Podcast: SIBO - Do You Have It? Do You Want It?

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Is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth a thing?
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I was recently tested for SIBO. Negative. My odd food sensitivities continue. I suspect my doctor has no clue. Thanks for the video. 👍👍


Thanks Dr. Greger. Antibiotics can save lives as well as destroy gut health.


I started your diet 3 years ago unfortunately it has not changed my intestinal problems: my stools are good, but I have a lot of gas in my intestines. I eat a lot of fiber: vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains every day.
I do not know what to do...
I have the impression that it is worse with certain foods: leeks, Jerusalem artichoke, .... so it seems that I have a fodmap problem despite all the fiber that I have been eating for so many years.


Please Dr. Greger do some informative videos about the Covid vaccines. People really need the info.


I got gid of sibo-like symptoms after few 3-5 days water-fastings.


I was cured of SIBO by using a short course of supplementing with berberine which also cured a couple other treatment resistant disorders. I was trying to follow Greger's dietary guidelines but it wasn't enough by itself. If all else fails for treating SIBO give it a shot.


So you’re saying organizations and industries are incentivized to push therapy’s that are unsafe, unproven, and only for money? Asking for a friend.


I wish I new how to count the fiber in my food so I can have the FIFTY GRAMS of fiber our good doctor recommends in this video.


Can ssome good bateria thrive on meat and meat products?


I have an IBS-C diagnosis and I definitely have problems with FODMAPS. I no longer consume lactose, so that can't be the issue. If I eat too much wheat, garlic, or onions, I tend to develop some constipation (IBS-C). It's improved on a plant-based diet a great deal, but I still have the problem from time to time. Wheat is actually the biggest offender.

I do consume a diet with some added sugars, but it's not especially high (no soda, no desert foods, no sweetened yoghurt, just a few digestive biscuits every day and occasionally some Heinz beans that are sweetened). My fiber consumption varies from 32-54 grams a day, depending on whether I eat alot of white rice or oatmeal that day., and how many servings of bean or quorn I eat (both are high fiber foods).


Intermediate fasting helped me. Eat only 6 hours fasting 18 hours.


I think Goji man genuinely believes that Sibo is as prevalent as it is. The most harm is always done by the True Believers.


so if this is correct, how on earth would a natpath doc come up with a positive test from spitting in a cup of water?? Is that a reliable test?? For Sibo/Candida


Why is there talk about ONLY using a breath test for SIBO testing? That doesn't give the full picture. Why haven't you mentioned the other tests that further show the TYPE of SIBO you have? I mean, if you have countless people making videos showing that they had SIBO, the TYPE they had and what was needed to get rid of it. Almost 100% of them are back to normal as if they never had any problems in the first place. Does that mean you guys are misinforming people about SIBO because you're not giving the full picture? or are you leaving out the other tests because you need to talk more about it? I honestly can't see it being the 2nd part, because YOU NEVER BRING EM UP.

This is suppose to a channel where we're told all the information about things and you don't leave holes or you tell us about them. Why are there holes you haven't even mentioned? You can't honestly tell me that ALL those people I've seen testimonials from are just fake? Even if HALF of them are, that's a LOT of people that have been pretty much cured of their problems. I'm not sure what to think about this channel at the moment, because you are NOT going through all the information before you made this video. How many more videos are like this, where the people reading up on this topic are showing their biases? Like you said, you just don't have the time to read everything yourself anymore.


Sorry but this isn’t all that helpful for someone like me who has eaten a totally compliant plant based diet such as the one you promote for over 8 years. ( WFPB sos free….) Yet I still have symptoms, which arrived out of the blue and never left. No, I did not take antibiotics. I’ve had all the standard medical tests and scans, yet I suffer with symptoms. Going on two years. I eat the fiber and everything I’m
supposed to. A salad can put me into real distress. This video really does not help people like me. There are millions of people who suffer with these symptoms and have no diagnosis. I’m guessing it might be like ulcers. Some day they will discover the bacteria that is causing these problems. They used to blame people with ulcers for being too stressed or “type A”.


Everyone has it and the only cure is a whole food plant based diet. 😉


Our gut colonies of bacteria are so similar to the rhizosphere and how plants are able to digest the rocks and organic matter in soil.


For a small female (42kg) is the 50g of fibre still applicable? I get 35-45g a day and find it hard to imagine that I'd need the same as an 80kg male, for example.


Dr. Greger, why did you grow back your beard?


I'm still waiting for this organization to address the bast amount of controversy your research on this topic has generated.

A youtuber under the name "gojiman", has responsed to your sibo video stating and showing that almost half of the evidence covered in your research was misinterpreted, misread and was only presented to meet the organization's agenda.

Unfortunately I have yet to see a response from your side addressing this.

I have been a supporter for a very long time, but having an organization, whose only job is to share the latest on nutrition health, spread disinformation on the very research it claims to share information from is not how it should play out...
