7 Things You Didn't Know About Holy Water | The Catholic Talk Show

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In this episode of The Catholic Talk Show, the guys "dive in" to all things about Holy Water and share things you've never heard about it.

Episode 123:
In this episode, we will discuss:
• How is Holy Water made?
• How many kinds of Holy Water are there?
• Can you drink Holy Water?
• How Holy Water can fight the Devil
• Where is Holy Water in the Bible?
• and much more



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I stumbled upon this video accidentally. I am Protestant. I had to go to court and all my catholic friends accompanied me that morning, we arrived early and all my friends sprinkled holy water on the seats in the courtroom, I was perplexed and wondered what they were doing. The judge ruled in my favor. I’m a survivor of domestic violence. 🙏


After surviving cancer and I found out I was pregnant and was told by a geneticist to abort. I carried to term but my son was diagnosed as significantly visually impaired with no hope of sight. I put holy oil on his eye lids and the pediatric ophthalmologist said that his eyes improved significantly but couldn’t explain how he regained his sight. I believe that it was most definitely the holy oil. Thanks be to God!


I spray Holy water throughout my office each morning prior to seeing my patients. The intention is to dedicate the space and my work to the Lord and invite the Holy Spirit into the space to help make it sacred for the Lord's work.


My daughter found out she had cervical cancer the day her father passed from cancer.
My son brought over some holy water from Lourds he recueved from a Deacon who went to Lourdes to pray that he would be healed from cancer, who was told he was in stage 4.
He drank gallons of Holy water and said My daughter should drink if this same Holy water that the Deacon brought back with him. Happy to say both have been cured from the cancer and it has never returned.
It's been 10 yrs years 🙏🙏


I am catholic and was always used to praying until one time i became very sick mentally and physically my mother educated me on the annointing oil, as soon as the priest touched my forehead with the oil i started bursting out with tears, like a shake in my body, mind you i dont cry easily in front of others well . I have faith and belief that the holy spirit came and healed me . I love you God, in the name of the father son and holy spirit Amen .


I was born in Hindu, now I'm converted Catholic and I'm very much proud and happy to be Catholic ❤️❤️❤️ Feels so much blessed I love being Catholic ❤️ I Love Jesus, Mary, Joseph and all Angels and Saints ❤️❤️❤️ Love You alll from India🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳


In May of 2010 I drew waters from Our Lady’s Grotto at Lourdes. My wife got sick with breast cancer it was bad. We used the cleansing water from the grotto to help battle the Type3 cancer. She’s coming up on her 12th year as a survivor. O lovely lady dressed in blue thank you. Ave Ave Ave Maria., thank you Lord.


When I met my husband he was an alcoholic and had no religious beliefs. I put holy water around his home and added a small amount of holy water in his water at dinner. He totally changed in several weeks. Quit drinking excessively and asked to be baptized! 🙏


I was an born hindu . Now am an catholic. Love for my heavenly father is more than this universe. Without him am nothing . Love for my jesus, mother mary, stjoseph and st anthony never ends . Am feeling very proud and feeling great to tell that am an catholic . Love you lord .❤


This podcast is phenomenal. I’m an Episcopalian thinking of converting to Catholicism, because the Episcopal Bishops (quietly) put out an official statement sanctioning medical sex changes of minor children, in the name of the transgender movement. So, I am currently homeless, in terms of church and learning about Catholicism, to see if it might be the place for me. I am grateful that the Catholic Church is standing strong against this movement, while most Protestant denominations are embracing it.
Thank you so much for your important ministry. 🙏🏼📿✝️


I blessed a friend of mine about to go into surgery and the holy water landed where she was to have a tumor removed. Next day, the surgeon opened her up and found no tumor! Praise God.


My Mother taught us and always made a clear emphasis on why it was essential to make it a habit to always make the Sign of the Cross with Holy Water before we walked out the front door. And she would always say, "You never know what awaits you today. And you need God's protection throughout the day. And you never know if this is the last time you walk out the door and never return because it can be your last day on earth." God bless my Mother. It's been 20 yrs. of her passing. And I still have this beautiful & powerful habit that I exercise daily every time I walk out the front door. May God bless all parents that raise their children with a knowledge & love of God.


I was in a car crash 10 years ago. A really bad one, I was thrown from the car and hit the road hard. The car behind stopped and sprinkled holy water on me. Let’s just say I didn’t walk about unscathed but I didn’t die and my head wasn’t injured for which I am so thankful for.


This past year I have been putting Him Water on my cats head and kidneys...praying for healing of seizures and severe kidney failure. I noticed she was eating better and doing better ...I took her to the vet for annual check up. Doctor called back and said her kidney failure was gone!! I know Jesus came and healed her....I just cry because heaven helped this little creature 🙏❤️


One day my nephew’s upper lip was swollen due to clogged salivary glands. Moved by compassion, I anointed his lip in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit using holy water. His lip swelling was gone in the evening. Thanks be to God. Alleluia.


I sent my son to college with Holy Water. I blessed his room, and I gave him some to take with him. He used it, blessing his books before each semester. He used it on his friends struggling with depression and sadness when he sat with them. I was proud that he learned to use Holy Water in our home to strengthen his faith, the faith of others, and bringing the blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ to himself and to others.


Padre Pio asks to make a simple ritual every night in each room: First prayer of St Michael Archange second to split holy water in each corner ( North, South, Est, Ouest) split the holy water and say in the Name of the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. He asks us to do that every night because if our eyes can see the spirit world around us we are not alone. The Holy water will clean our house from bad spirits.


As soon as Covid started and all churches stopped offering holy water, I took a 4Litre jug to our Priest and had him bless it. Our home fonts haven’t been with out Holy water. My children also have Holy water in their rooms to bless their rooms, them selves, to use during prayer and my youngest son especially uses it if he has nightmares. It’s been a real blessing. I highly suggest asking your Priest to bless water for your home and then offer him a thank you gift, donate to the church or invite him for dinner (depending on your cities Covid rules). ☺️♥️🙏💧


One day, during the Saturday prayer service, as I was praying at the cross at Tabor Ashram in Kalyan, Mumbai, Jesus Christ spoke to me with tears in His eyes
and said, "People only think I have five wounds. But I have more than that. Look at the other wounds I have."
He then pulled down one hand from the cross on which He was nailed to, turned around and showed me the wounds on his back. "The soldiers have not just stripped me naked, but they have also beaten me very badly on my back and other parts of my body. I could not bear the beatings. What did I do to get such a severe punishment? They even spat on me. I committed no crime. But still they stripped me of my garments and beat me very badly. I bore this all for the sake of my people so that they may sin no more.
"But what do I see now? People are no longer interested in going for Mass, neither do they have time for the family rosary. They are going after false gods and money. They have no time for me.
"Tell my people to repent. Tell them to turn away from sin. Tell them to come back to me. I will forgive them."
Saying this, He stood still and went back on the cross on which He was nailed to.

--- Jubel DCruz,
Mumbai, India


My beloved autistic son at one time at home, grab a gallon of holly water and he drank it all. He didn’t know, he thought is was regular water, he drank the whole thing. He was innocent, may he rest in peace 😢 I miss him so much, he died 6 years ago, he was so special child, so innocent. He was 29 years old, but his mind was like a 9 year old.😢😢❤
