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OH those Planning People

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Track 1 is by "Droids Osaka" and called "Youth8500" its a "Look Mum No Computer song they have covered and do a grand job.
"Youth8500" by "Look Mum No Computer"

Track 2 is called "Why Do i" by "Wash Park"

Track 3 is called "Cheap Hotel" by "Three Divorces"

Thrack 4 is called "Gasoline Machine" by "Krackers and Koolaid"

Track 5 is called "Not So Fast" by "Julian Fulco"

#colinfurze #secrettunnel #underground
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Sorry this has took so long but needed to get an aswer from the council before release and also been busy with some other things which will come to late in the not to distant future. Enjoy and see you in the next one. Keep your questions coming as next one will be about the next stages as the hand Digging is about done.


Well you're right about that being a fossil shell, the other fossil I'd need a better look at but unfortunately the crystals aren't quartz they are actually calcite (made from calcium carbonate, the same material as the limestone just in a crystalline form). If you are in doubt just drop a bit in vinegar it will slowly dissolve and form bubbles as it reacts with the acid and turns into calcium acetate and carbon dioxide. Quartz is deposited in metamorphic and igneous rocks, calcite is generally found in sedimentary and metamorphic rocks comprised mainly of calcium carbonates or at least is fairly rich in it. The reason there aren't more shells is likely because the area that particular limestone was formed in was deeper so there were less things that are easily preserved living in it as the sediment was being deposited, you could find out exactly by looking up the geology of your area, should also tell you more about what kind of fossils to expect


Hey Colin, funny you should mention Time Team... not only are we digging a Roman burial this year, we're also investigating our very own ancient underground bunker, complete with a network of tunnels, in Cornwall! Maybe we could compare bunkers and digging techniques - what do you reckon?


Colin's neighbors in the bunker below: "Blimey, what's this smoke coming down our ventilation shafts"


Can you imagine the initial conversation with the architect who did the drawings?
"Say that again - you're applying for retrospective planning permission for a tunnel under your house?"
"Well, more like a *network* of tunnels if I'm honest"
"And it connects your house, your shed and your...?"
"Underground bunker"


Being a geologist and watching you describe the rocks is great fun 😅

That was definitely a shell impression on the second rock you showed (12:52), they can be found on there own but usually you would see more with them.

On the third rock shown (12:58), on the dark surface there appear to be striations which can be from a flattened shell, but the dark mark definitely looks more organic in nature from your video.

Fourth rock (13:12), I can’t say for certain what exactly that is as palaeontology/sedimentology were not my specialisms however based on the apparent thickness and colour you wouldn’t be incorrect to assume they were calcified fragments of a shell.

On the rock (13:27) with the quartz and calcite crystals, you see the darker semicircular marks they are the side profile of a shell very similar to the way Jurassic bivalves can be seen in the limestones around the UK.

My suggestion would be if you haven’t already done so give them all a rinse with some cold water to get the worst of the surface dust and debris off, as limestone/clay covering will hide some of these details


Having studied geology for 2 years I can tell you literally nothing about the rocks you have saved as I have forgotten everything I once knew.


At this point Collin you are walking the fine line between genius engineer and crazy engineer


The neighbors reaction to finding out about the tunnel and the invitation to look at it was one of pure child like excitement. I can only hope to experience moments like that in my golden year


Love the idea that someone commented about having some of the rock face on view behind glass and if you dug out a little bit more you could put all your tools like your pick axes and your hydraulic breaker on display as a little museum, keep it up Colin .... marvelous.


I think you should make one part of the tunnel using glass or acrylic to make a window so you can see some of the rock. I just think that would be a little cool, especially if you carve something in the rock where the window is.


I swear, that person who sent that concrete bashing thingie being sent just proves how much everyone wants to see this project finished. This is like taking the bunker project and ramping it up to Ludicrous Speed!


The city official visit re-enactment was shockingly accurate. Amazing how you nailed that character, just the right level of pretentious tone in the dialog (wow), wow, wow). Brilliant, captured the raw reaction. YouTube needs an Emmy equivalent and that performance needs to be nominated.


Hi Colin! A fan with a paleontology degree here to say that the fossil shell you found looks like a Brachiopod of unknown species (hard to tell). This is a marine animal with two shell halves like a bivalve mollusk (think clam), but it's a totally different animal phylum. The "Stickleback" does indeed look like fish skeleton parts, but it's hard to say more than that. I agree with other posters that the "quartz" is probably calcite. If you can scratch or destroy the crystals with a nail or other bit of steel, it's probably not quartz. Yes, you've attracted at least a few nerds to your channel. Keep digging!


That looks like a crazy expensive project, but your Engineering and Craftsmanship is INCREDIBLE!


The fossil "clam" is a braciopod fossil (a type of ancient bivalve). The quartz is likely calcite as the host rock matrix appears to be limestone or silestone both of which are CaCO3 rich rocks. Drop a few drops of dilute(~10%) HCl and if it fizzes its calcite or limestone.


I love the look of those exposed rocks. I hope he makes a fake window with a plaxyglass with a tiny cave on the other side. I think it would look really cool with some led lights. Maybe even some fake dinosaur bones?


seeing the drawings he showed for the permision im thinking that having the blueprints at the main entrance of the bunker/tunel would look really cool, having it just as a poster tho also cool and useful as kind of a map of the place, idk i think it would be nice touch to cover the empty walls


Just focking BRILLIANT!!! I am an engineer (robotics) and I LOVE the attention to detail as well as the planning on the fly that has gone into this project! The manic energy and editing is superb and that you engage in really wild "pipe dream" type of things that many of us can only imagine. The ultra-cool becomes reality and keeps ALL of us "young at heart" and keep that possibility of "It Could Happen" in our minds and hearts!!

There is no way we can ever thank you enough for all these years of excellence! We (I) salute you for all your inspiring work!


the neighbors reaction made me realise how insane this build actually is. The quality is incredibly high, it's not just some hole in the ground, and it's an extremely small team handling literally everything about it. The end is in sight and I'm excited to see what's next.
