Pregnancy Emotions are REAL

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#pregnancy #thirdtrimester #pregnancyhormones
Pregnancy hormones are REAL

Listen, I used to kinda think it was BS the whole pregnant ladies get all crazy but I'm here to tell you (with real stories) that we, in fact, are crazy but we can't believe it just as much as you!
How early can pregnancy hormones happen? EARLY! Mine happened before I knew I was pregnant! My first trimester symptoms included hormones (among many other pregnancy symptoms) but my second trimester was primarily emotional due to my hormones!

Have grace try and laugh and know it won't last forever!


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Am in month 8 of my pregnancy and home alone coz my husband is abroad for work. I easily get annoyed if he doesnt get me. Most times i cry coz am missing him. Sometimes when he annoys me i talk to my unborn baby while i cry


DUDE I so relate. The other night I was looking at cats for adoption and started bawling thinking about nobody wanting the older cats 😭 and today I've just been sad about literally nothing and can't get myself out of bed, just wild emotions


When I cry everyone says stop its not good for the baby. Then I cry more


Cotton-freaking-Candy. I couldn’t get enough. And where do you even buy it? I ended up ordering a case off of Amazon Prime 🤣.


I’m just in a full rage at 6weeks. Non stop hate for my husband.


Im angry all the time and my boyfriend thinks its not because of pregnancy but Im just normally like this. I dont know what to do cause Im just sad all the time. I wish he understands me more


That's me today 🤣🤣🤣 I'm 10 weeks. And I've been crying like a baby. I feel crazy 🤪


11 weeks pregnant myself.. Reading all these comments about you ladies crying is making me want to cry.


Who's hear while crying.. Husband just pissing me off at everything he does as he's not around, being alone is HARD to deal with pregnancy!


I’m 38 and pregnant with twins. Horrible mood swings, literally sick and tired every day, can’t function at my job, unable to keep my house clean, can’t sleep, unable to workout and I hate my husband 😭


Went out to lunch the other day and starting balling because I was too overwhelmed by the menu and didn’t know what to order. 🙈


About a month before I knew I was pregnant, I told my boyfriend I didn’t want him in my life anymore and kicked him out of my house and I quit my job the next day. It was (and still is) SO HORRIBLE. Luckily, my boyfriend is determined to be with me and came back and was there when the doc told us we were having a baby. I feel so bad for the man...The woman I am today is not the woman he fell in love with. I overreact to the smallest things and project my fear and anxiety onto him :(


I can’t stop crying, at first it was sweet but now I’m annoyed and wish it would just stop. Of all my symptoms this is the most annoying part, I can deal with some cramping, boob pain, nausea, but this nonstop crying and feeling the need to is actually driving me crazy


I salute those single moms who fought alone during pregnancy.


I'm 34 weeks pregnant, am not emotional but I'm very anxious, I have irrational fears, the stomping above my flat bothers me a lot, I can't stand it. All the traumas from the past are resurfacing. I hope this will calm down soon.


The other day I dropped my husbands phone by mistake and he got kind of annoyed because he doesn’t keep a case on it (it didn’t break or anything) but I started bawling my eyes out because he was being mean to me


I was suuuuper emotional for my first trimester -- I cried when I saw a water bottle someone had just thrown on the ground while I was walking to work. Got to work sobbing and everyone thought something was seriously wrong. NOPE just disappointed in the person who littered.
Kinda bummed I don't have any wild cravings. Always down for brownies, donuts or something sweet. Only weird thing I can't get enough of is crunchy snow. Being in Canada, every time I have to shovel the drive way I am literally drooling over the snow and have to eat some after.
Black olives & pineapple was a phase for a while. Right now I can't get enough cereal, banana smoothies & salad. Wasn't able to eat salad until I was 7mo pregnant without throwing it up tho so I think I'm making up for lost time. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy! It goes by so quickly. I'm betting you're having a little girl!


I threatened my husband with divorce over laundry this pregnancy 😂 my first pregnancy was also wild (pregnant me is toxic af sometimes) but I had a full on meltdown after I delivered because I thought it would be a good idea to watch the Goofy Movie. 👏🏻Not👏🏻A👏🏻Good👏🏻Time👏🏻


My mom craved tomatoes more than anything. Dead of winter buying tomatoes because nothing else mattered. Once my baby bro could express any food preferences he was 100% into tomatoes, we had to hid ketchup from him... he was THAT into anything tomato


I hate my husband lol i cry everytime he tells to do something am like 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 leave me alone i just want everyone to leave me alone
