entire party which can be helpful right before going up against a boss. To get this buff you’ll need to head to the Mind Flayer Colony in Act 2 - right after you defeat Ketheric Thorm the first time. In there, you’ll find the Barracks with the Mistress of Souls - Kressa Bonedaughter. She will accuse you of being an attacker, but if you pass the dialogue checks you can ask her for her blessing. She’ll then give you this buff, and any party member can go up and ask for it afterwards without having to pass any dialogue checks. A nice hidden buff that most players probably missed.

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Another helpful tool to help you steal the Idol of Sylvanas is to summon Scratch. He can just move it across the Druids camp to your character and no one bats an eye 🤣


At 6:45 : Other uncontrollable minions include the bear and raven summons from 11th level Beast Master Ranger. The Bear can summon 1 additional bear per short rest and the Raven can summon 2 uncontrollable ravens with no restrictions.


0:01 Another way is to use Glut. The spores don’t react to him at all. He can move the bag to the dwarf. But be careful with the flower. He can move it but the interact button defaults to him eating it.


Similar to the haste drink are raspberries which can be found in Act 1 and the Mountain Pass. They do not cost any resource to use in combat and cause a small heal, which can be used to proc things like the Broodmother Amulet, Bless Ring on heals, etc.


Something I recently learned the hard way: If you give Lae'zel the egg, but she gets kidnapped, even if you give her the egg back once she's rescued, you won't get the option to ask her about it in the epilogue.

So if you want the Mother Lae'zel ending, you need to ensure that she's not the sacrificial lamb.


During my recent playthrough, during the battle at moonrise towers I noticed something that I hadn't before. After clearing the ground floor I went downstairs to clear out the prison as well. After doing that, when I came back upstairs, I noticed the knols that I had befriended shooting at the pilgrims of the absolute. This was weird to me because the pilgrims were not on the ground floor during the battle and because this really looked like an execution. A really unique interaction that I didn't know was possible. Thought you might find it interesting.


Bro this will save me in the underdark! Thanks a lot for your content


I usually like to blow up the bibberbang because I don't like Balin but on my most recent playthrough, the man started running towards me when the explosions happened and he survived the damn thing 🤣


I jist threw a water bottle at the torch for the bibberbang quest lol


I have almost 400 hours in this game, and i am still learning about new things. This game is truly a masterpiece


Just use mage hand to move the noblestalk over to you and baelen's backpack to him, don't kill poor Sovereign Spaw, he a good mushroom dude <3


ANY "pet" get by the Oathbreaker Paladin skill worth barely more than temporary meatshield, as you get your next Long Rest, the spell broke, and you lose the undead follower. I am not saying, they cannot be useful, but in the end, they all just temporary disposable tools...


Tip for bibberbang if you don't wanna kill spaw: 2 levels in monk (for step of wind) + enhanced jump spell + turn based mode.


For the laezel egg ending, you get unique ending if you are romancing baezel


Breezeswift Speed throwing monk builds are awesome. Especially great while also buffed with Minthara Soul Branding on the side. You might want to keep your mainhand free since monk opportunity attacks are optimal unarmed though. (You can still have whatever you want in your offhand by spec'ing into the Dual Wielder feat, having a different character take your mainhand weapon, and then respec'ing away from Dual Wielder.) Best to avoid the returning weapons in order to maintain this state, but you might also consider keeping a finesse weapon on-hand for thrown dagger sneak attacks. My Monk level 9 even the thrown knives get the 1d8 martial arts die upgrade!


I just threw that first guy a misty step scroll


Another way to get the Boooal blade is to just use passive combat and knock them all out. As long as there is a few alive you can still use the bleed bonus on the blade.


Bibberbang can be easily passed with a poison protection ring and a couple of antidotes if you remove the torch and save the mushroom picker with a misty step scroll.


You can stop lethargic from the terazul by taking more! Super useful.


Lol, you're wrong on the "Spirit of the land" one. I got it for the final fight yesterday and all I did was save the grove and complete Halsin's character mission.
