Battle of Mohacs 1526 | Ottoman Empire vs Kingdom of Hungary - Massive Cinematic Total War Battle

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The Battle of Mohacs in 1526 was one of the most important battles in the history of the Ottoman Empire as it opened the gates further into Europe and struck fear into the heart of the Holy Roman Empire. The Ottomans under the rule of Suleiman the Magnificent reached a a peak of prosperity and military might in Europe. The Kingdom of Hungary was in decline and Suleiman formed a formal alliance with the French King Francis I where Suleiman agreed to attack the Holy Roman Empire to help out the French. The Kingdom of Hungary was in the way of his objective. Three years earlier, Suleiman set out an army from Constantinople towards Buda.

King Louis II of Hungary did not intend to fight the Ottomans head on and retreat to Buda, however, the Hungarian war council decided to make a stand on the plains near Mohacs in Hungary.

Suleiman had around 50,000 troops while the Hungarians had around 30,000.

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I hope you enjoy this massive cinematic Total War battle. The video was realized using Attila Total War with the 1212 AD mod.

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Siege of Constantinople

Battle of Gaugamela

Siege of Saguntum

Spartacus vs Crassus

Hannibal vs Gallic ambush as he crosses the Alps

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Turanian skills of fighting on horseback and European armor! The Hungarian army was the strongest in Europe and the Hungarian cavalry were like the tanks of that time. but they didn't stand much chance against the Turkish army armed with the most modern weapons. Greetings to Hungary, nowadays Hungary is our best friend in Europe.🇹🇷🇭🇺


Be united, keep peace n harmony Turkiye & Hungary. You both are great! We are so proud of you.


Sending my love to Atilla's grandson Hungarians from Turkiye. 🇹🇷❤🇹🇯


فيديو جيد و لكن ثمة العديد من الأخطاء
طبقا للمصادر العربية و الموثوقة
1-من الأسباب المباشرة قتل ملك المجر رسول سليمان القانوني بعد توقفه عن دفع الجزية كإشارة منه بإعلان الحرب على الدولة العثمانية
2-لم يكن الجيش المجري يقاتل وحده بل تم تشكيل تحالف بين عدة ممالك أوروبية منها رومانيا و المجر و الإمبراطورية الرومانية المقدسة و كان مؤلف من 120000 مقاتل
مقابل مقاتل من الجيش العثماني(غير متأكد من العدد)
3-كانت خطة سليمان القانوني استدراج الجيش الأوروبي للداخل و خداعهم بتقهقر المركز ليفاجئهم بأن جعل وجوههم مقابلة لوجه المدافع و البنادق
4-لم يدمر العثمانيون بودابست بعد المعركة بل دخولها بسلام و و بأصوات التكبير(الله أكبر)


Ceddim İle gurur duyuyorum "Yelkenler Biçilecek"
Çalıșma için teșekkürler


this is the great cinematic video who mix the game and historical war love you from indonesia 🇮🇩 and also love turkey 🇹🇷


Я где-то читал о Мохачской битве.
Это война Турции против всей Ев-
ропы и Венгрии в т.ч. Война шла
на терр. Венгрии около Мохача и
у реки Дунай. Против Турков стоя-
ли воины от всех Еаропейских
стран, рыцари стран, наёмники. Папа благославил всех, раздал
удостоверения в Рай ...
Главноеомандующий Турецких
воиск выполнил утренний Намаз.
Бой длился около 2-х часов. Пани
ка среди Европейцев, многие то-
нули в Дунае (и кародь Венгров).
Победили Турки ...


Hey, I'm Hungarian holding an MA's in History. Battle of Mohács definitely a pivotal point in our Medieval history. It's always interesting how other people from other countries which were involved in this event interpret it.

In our nationalist history interpretation, which is heavily infiltrates how Hungarian history is educated in Hungary, always emphasise that betrayal by Szapolyai János, who was the governor of Transylvania. Due to his ambitions to grab the Hungarian throne, he refused to help Lous II, who was still a teenager and inexperienced, at Mohács but other group of historians refuse this concept. On balance, the Hungarian king couldn't be a great military leader.

