Mega Man X Guitar Medley

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I swear every medley I've done so far this year has been just about twice as hard as the last one I tried to do. I admit, it is a CRIME that I haven't done any Mega Man X yet. This medley is way overdue but I felt better late than never. The music to this game is classic, even if you've never played the game. There's such a charm to it and guitar always adds to it. No matter how many times these songs have been done as metal covers.

That being said, I tried really hard to keep the arrangement as true to the songs while adding small flair to make it my own without going too over the top. Even with that, I'm pretty sure I've never spent so long on a single project on just learning the guitar parts. I would say that this medley was probably the most difficult to play that I've ever done, just beating out Super Meat Boy since this song has a greater number of songs that are blazing fast where the SMB medley had the hard riffs concentrated to two or three songs. A true challenge but I think it turned out well and I hope you guys like it!

Very big projects this month, but I think with school starting up, I'm going to wind down with a slightly more obscure cover next week. Very close track to my heart and a PC game from the early 2000's. See you next week!

Song List:

0:00 Stage Start
0:10 Title Theme
0:34 Opening Stage (Central Highway)
1:20 Storm Eagle
2:00 Spark Mandrill
2:46 Sting Chameleon
3:23 Boomer Kuwanger
4:35 Chill Penguin
5:22 Password Screen
6:01 Armored Armadillo

Arranged and Performed by: FamilyJules7x
Composed by: Setsuo Yamamoto

Rhythm Guitars: Gibson Explorer
Lead Guitars: Schecter Damien FR
Bass Guitar: Ibanez Soundgear SR405QM
Drums: Toontrack Superior Drummer
Orchestra: Programmed with Eastwest Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra

Interface: Line 6 Pod X3
Mixer: Yamaha MG102c
Microphone: Audio-Technica AT2020
Audio Software: Mixcraft 6.1
Mastering Software: Izotope Ozone 5
Video Software: Adobe Premiere Pro
Video Camera: Canon Eos Rebel Ti1
Рекомендации по теме

Imagine sitting on the floor in front of a box-like TV with a controller taking turns beating what we thought were impossible levels until we learned how to play them right. You and your brother. Playing the game over and over with your brother and trying to get the fastest run through times. To the extent of memorizing every sound in every song, the weapon sounds and enemy's sounds as well.
Now imagine 20 years later hearing someone like you play a cover beautifully and without a single hiccup.
I buried that same brother last October and man this did good things for my soul. Nice to see the positive impact and influence games like Mega Man series' had on people and how just a simple song or a few can teleport you to a different, simpler time. Thanks


0:00 Stage Start
0:10 Title Theme
0:34 Opening Stage (Central Highway)
1:20 Storm Eagle
2:00 Spark Mandrill
2:46 Sting Chameleon
3:23 Boomer Kuwanger
4:35 Chill Penguin
5:22 Password Screen
6:01 Armored Armadillo





I'll never get over his smile when he started Storm Eagle's theme. He knew it was time to kick this up a couple notches.


I imagine how much time you must have put into this, and how it's probably comparable to the hours we killed bats to fill subtanks in Armored Armadillo's stage.


9 years and this is still a masterpiece. Bravo, good sir.


My entire childhood condensed into one seven-minute music video 😭


As a child I loved these songs and this game, as a teenager, I started playing guitar. This just made adult me so happy. Cheers dude.


I want you to know, I still come back to this. Megaman X is one of the greatest games of all time and you just put such a legendary take on it.


This brings back sooo much memories. One of my favourite tunes. SO funny how when I'm 80 years old I'll be sitting there listening to old awesome video game songs like this.


This medley hits so frickin hard, storm Eagle/spark mandrill still melts my face off


If they ever make a modern Megaman, they just need to go full on metal with the soundtrack.


This game's music started off epic and just never let up.


This was great, you totally aced my song man. Keep it up!


This video literally brought me out of depression. Thank you so much. You have no idea, bro. Thank you! You have a new supporter for life


7 minutes of absolute crying and nostalgia. I feel accomplished by finding this video.


Storm Eagle has always been my favorite! Impeccable job sir


3:50-4:35 for me is probably the most emotional part of the entire medley. Love that part


Man!!! your Armored Armadillo cover was the best I've ever heard. Nice job.


I used to listen to this medley when I was a teenager, no matter how many years pass, this is still one of the best MegaMan X medleys I've heard! 💙
