Professional Microgreens Setup

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This video shows all of the details in my professional microgreens growing setup. Shelving, lights, power requirements, safety considerations, etc.

Where to buy seeds:

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Thanks Josh. So average cost for one rack with lights and trays are going to run around $485. That's without seeds, medium and cost for electric so do your homework everyone. It will take time to get you money back but well worth it in the end. I am so excited to get started,


Thank you for this sir! I am a chef in Western Kentucky and my partner and I want to start a commercial microgreen operation. We're just gathering Intel right now, and we do already grow for our restaurant, but we hope to get an operation going soon. Again, thank you for your time and expertise.


I'm liking the copper coupling to reduce bacteria in watering 10:33


Great video! On the case of LEDs being expensive. I'm loving my LED lights - Brillihood T5 Integrated LED Single Light Fixture, 4FT, 2200lm, 6000K from amazon. 10 lights for 65 bucks. I have 4 lights per rack to give consistency across the shelf. Also, each light comes with a power cord with switch along with a daisy chain cord if you want to connect them together. Quite a deal!


You have great content. Straight and to the point!!! Nothing over dramatized!!! I can dig it. Thanks Man. You're helping me with starting up my own farm. I will definitely use you as a resource if I have any questions. THANK YOU!


That’s a very good point about consulting an electrician regarding this. I’ll be setting up a similar system for growing seedlings and I’d better speak to a sparkie about it. Thanks Josh.


Great video mate. Love the old fishtank need reference. Keep it up mate, I'm loving the content


I have watched many videos on setting up but this was clean clear and to the point without the waffle. Look forward to your other videos.


Dude, you are so cool! I don’t know you and yet I am so proud of you. Thank you for the content.


Great video on microgreens from fellow pro microgreen growers in the UK x


Hi! Josh. I love your Channel . I want to do the exactly things you are doing! Soon, I'll move to Osceola county Fl., don't know how to start our 5 acre land. Your VIDS are my guide. Thank you so much.


Josh I want to first thank you for doing these videos. I find the info very helpful. I am also on a very tight budget, but i wanted to point out a very good reason for considering LED's and its not environmental. I live in and old house in Brooklyn and I rent. Upgrading the electric box is not an option. Many houses built in the 40's and 50's have minimal electric outlets and capacity. That is the advantage of LED's even though their expensive they use a lot less electricity so the don't overload the 15 amp breakers. Just something to consider when calculating how much energy your units will need.


Hi Josh I find your video very clear precise straight to the point an easy learning the picture quality is good keep up the good work and I cant wait for your next video to come out


Stumbled upon your video, all the way from Durham! Great stuff! Thanks for sharing!


I didnt even realise this was a new video and a fairly young channel. Wonderful content, really enjoying it. Production value is high and you keep it quite simple and easy to understand. Very average man approach in delivery which makes it feel very comfortable to relate to. Good job man!


Your newest sub doesn't know what to binge next. Great Stuff.


Thank you for solid information and no waffle! It’s a breath of fresh air. And very generous of you.


Hey Josh you are absolutely great. Very clear and thorough. I do have a couple of questions. If you covered these topics in previous videos, I haven’t gotten to them yet so please forgive me. I’m a busy man. :)

Let’s assume I am starting from absolutely nothing. Nothing. The growing seems to be pretty straightforward and I love that. Lights, racks, seeds, etc. I can start with one rack, two racks, three racks. That seems to be the relatively easy part.

So let’s say I want to sell them. I can’t go out and just grow sixty racks of sunflowers and radishes and spinach and what have you without knowing who would buy them.

On the other hand, I have to have a product to show potential buyers as well. So there seems to be a “what come first — the chicken or the egg” — scenario. I can’t sell them without knowing who wants them, but I also have to have some kind of product for those who would want to try my product.

Again, I am starting from absolutely nothing. I do some landscaping around my property — flowers mostly — here in San Jacinto Valley of Southern California. I am curious how someone who has absolutely nothing — not even the gear — would embark on this kind of venture. I mean, you had to start from somewhere.

Do I just walk into my local restaurants and ask if they would like to try my microgreens. I am surrounding by small towns — including my own — and so far virtually everyone I have asked has said they have no idea what microgreens are. Now, you could look at this two ways: the lack of knowledge for this kind of produce could be a boon for a farmer just starting out on this kind of thing, OR this thing could be dead in the water because no one blows what microgreens are.

I love your style and your delivery. If you could give me some tips and tell me exactly how to get started, I would be eternally grateful.

Thank you.


Thank you so much for all the details. As many of the micro green growers don’t share such important information!


Josh, very grateful I found your channel. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
