Dagoth Ur All Elder Scrolls Gods Tier List

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This is the most comprehensive Tier List video of various Gods in the Elder Scrolls Universe. It covers all of the Elder Scrolls Games, such as Arena, Daggerfall, Battlespire, Redguard, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Blades and yes even Online. It covers the Imperial Gods, Dunmer Gods, Redguard Gods, Khajit Gods, Argonian Gods, Gods that created Nirn, Aedra, Daedra, Altmer Gods, Bosmer Gods, Breton Gods, Gods from the First Era, Nedic Gods, Yokudan Gods, The Night Mother, Sithis, Masser and Secunda, Mannimarco, Anu, Padomay, Lorkhan, the Skaal All-Maker and many, many other deities, saints, and spirits that created Tamriel. There is some discussion of Magnus, Magna Ge, and others. I want to thank Connor Runda and the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages for providing the much-needed material and lore support for this video, as there was a lot of Elder Scrolls Lore to go over! Dagoth Ur is very opinionated, so keeping up was a bit hard. This was made thanks to Eleven Labs! I hope you enjoy it! This is one of the longest Elder Scrolls Tier Lists that I had to make.
#elderscrolls #skyrim #tierlist
Intro: 0:00-0:39
Nine Divines Aedra Ranked: 0:39-4:12
Bosmer Gods Ranked: 4:13-4:55
Ashlander Gods Ranked: 4:56-5:20
Daedra Princes Ranked: 5:21-13:24
Dunmer Gods Ranked: 13:25-20:37
Elf Gods Ranked: 20:38-24:24
Imperial Gods Ranked: 24:25-27:34
Khajit Gods Ranked: 27:35-31:04
The Void Gods Ranked: 31:05-31:55
The Hist of Argonia ranked: 31:56-32:24
Nord Gods Ranked: 32:25-34:23
Redguard Gods Ranked: 34:24-40:02
Breton Gods Ranked: 40:03-41:26
Skaal Gods Ranked: 41:27-42:25
Nirn Creation Gods Ranked: 42:26-46:31
Outro and Credits: 46:32-47:13

Thank you @ConnorRunda

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Divine Happy Little Accidents, more like.


A great sermon from Lord Dagoth. It truly honors the Sixth House and the Tribe Unmourned.


Fun fact:
Its possible that the Ebony Warrior is an avatar of Ebonarm.
Its mostly speculation, but him being a Redguard, fully clad in Ebony gear, dreaming of going to Sovngarde after dying in glorious battle and being the hardest NPC in the game to beat support it


I always knew I needed a 50 minute Dagoth Ur video. I just didn’t know if it would ever happen thank you for honoring your House, Lord Dagoth


Lord Dagoth is reaching televangelist levels of energy and I'm here for it


You have fallen into our clever trap Dunmer.
Ur-Sithis is the force that the Hist themselves praise. But putting them in S-tier you have inadvertently placed a Argonian deity alongside yourself and above other Dark-Elf deities.


I'm actually surprised that I wasn't put into the Farmtool category given how petty Voryn can get. Overall, I would agree with the list for the most part. However, I would personally drop Mehrunes Dagon down into the category below F. Seriously, this so called prince spends his days pretending to be an anarchist, when in reality he is just that kid in the neighborhood who spends his days making everyone else's life hell just to stroke his own oversized ego.


I love how Sheogorath is able to troll Dagoth enough to let him have things go his way.


Came here looking for St Jiub. Was not disappointed. Thank you Lord Dagoth. This truly honors the Sixth House and the Tribe Unmourned.


1. I always found Barbas rather interesting. Having him be the angel on the shoulder of a literal Deadric Prince is kinda cool. Its also kind of funny that Clavicus himself is basically his own worst enemy lol

2. Hermaeus Mora's realm is lame only if you're not a fan of tentacles *wink wink nudge nudge*

3. The Aedra deserve a bit more credit. Yeah, they're boring mostly but, I mean, its kinda tough to hate beings who unconditionally love mortals and gave up literally 99% of their power to make Mundus. Its just crappy that, yeah, they're mostly unresponsive and only help in small ways due to this loss in power.

4. In all fairness to Peryite, he's not 40K's Nurgle, he's not *trying* to make the deadliest disease possible. Just deadly enough to prevent the stagnation of the mortal world.

5. Nerevar and Dagoth are S tier. Glory to the 6th House unmourned!

6. Something interesting about Jyggalag is thazlt you could argue that both he and Sheogorath are still the Prince of madness, even if they are 2 separate beings now.

"Repeating the same action over and over, expecting a different result" is the definition of madness after all, and Jygallag's quest to bring order is exactly that.


This sermon was truly one of the best, it honors the Sixth House and the Tribe Unmourned unlike any others.


Lord Dagoth while I do think the Pelinal is low I think he should be in E Tier for his famous, terrifyingly deep, and insinuating quote. "Like when the dream lo longer needs its dreamer..."


I like that even Dagoth Ur steps lightly when Sheogorath strolls in.
Clearly, a wise god knows not to mess with crazy.


That was comprehensive AF. Also, Jiub became a Saint?? Good for him!


The fact that farmtool is a level BELOW F tier is hilarious.
Hircine in Farmtool tier is madness, he literally created werewolves.
Shout out to Anu being S teir
Ok Dagoth make those deep dives into the gods that you said might be the same, like the hist & Jeffre, and the all maker & the One


I, too, enjoy honoring the Sixth House and the Tribe Unmourned.


Sad but true, there were plans for the 6th house to be a joinable faction in Morrowind but it got scrapped. We could have allied with Dagoth Ur. It would have been great.


Thank you lord dagoth for praising us with ur presence on this sermon. Your tier list truly honors the sixth house and the tribe unmourned


Our Sharmat, in his infinite generosity, has seen fit to bless us with this tier list. This truly honors the Sixth House and the Tribe Unmourned.


Literally just keep making tier lists forever, and I'll just keep watching them. Daddy Dagoth has a new supplicant.
