Being “Mixed” = Identity Crisis? 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷‍♂️#shorts

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Being mixed isn’t all that bad..
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"yO aSiAn WhAtS uP??"

Made me chuckle


I’m Hispanic and Caucasian and everything said in this short/vid is 100 percent accurate


Being mixed messed with my head all my life. Being half black in all white schools and neighborhoods, only white relatives in the country was not easy. Always felt I had to prove to people I was "culturally white" and not a thug type thing. But as a grown up I realized I'm a man and don't got nothing to prove to anyone. Fuck it, embrace that you are "different" and do your own thing. Lifting has helped me a whole lot. 🤘🏽


half white half black here, my skin is white but I have big lips and such. my dad (black) left so I was raised by my mom's side of the family, which comes from italy, so culturally speaking I was raised white. As far as others comments is concerned, literally nobody gave a shit. I don't live in the US and my country is so mixed that talking about your heritage feels like talking about your horoscope or some shit. My skin is pale and I was therefore labeled as white. I feel like from an outsider perspective the "west" is very divided racially, almost everytime I hear people talking about races its almost always americans and canadians as these countries, although more diverse than nation-states like western europe and east asia, are still less mixed than say, south america (excluding argentina bc they had no natives and the black population was persecuted so bad they were either killed or ran away to other countries, so as a result theyre pretty white, as in european descent, culturally still latino)


It always sucks when you’re not fully accepted by both sides


Spent my whole life being told what I am or what I’m not because I’m mixed. It’s exhausting to even think about at this point and I’m in the “I don’t care anymore” camp


Damn the whole “when I’m around my asian friends I’m the white guy and when I’m around my whites friends I’m the asian guy” could not be more tru


I’m Hispanic and Asian and I feel this, you’re probably my favorite gym influencer bc you don’t put a gym bro NPC front in your vids


asked my half Asian half white friend one time “but do you like feel asian?” Lmao realized how ridiculous that was right after I said it, but it is one of those things that you don’t realize how stupid it is until you say it out loud. We’re all people we should just leave it at that.


I'm literally part everything, and I could care less about the race thing. We are all the human race and that's all I gotta say about🤷‍♂️


You don’t really get to choose which side you embrace. It just chooses you. It all comes down to the the people you are around.


I feel you brotha, I'm half black half white and i look middle eastern, and i guess culturally identify with black American culture but i always feel out of place with both.


I used to have a identity crisis and felt unwanted or an outsider, but honestly learned to just do me. let ppl talk


I'm half Chinese half white (25 percent Irish, 12.5 percent German, 12.5 percent Norwegian). I didn't grow up around China or any of these other countries. I didnt learn Chinese growing up, and only speak English. I grew up going to Oakland, California to visit my Pau Pau (Grandma) all my life, and they all spoke Chinese I know what it feels like to feel white in Asian culture too brother. The moment I saw you I knew exactly what ethnicity you were, because there aren't very many of us half Chinese half whites anymore. I see where you're coming from stay strong brother 💪


yeah as a latino/asian I never have had the strong of an identity crisis but I do sometimes feel like an outsider, but on the other hand I think being mixed sorta gave me a perspective on how race doesn’t really make sense as a concept, it always felt like there are better options to categorize people and identify with. He’s right, It’s nice to be different as well


The baby picture of Justin is everything oh my gosh so cute!!


As a mixed person too, it’s always more enjoyable to learn and experience all cultures rather than be stuck in one based off default race lol


I’m Latino/Caucasian, with a Latino name but I look very “white.” This video describes my experience exactly; I don’t “identify” as either and depending who I’m around, they sort of label me as one or the other. I’m an American, full stop.


I'm not mixed but I never cared about culture or heritage. I just do my own thing and always have


Justin, I resonate so much with what you said lol I’m also half Caucasian half asian. It feels cool to be unique in that sense but I also, like you, get categorized as the opposite from the ethnic group I’m around
