#18 Eric Smith: The Origin and Nature of Life on Earth

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Dr. Eric Smith received the Bachelor of Science in Physics and Mathematics from the California Institute of Technology in 1987, and a Ph.D. in Physics from The University of Texas at Austin in 1993. He is External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute, Research Professor at George Mason University, and Principal Investigator at the Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology. He is a physicist specializing in the origin of life, non-equilibrium systems, economics, and the evolution of human languages.
Here, we go through the main content of his 2016 book, The Origin and Nature of Life on Earth; the history of the RNA-first world, and the metabolism-first world; the continuity between geochemistry and biochemistry; the biosphere as the 4th geosphere; the role of hydrothermal vents in the rise of biochemistry; the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle); a new analysis suggesting relations between the rise of macromolecules (particularly the RNA and proteins in the ribosome) and the elaboration and fixing of more complex metabolic pathways; and the need (or not) for extraplanetary sources of chemicals.
O Dr. Eric Smith recebeu a licenciatura de Ciência em Física e Matemática pelo California Institute of Technology, em 1987, e um doutoramento em Física pela Universidade do Texas em 1993. É um professor externo no Santa Fe Institute, investigador na George Mason University, e investigador principal no Earth-Life Institute, do Tokyo Institute of Technology. É um físico especializado na origem da vida, sistemas de não-equilíbrio, economia, e evolução das línguas humanas.
Aqui, percorremos o conteúdo principal do seu livro de 2016, The Origin and Nature of Life on Earth; a história do “RNA-first world”, e do “metabolismo-first world; a continuidade entre geoquímica e bioquímica; a biosfera como quarta geosfera; o papel das fontes hidrotermais no surgimento da bioquímica; o ciclo do ácido cítrico (ciclo de Krebs); uma nova análise sugerindo relações entre o surgimento de macromoléculas (particularmente, RNA e proteínas no ribossoma) e a elaboração e fixação de mais complexas cascatas metabólicas; e a necessidade (ou não) de fontes extraplanetárias de químicos.

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I need really to visit these old interviews. Great stuff


A very enlightening interview, Thanks to Dr. Eric Smith and Dr. Ricardo Lopes


Low production values, dubious audio/visual quality, but honestly I couldn't care less. Dr Smith is a fantastic and passionate communicator who chooses each word with care and has deep knowledge in his subject and is honest about what we don''t know as much as what we do. The questions are insightful and keep the narrative flowing. Bravo! Happily subscribed and about to order the book.


Recomiendo seguir a Eric Smith y leer su libro, origin and nature of life on earth.
Gracias por la entrevista.
No creo equivocarme si afirmo que en esta entrevista el profesor Smith estaba con la enfermedad ocasionada por el COVID 19. Espero que se haya recuperado.


Dissenter, my first visit to your site - won't be the last!!! Nice job, I'm glad you are doing this. I looked at your list of videos, rock'n roll, very impressive collection of interviewees - It's a shame more people don't know about this YouTube Channel.


I would really love to talk to Eric Smith about what he knows about isomorphisms in physics and biology and also what he thinks about cymatics as a contributing factor to the complex forms radially symmetric organisms have.


Will be buying Dr Smith’s book and checking his and his colleagues’ works out on google scholar. Would be a great dinner guest! 👏👏👏 great questions too.


ups, la entrevista fue el 2018, sin covid 19 por su puesto, ¡¡menos mal !!


imagine the excitement in the Woods Hole group at the time of their discovery


This was wonderful. I love this line of reasoning. However, I have my own, of course. My issue is that while the citric acid cycle may provide building block chemicals, it is not localized in the manner of a cell. It is conceivable, even likely, that the cycle could be driven by redox potentials in thermal vents. But this would only give rise to a “chemical soup” in the region. It wouldn’t be life, or even self reproducing. Just another chemical reaction. I feel that thought must be given to the cell membrane, the thing which truly defines a cell. Perhaps the soup could give rise to a lipid concentration; I would speculate that these would self aggregate into bubbles of lipid bi layers. A bubble which entrapped the components of the citric acid cycle would be a “meta-life” entity. The bi layer would expand as the citric acid cycle built more precursors. Eventually this would divide in tow, a primitive reproduction. Or not.


Homo Sapiens is a species, but Eric is a Genus!
