How Nazi Germany’s Blitzkrieg Tactics Sliced Through France | Greatest Tank Battles | War Stories

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At the outset of WWII, the Germans pioneered a new form of mobile armored warfare.This is the story of how the Nazi's unleashed the blitzkrieg on Western Europe as thousands of Panzer tanks raced across rugged terrain and crushed Allied defenses.

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It must be realised that in respect to the approx 2, 500 German tanks in the invasion that over 1, 800 were Panzer I, II, 35(t) and 38(t) light tanks, and there was only a little over 600 Panzer III and IV medium tanks. Not only that but the Panzer I and II were not equipped with cannons and only carried machine guns (albeit a heavy 20mm in the case of the Panzer II). France, on the other hand, had over 400 Char B1(s) heavy tanks with hull-mounted 75mm and turret-mounted 47mm cannons, and almost 450 Somua S-35 medium tanks with a 47mm cannon. As well as this the BEF had around 150 A10 and A13 Cruiser Tanks and around 25 A13 Infantry Tanks (i.e. Matilda II) all armed with the 40mm 2-pounder anti-tank gun, and around 25 close support tanks armed with a 94mm howitzer. So on paper at least, Germany was severely out-gunned - which shows just how dismal the British and French defence truly was.


The radio gave the Germans a massive advantage. It link tanks together, tanks and artillery, and tanks and Stukas together.


My grandfather fought for Germany he was part of the 6th army during the battle of France before being deployed to the east.
Ultimately he was captured at stalingrad and endured many years at a Russian prisoner of war camp before returning home in the mid 1950s to live out a long peaceful life. God bless


The moment when the German army found out that the 88 flak cannon was a tank killer as well. Thanks to Rommel. He lived a charmed life up until the very end. He was lucky in WW1 and WW2.


Back in the 70's when I was really young, I would watch World At War. Still love WW2 DOCS. This one is great. Thanks.


It was a shock to the system to see David Fletcher (Tank Museum) with a haircut and basic grooming.


"Losing war is one thing. Losing home is another"


The Allies had tanks that were superior in terms protection and numbers.
However, one big flaw of both the French and British high-command, was that they considered the tank to be an infantry support weapon, so they were widely dispersed amongst the infantry divisions. Most of the heavy allied tanks couldn't go faster than an infantry mans walking pace, not to mention that their means of communications were also hopelessly obsolete compared to those of the german Panzers.


Its important to keep in mind that the German anti-tank guns being described in these battles was the Pak 36. Ive seen one up close and they and quaint. By comparison the Flak-88 the the germans were forced to use on the Matilda's is a beast of weapon.


When the Germans headed through the ardenn, there was a five mile traffic jam of tanks and armored vehicles, and other vehicles with big guns like the 88's in tow.. a french piolet spotted it, and when he reported it, his superiors dismissed it and said it was impossible, had they acted on that information, they could have destroyed half of the Germans tanks that took part in the battle of France. . They could have won the war just from that one bit of info. 😤


Funny this old French Tanker with a german name STEINBACH but we in germany have also a lot of de Maiziere`s, Marseilles, Hennies, Faure ect. their ancestors were Hugenottes and fled from persecution in catholic france to Germany Prussia during 1600`s
we also have some german ppl with engl or scottish names they came here during 30 years war as Mercennaires and stayed


The allies were ready to fight the last war, the Germans had no intention of repeating that mistake.


The French vet at the 14 min mark hits the key of it, Radio. Every German tank had one. At best French command tanks had one, for the most part other tanks communicated with flags. Even more crippling than the differences in armament for the course of the campaign.


Me seeing the thumbnail: “oh nice, a video about the soviet union.”

the video: “this is the battle of france”

Me: “oh…okay then. Battle of france it is…”


Harry Martin...My step Grandfather was a tank gunner. He had to run off the field with a broken ankle! Great man and survived! He taught me all about Flag Day! RIP Harry!


In your best GTB narrator voice

3 and a half million men, 16, 000 health guns, 3000 tanks but no tactical sense


Strategy was one of Germany's best advantages.


It's awesome you were able to license this show for your channel. I've been looking all over for Greatest Tank Battles but all I can find are low quality rips. Are you planning on uploading the entire series?


It's worth mentioning that france declared war on Germany and also attacked Germany in 1939 "saar offensive". I realize the treaty france had with Poland. This just made it sound like the french were just sitting around wondering if Germany was going to attack.


Facing blitzkrieg was like
6h00 am : we are under attack! (Soldiers run to grab rifles)
6h15 am : platoon is ready, where are enemies? Eh... At Paris already
