💦 TOP CAMPER VAN SHOWERS OF 2023 💦 10 Ingenious Showers for Your Van Conversion 🚐

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It's been a while now since we featured a "Top 10" showers compilation film on the channel and in that time things have really moved forward with campervan design and build quality and innovation and so after our new beds comp last week, this week we bring you our favourite shower designs from the last couple of years!

0:08 Intro
0:31 Kitchen / Shower Combo
3:26 Making Vanlife Profitable
3:56 Closet Shower
5:12 Re-circulating Shower
5:57 Bench shower
7:07 Compact Shower
8:24 Middle-Column Shower
8:55 Kingsize Shower
9:14 Water-Saving Mist Shower
10:38 Shower with a View
11:34 Hidden Floor Shower


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Thanks <3 Nate


The best shower design that I came across is a shower/closet combo at the left of the sliding door entrance. The closet pulls out over the dead space of the entrance and opens up the shower space. Very creative use of space


The one with the closet in the shower area is beyond clever! If they had a slide out toilet it could even be bigger!


I LOVE the recirculating shower as well as the one that doubled as a closet. It's so cool seeing how creative people can get with their builds.


Great content. I think I would want a combination of several ideas...your kitchen counter/shower conversion (Great idea there) with a recirculating shower system and instead of a shower curtain, a squeegee sliding door.


So many inventive shower solutions, I still think the best one is the shower/toilet behind the cab passthrough where the the whole room gets pulled out and doubles in size when you use it.


Our system is as follows: The thetford cassette toilet is in the front with a round barrel door (because I wanted round) and the shower hot water system is in the garage on a slide out. It is also detachable, with a small gas cylinder and can be placed on a tripod anywhere. The long hose can be put into a river where it is sucked up, filtered and used wherever. Even under a tree. Our van was converted by my husband. We are both nearly 70 years old.


The shower/closet combo is so clever and my favourite of all I've seen


My favorite shower I have seen as most practical and easy set us is from the YT channel “Our Way To Roam” they have the 3rd wall sliding so it collapses or expands the whole wall taking 6”. It is episode Unimog #23 from May 4th 2024. I guess it is closer to the kitchen one but I think better.


Your kitchen/shower solution is actually genius for smaller vans. Good you opened with that. I do think you need a bug screen because that fly is driving me crazy.


These people are amazing showing there showers that I never thought of how to put in van. They really have nice showers. It look to a person can save water. It really good seeing this the difference of people design in van and comment why they design the van showers as is.


I would combine some of these. Recirculation, absolutely. I like the kitchen counter/flip up shower wall idea, but I would put a regular curtain across it and just have it fold down when the wall went down-no manual intervention required. I've also seen a collapsible bathtub coupled with hanging the shower curtain around from the ceiling to provide plenty of space both in use and when you're not using it. But the recirc option is a hands-down no-brainer for me.


The best I've seen so far was a circular train in the centre of the van floor. It was covered up when not in use. Shower head and fixtures wer in the centre of the roof. When a shower was needed removable/ detachable curtain rod was attached around and Away you go. It only took up space when used


Amazing diversity of ideas, I like them all, from the pump action pesticide spray (!), to the recirculating, heated, drying/wet room.


The first one would work really well if you had a portable cooktop since you could reuse the exhaust fan for both the shower and cooking.


thats some good ideas.. that shower in the closet is a great idea.. add that recirculating shower and it would be perfect..


Some ingenious solutions Nate, thanks for compiling them.. I think the final choice would depend on the user.... whether you are single/couple, into watersports, on holiday or using a van as base when travelling for work, young and energetic or senior prioritising ease of use, into socialising or liking a place to get away, whether van is big or small.... Form follows function, as they say!


I am sorry Nate but my shower solution is (not much but still) a little bit more clever... and it is the most compact in the world (so much I am quite certain of...)
My shower solution is used in a medium high roof van. I can stand in it (even with boots on) but a shower head will not fit between the top of my head and the ceiling. So I have decided to base my shower solution around a Japanese bathing tradition called Furo, whereby one is seated while bathing/showering.
My shower solution lives when not in use in the garage and is 70x70x12cm in size and is basically a anti leak tray ment for washing machines encased in a plywood surround, a curtain rail, two shower curtains sewn together and fixed to the shower tray with snaps and some left over ikea wooden floor tiles. For a seat I use a foldable stool with fake leather upholstery (easy to clean and dry off).
When in use the tray is put ion the floor of the living area, next to my kitchen sink (which has one of those hairdresser mixer taps with one of those shower hoses on it and a sprayer head with all sorts of interesting spray patterns) The drain in the tray is put over a matching drain in the floor (I have to remove a stainless steel drain cover for it to fit) and the curtain rail is hung from the ceiling using hooks recessed in the ceiling panel about high enough I have some privacy as I sit down (the paracord lines can be adjusted (taut line hitches for the win) so the curtain is nice and tight and water can't escape the tray area messing up the floor in the van.
I can use the hairdressers mixer tap at the kitchen sink or use a 10L bucket filled with nice and warm water and a cup to do the bathing. Sponge and cup bathing is quite good actually.

My shower solution wastes little or no space while not in use (even curtain rail and shower curtain packs inside the shower tray), I do not need an extra tap and associated plumbing, in use it is very practical and comfortable, moisture is hardly an issue because I can open the roof hatch and switch on a 9 inch fan to do some extracting as I do some bathing.

For hot water I do have a boat style calorifier which I love very much: heat comes from the engine cooling system as I drive or from access solar power (voltage sensitive relay for the win).

Tell me what you think of my solution for me preventing myself to become a member of the great unwashed...


I'm sorry but that recirculating shower is absolutely wild. Never seen anyone filter and recycle the water like that, pure genius.


The first solution give me a yick Factor I'm having soap scum potentially hovering over my kitchen counter . The second one with the closet combo is by far the winner
