GENIUS off-grid shower

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The Joolca HOTTAP is the award-winning portable water heater that sets up in no time. Connect gas. Connect water in. Connect water out. Done.

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I don't get excited about new products that often, but this one's a game changer! I've spent my whole life waiting for an off-grid shower solution this easy and AMAZING. Highly recommended!

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We'll be building a proper shower house on this property, but for now I don't mind my feet in the sand! Thanks for watching~


You people living off the grid videos and bushcraft videos are the diamonds in the rough. You people potentially are saving the lives of people who watch your videos, and then find themselves lost in the woods, or in the middle of a disaster area without electricity. Cheers!!


Nothing feels as good when your camping to get a nice hot shower in the evening!!


I like your video's because your upbeat, and you get to the point, you have quality footage, your relatable and creative. Thank you for your awesome ideas. My daughter and I just really like you.


This is awesome, I have to say, when packing emergency bags and supplies in my vehicles and such, I always add a bar of soap now because of you on Alone. It just makes so much sense, a simple bar of soap can make such a big impact in a survival situation, or even just camping. As always, you rock Brooke! God Bless.


We just installed a nice off grid shower this year too! We built from our timbers a nice little porch, got us a stock tank to take tubs in, and we can now enjoy nice hot baths or showers, whenever the heck we want! Beaming love to you from NE Washington. It's a game changer for off gridders!


I have seen all kinds of off grid shower setups, and this one rocks!👍👍


Just purchased this shower. Been looking for something like this Thank You!


Wanting a hot shower is the only thing I looked forward to whenever I returned from camping. This has got to be a luxury out there.


I have one from a different label. I love it!!! A wonderful invention!!! Next one or two or three that I purchase next will be the one you have. I love the connections.


Love that shower. We take turns driving out in the lake and jumping in to bathe before bed. Now THIS is the way to get clean. Clean and crawling in a tent. No better sleep. Thanks for this I will be looking into it.


It’s great you built and installed a shower while out in the woods alone


We have one very similar to this brand and I love it. I told my husband I want him to set it up outside so I can just use it for an outside shower. These are great!


So happy to see you enjoying your new property!
Thank you Brooke for always encouraging us in your videos. I tacked your "Get Outside And Get Happy" poster on the wall next to my apartment door.
I have multiple health issues and I struggle with chronic pain. The Dr suggests I get a little exercise when able. Your poster is a reminder to get outside. Even if it's just a short walk to Walgreens, or to the creek down the road. I seriously feel mentally better when I get outside!- it takes the blues away!
You're a blessing!⚘
- hugs Heidi


I just bought a little acreage and building a cabin. I'm inspired to get a cabin tent while I'm building and set up bath house tent with this! I love it.


HAVE ALOT RESPECT For this and have your sense of Freedom...


I've had a little camping shower for years. The one I have is just a small metal box with a small propane burner with a coil of copper tubing above it and a battery operated pump. Just screw a 1lb propane tank under it and fire it up. Not quite "hot" on demand but it will warm water quick. I use a 5 gal bucket, put the pickup tube and the shower head in the bucket and let it run until the water is as hot as I want it. Then turn off the burner and take your shower or wash dishes. Whatever you need the hot water for.


Yes these are awesome must have units. I have used something like this for years. One important thing to keep in mind is that if it is even close to freezing out it MUST be kept somewhere warm. The small pipes inside will freeze and burst ruining the unit. I have seen many of these ruined by over confident people pushing the season and leaving theirs out for just one more weekend. If you are going to leave them out remember to thoroughly drain ALL of the lines if pushing the season. That being said, there is nothing like the luxury of being able to have a hot shower after working your but off and being off grid.😁


Brooke you are the best. You can even make a camp shower setup delightful.


There are a lot of great backcountry ski trails, lakes for kayaking and fishing, and campgrounds open all season long in theUpper Peninsula of Michigan. My husband and I use to kayak and cross country ski the back woods in Paradise in the winter.. We are from the lower part of Michigan in the Township, of Waterford. We miss all the fun we use to have up there. Our favorite spots were in Paradise, kayaking on the Tahquamenon river, Newberry, and Brimley. Love your channel! There is nothing better than the outdoors in Michigan!!
