Renaissance Humanism and the Origins of Modernity

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In this episode of the philosophy hour at Literary Tales, we examine how Renaissance humanism provided the foundations for modernity especially in its sanctification of "conscience."
Paul Krause is the editor-in-chief of VoegelinView. He is a writer, classicist, and historian. He has written on the arts, culture, classics, literature, philosophy, religion, and history for numerous publications in the English-speaking world. He is the author of Finding Arcadia (2023), The Odyssey of Love (2021), and the Politics of Plato (2020); he has also contributed to The College Lecture Today (2019) and Making Sense of Diseases and Disasters (2022).
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Great video, very well and clearly explained.


stumbled upon a great talk about aleghieri, petrarch, and boccaccio ... quite the dynamic


mentioning roger williams, i know him not, but the movie "The Witch" is quite fascinating, and its heart questions the emergence of evil in the world, and my reading of the film the father mentions corruption, the dissolution of the true church, which leads to the many real and perceived evils, such as witchcraft, etc. also, highly recommend "The Lighthouse", for the endless psycho/psychoanalytic battles and permutations within, , , also by Eggers.


one of our main errors, is that despite the fact that specific, dogmatic religion should be separate from our socio governmental rules, the heart of our guiding laws need moral/spiritual basis. we see what happens to society when the only rules are a generic sort of freedom and that 'money is good'. civilization inherently needs a moral base, and as general religious principles are universal, it's only sensible. yet humans know yet not themselves, will likely struggle and flail for hundreds of years more, if not thousands, to tame our restless and easily proved animus. as i think you say, we take the premise of the conscience, which is a reflective awareness of one's place in things, and abstract it so completely so that one can actually believe an "I" is separate from everything - that is madness.


engaging with islamic thought peacefully instead of via war ... what a concept ... "they" only saved western culture for hundreds of years, no big deal

real meaning of religion is spirit and not politics and ideology of geographically separate humans which are really all one ... living on one planet ... what a concept

"gratitude of existence", nice ... "interior life and conscience", pretty much everything we don't have in contemporary, antagonistic 24 hr media society

the individual alone is never responsible for anything, it's always a nesting within larger societal and cultural beliefs and awareness, and humanity is a continuity, never an island ... and island is not even an island; under the surface it is but an extension of connected earth. oceans, lands, airs; all in a sense an illusion, of a concentrated and fluid earth, a metamorphosing oneness.

the state has become for its own purpose, which is power and mammon and the embodiment of the basest of humans; everything spiritual awareness instructs us to not strive for. ... and "ecclesiastical authoritarianism", good term
