When SpongeBob Gets Creepy

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There's nothing more nostalgic to me than early Spongebob Squarepants. I lived to see those early season episodes on Nickelodeon when I was a kid. But, we can all agree, there were some pretty terrifying episodes that aired. Let's take a look at a few of those episodes that freaked us all out when we were younger.

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I wanted to clarify something real quick. Yes, I know Stephen Hillenburg created the show and episodes (I promise). This was a goof on my part that I wanted to clear up and apologize for! Appreciate you all watching and for the positivity!


I can’t believe you didn’t mention the episode where the wind gets so bad that spongebob seeks shelter in a cave for years, making a stone statue of himself to talk to and when he emerge as an old man, he finds Bikini Bottom is a wasteland so he builds larger statues of himself that harness the wind to make music, which in turn draws in aliens who study them


That "Alone" sequence in SB-129 creeped me out so much as a kid. Not only was Squidward being in a white abyss scary to me, but the "Alone" texts and voices were even scarier. For some reason, they almost felt like a real person, talking to me through the TV. The specific text that was in the yellow speech bubble was particularly unsettling for me. It almost felt real, like I could touch it. I cannot at all find the right words to describe how this scene made me felt.


The first time I saw doing time as a kid, I had fever already causing a weird perception, that episode didn't do it any favors lol


I just wanna say this show has a chokehold on me till this day as I am very fearful of butterflies- if u know u know.


There was also that episode where SpongeBob went in his locker and basically ended up in the backrooms. That one terrified me as a kid.


Imo the scariest Spongebob episode is the one where Spongebob hides Squidward's clarinet, everything about it is just eerie


To this day, I still believe that the creepiest episode of SpongeBob is Spongehenge. It reminds me a lot of SB-129 because of how cryptic and weird it is, but I think it has a way creepier ending and plot. Just the way you can't really wrap your head around anything that happens in it has never sat right with me.


No mention of Graveyard Shift? That episode is the only one that struck me as being scary when I was a kid.


Rock Bottom is especially creepy if you ever had to get home on your own as a kid or gotten lost after dark, I imagine any kids who grew up in places like Chicago or south central LA could relate (At least ones I've talked to growing up) the monsters or odd creatures could act as a metaphor for strangers or creepy people you'd only run into at night. I know it's an odd comparison but it's what came to mind when this episode popped into my head again.


What’s scary is how mrs puff has the amount of strength to tear off TWO peoples faces


I loved when spongebob got spooky and psychological.


I liked it when Spongebob had these kinds of episodes. Kids can handle this sort of thing, they're not gonna keel over and start foaming at the mouth if you present them with some slightly spooky stuff every now and then. I wish more cartoons would have episodes like this~.
Good video btw, had fun recalling memories of this show~. :)


If Spongebob scared you, Courage would have killed you.


I was always scared of some of the live action scenes a kid, like the vampire turning on the light and that random girl with pig tails. Also sitting through the credit music at night was unnerving for me.


You wanna realize something? The majority of the most creepy spongebob episodes are set at nighttime. I’m sure someone can make a theory out of that.


The horse fly close up in Wormy always scares me the most.


Squidward in clarinetland always freaked me out as a kid


Squidward torture scenes always freaked me out watching it so bad as a kid


I know this is an episode outside of the classic era, but Planet of the Jellyfish genuinely screwed me up as a kid. Something about the idea of the characters being mimicked by this alien creature (which is left to be a mystery) and having weird eyes and mannerisms really shook me. I always skipped the episode when it was on TV, especially since that episode was together with “Are You Happy Now?” which was equally as creepy honestly. I remember I used to have three Beanie Baby cat plushes, and I remember being terrified whenever they fell off the bed cause I was afraid the Jellion versions of the SpongeBob characters and Creepypasta characters would kidnap them lmao, funny looking back on that stuff now
