Aggressive Rooster | Building a Chicken Coop Run | Dangers of Food Production

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An aggressive rooster was terrorizing us and our flock, leading us to make the toughest decision yet on our homestead. We got a much-needed lesson on how to properly process a chicken, and the current state of our food production and its effect on our health. We build a run for our chicken coop, and begin to prepare our farm for winter.

Aside from a few raised garden beds in the past, I have never done anything like this before on this scale. I'm learning as I go along, but am sharing my love and enthusiasm for deeply connecting with nature, growing my own food, and living more sustainably.

I garden the NAKED way. I don't use any herbicides, pesticides, or chemicals, and that carries through in every other aspect of my life as well - from the type of products I use, the food I eat, and the environment I keep. I also soak up the sun and let the earth touch my skin as often as possible ;)

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#homesteading​ #permaculture​ #foodforest
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Luv the way she backs it up (plump rear end) she's positive and strong hit the like button


My husband and I started ordering beef & steaks from a local Ohio farm because my parents started to a while back. Best decision we've ever made. Farmers know how to treat their animals and make them feel comfortable.


Good Afternoon TNG, you bring joy to us, take care ma'am 🥰❤️


I love this so gorgeous I have to be beside you and hello from Toronto Ontario Canada 🇨🇦 yes the crazy city


Yes.. you are looking fine today.. truly a healthy lifestyle..


Love the story about the rooster experience. Great for us wannabe farmers.


God bless you guys.Thank you for the video


Bonjour super belle vidéo et bien expliqué bonne continuation à toi et courage pour la suite René à bientôt pour d autre vidéo René 🎉🎉❤❤


Yeah he was a definite candidate for freezer therapy, rotisserie rehab or Crock-Pot counseling 😅🤣😂


I know how that feels to loos everything plus they get 😱 scared it stress them out


Thanks for the great video. It's nice to see your face. I didn't realize like some of your viewers that Roosters have sharp claws on the back of their legs.


When I was young, living in the country in Georgia, we raised chickens and had two roosters who became aggressive and were culled. I remember the roosters were tough meat compared to hens


1st time viewer. Interested in raising chickens but at the half way point, just couldn't handle the guitar noise. Everything else was great.


Hello 👋 from Dominican Republic it’s beautiful ❤😊


Very great video thank you so much sweet and beautiful Lady great work sweet Lady 💪🙏👍♥️😘💋💍😻🌹💐😍♥️🥰👍happy sunday sweet Lady ❤❤


Build big square cage with no bottom move it around the yard.10x10 6ft tall with sides ceiling and walk way up the wall to births.put bar ratchet wheels on corners so you can push bar lift up cage 2-3 inches and move it without having to let them house that way they have fresh ground each can use Hotwire around the base to prevent fox from digging under.


This video is fantastic! Mam Your Job is great ❤❤❤


That’s a beautiful homestead, right next to a forest. Ty for sharing.
All the fencing for the chickens, must’ve cost a small fortune, plus all the time and effort you put in. They’re very plucky chickens! If you ever get a new rooster, pls call him Plucky.
Just an idea; Would it be possible to put rings on chicken’s ankles, attached to string, elasticated nylon and have them all attached to a long rope?
Then you could move the rope, wherever you want them to run and keep them in range of confinement, without penning them with fences.
You could have Llamas and Alpacas, with collars and leads attached to trees, to scare off any foxes.
Also have some extra chickens, so you don’t run low on eggs, when you lose some to Mr Fox. Alternately you could trap or hunt the fox, but this involves a certain amount of cruelty. Or if you can, feed the fox scraps, somewhere a long way from your chickens.

To control aggressive roosters, carry a fly swat or cane, so when the rooster attacks you can deck him by swiping his legs from underneath, with a smooth slow action so you don’t damage him. When he’s been decked a few times, he’ll learn who the boss is.

Also use food to control them; have a pouch with their favourite treats on you, at all times. So they can see it and get to learn its contents, by feeding them. Mealworms or something they really love.
Anytime the rooster attacks deprive him of the treat, but be sure to give them to all the others, deliberately so he can see. He’ll soon learn the connection, between aggression and no treats, gentleness gets treats.
Too late for the rooster you had I know. I bet he was delicious and you can’t wait to tuck into another one!

P.s. Pls do your hair like princess Leah from Starwars and dress like her, when she wears the outfit with trousers. Your Husband could dress like another character.
Many thanks!


look into a great pyrenes guard dog. They'll guard anything. It gives them a job that they need.


7:40 wonderful view. The faded jeans look great on you.