What was taught to us from primary and until higher education (Uni) school was that the losing this battle seal the country's fate for centuries (kind of romantic nationalist interpretation from the second part of the 19th century, which is still prevailing to a certain degree).

As for the technical part of the battle, we were taught that the Turks/Ottomans made their own centre deliberately weaker to entice the Hungarian heavy cavalry into the there where behind the lines of infantry, artillery was waiting to lay devastation on the approaching nobility led forces. So it was an ingenious military tactical choice!

This offers an explanation why the battle of Mohács was so catastrophic to the country which is left with a significantly weakened establishment. Moreover, the nobility was too busy itself to sort out who is going to be the next king. Thus there was left no any unifying forces in Hungary after Mohács.

However, the Ottoman Empire occupied the Hungarian capital, Buda after another 15 years!, in 1541, which remained under the sultans rule, with the middle of the country, until 1686 when the Habsburgs took Buda from the Turks.

This is what we learned so it would be interesting how Romanians, Serbs, Croatians, etc see these events.


Respect and love from a Türk to Magyars 🇹🇷🇭🇺


Turkish Tactics in the Battle of Mohacs

Akıncı Bali Bey stated that the Hungarian cavalry was very brave and should not be underestimated, that they were completely armored and connected to each other with chains, and that they were attacking in such a situation, that in such a situation, they should not stand against them and be given way, then surrounded by attacking from the sides and destroyed. defended his opinion.

The original plan was to send raiders and soldiers to the flanks and ambush, and to engage in encirclement operations during the attack. In fact, preparations for this had begun, and soldiers were sent into the valley. However, the sudden attack situation led to the change of this plan and the adoption of Bali Bey's tactic.

Since İbrahim Pasha thought that the weights in the front would hinder this plan, the army should be separated from the weights and they should be lowered behind. On the other hand, when the attacking Hungarians split into two, the Rumelian soldiers would suddenly hit the wall formed by the artillery carriages, chained cannons and rifle janissaries behind them.


Hungarians fought very bravely. Respect for Hungarian and Turkish soldiers and prayers for the soldiers who lost their lives at this one of the most epic medieval battles of all times.


You have to be the best Total War Machinima thus far, very well paced, well shot, well planned, great soundtracks (i recognized some of them), very cinematic and good flow.
Good job and well done!


Huns were tough fighters. glorious children of atilla
Congrast bro good job.
Greetings to huns from turkiye.


Man, those Janissaries are something else. I remember using them in Age of Empires lll and kicking everyone’s ass.


Another great video, love the narration also!! The Ottoman Empire has been underrated in terms of its strength and longevity for years. It has to be one of the top 10 empires in human history.



Europe stood in awe of the Ottomans who crushed many states and conquered vast territories, going, as all patriotic Turks will proudly point out, "all the way to the gates of Vienna." European literature is replete with the depictions of the Turk as the hated enemy. The English often thought of the Turk as awe-inspiring and destructive. Thomas Fuller wrote in The Holy Warre (1639): "The Turkish Empire is the greatest... the sun ever saw. ...Grass springeth not where the grand signior's horse setteth his foot."


Suleiman the Magnificent was the most powerful Ottoman Sultan and the greatest emperor of his time. He ruled the Ottoman Empire for 46 years and lived the golden age. He make his grand viziers equal to Charles V and any other European king in the Treaty of Constantinople of 1533 and the Treaty of Adrianople 1547. Charles V was scared of him. He had 26 Victories=

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First of all, thanks for sharing Aditu ;in fact, the heavily armored cavalry units of the Hungarians were easy targets of the Ottoman artillery that day, as they were chained to each other. The Hungarian army of 60 thousand was destroyed just in 2 hours.
We love you hungarian brothers 😘


Fantastic work! Enjoyed that v much, thanks!
